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Trasher02 06.25.2007 04:38 PM

Emo music
Recommend me some good emo music.
Inhuman I'm looking in your direction!

StevOK 06.25.2007 04:41 PM

Rites of Spring, maybe.

HaydenAsche 06.25.2007 04:48 PM

Any Emo/Screamo from the early 90s San Diego scene.
Antioch Arrow
Clikitat Ikatowi
Swing Kids
the VSS

Trasher02 06.25.2007 04:49 PM

Hmmm can I listen to some Heroin somewhere on the internet? I've been meaning to check them out for a long time and I can't find anything by them on the internetz.

HaydenAsche 06.25.2007 04:50 PM

I don't know. I could upload some stuff for you later maybe.

Trasher02 06.25.2007 04:55 PM

I would appreciate it a lot!

Cardinal Rob 06.25.2007 06:23 PM

mewithoutYou: the soundtrack to a distraught ex-fiancee screaming outside the balcony of his once girlfriend's flat.

The Fall of Troy: Scene goodness with very catchy wanky guitars.

Norma J 06.25.2007 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by StevOK
Rites of Spring, maybe.

Nah. I hate it when people name these guy whenever someone wants to hop ontop of their "I know where emo started" rockin'-horse.

Rites of Spring were punk rock with a bit of melody, not unlike the Clash or many others before them.

LittlePuppetBoy 06.25.2007 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Norma J
Nah. I hate it when people name these guy whenever someone wants to hop ontop of their "I know where emo started" rockin'-horse.

Rites of Spring were punk rock with a bit of melody, not unlike the Clash or many others before them.

Yeah, but they're still a good listen either way.

Everyneurotic 06.25.2007 07:50 PM

rites of spring
dag nasty (kinda)
portraits of past
indian summer
still life
clikatat ikatowi
antioch arrow
crimson curse
swing kids
universal order of armageddon
union of uranus
hot cross
jimmy eat world
(early) promise ring
texas is the reason
cap n' jazz
planes mistaken for stars
the hated
sunny day real estate (first two albums)

Everyneurotic 06.25.2007 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Cardinal Rob
The Fall of Troy: Scene goodness with very catchy wanky guitars.

did you hear the new one? god it's atrocious!!

they went downhill the minute they signed to equal vision.

Inhuman 06.25.2007 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Trasher02
Recommend me some good emo music.
Inhuman I'm looking in your direction!

Haha, no problem, here's the ones that I'm really into:

Hardcore punk-type emo
Rites of Spring
City of Caterpillar
Off Minor
pg. 99 [FUCKIN SICK]
Moss Icon [audio]
Phoenix Bodies
Cap'n Jazz
Joan Of Arc

Post-Emo (emo, slowed down)
Sunny Day Real Estate

I definitely recommend Saetia and Hot Cross if you want a REALLY authentic, sad sounding vocals. Billy Werner does it so so well

Inhuman 06.25.2007 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel this band somehow spawned GVSB.

Thanks for the link, I really like them! I remember a while ago I was confused because someone was talking about this band, and I thought they were reffering to Raein, not Rain, and they're both emo

HaydenAsche 06.25.2007 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Cardinal Rob
mewithoutYou: the soundtrack to a distraught ex-fiancee screaming outside the balcony of his once girlfriend's flat.

One of my favorite bands ever.

HaydenAsche 06.25.2007 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
One of my favorite bands ever.

Rob, you also know that like all of their songs are mostly about God and less about girls.

Richard Pryor on Fire 06.25.2007 09:25 PM

Antioch Arrow I'll cosign with, I got tired of Rites of Spring after the third or so listen to the album, VSS is ok, so is universal order of armageddon, and rites of spring is emo, clash might of had melodies but they only had one whiney love song, rites of spring made a whole album about Guy not getting enough BJers.

Everyneurotic 06.25.2007 09:45 PM

any other band mentioned in this thread so far > the clash

Norma J 06.25.2007 10:32 PM

This thread is indicative as to why the term 'emo' should be left behind; No one knows what the fuck it is yet everyone claims they're the only ones who know. People have all named bands which sound completely different.

LittlePuppetBoy, yes Rites of Spring are a fucking good listen.

atsonicpark 06.25.2007 10:42 PM

emo has a very distinct sound to me. i think promise ring, cap'n jazz, sunny day real estate, you know.. lots of intermingling quiet guitars, emotional unconfident unsure vocals with deep introspective emotive lyrics, some complex time signatures but all contained in a rock form.

anyway, my all time favorite "Emo" record is sunny day real estate - lp2. i also love clikitat ikatowi's "conducted/orchestrated by", which to me sounds like something at the drive in listened to about 600 times. speaking of which, i'd say "acrobatic tenement" is pretty damn emo! i'd also reccomend jawbreaker - dear you and 24 hour revenge therapy, which don't fit the emo template, but i'm not sure if it fits any template...

atsonicpark 06.25.2007 10:44 PM

oh, i forgot to add, i don't know how phoenix bodies are considered emo.. that's screamo daughters-type stuff right there.

also, since i'm bringing up the daughters on the sonic youth message board now and probably never will again, does anyone know why the singer decided to sound like david yow on their last album? not that i'm complaing but yeah.

most reccomendations on this board are good. did anyone reccomend 400 years or bats and mice? that's some good shit. also, the cap'n jazz/owls dudes made another band called make believe, who i saw a while back.. that shit's definitely emo.. with some of the weirdest guitar playing ever. yep.

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