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Armenia 07.22.2007 02:23 PM

the thematic meaning of sonic nurse
Hi there y'all,

I'm new here and I've got a question; I've always been wondering what the sonic nurse album is all about.
I've heard someone referencing to the power of the thematic side of the album before and it's kinda bothering me that I don't know what the nursetheme is all about.. and that might also be the reason that I don't rate the album really high.

So, what do you think it's about?

atsonicpark 07.22.2007 03:42 PM

i think it's about sonic youth trying not to write tons of shitty filler, but they failed.

JoshuaDigman 07.22.2007 04:21 PM

Can any tell how to start a new Thread thank you

satirejohn 07.22.2007 04:24 PM

I've never really thought of it as a concept album?
Armenia is a good song though, so nice screenname (and pic).

charles eugene 07.22.2007 11:13 PM

isnt it about an artist?

atsonicpark 07.23.2007 09:47 AM

and when i say "they failed" i mean they failed to even be up to those standards of shittiness. they're way beyond shit.

Tokolosh 07.23.2007 10:02 AM

Don't you ever stop talking shite atsonicpark? Listen to yourself!
Your posts are continuously about how bad this or that band are.
Grow up, will ya?

Washing Machine 07.23.2007 10:16 AM

As I understand it some guy wakes up in an Unmade Bed, with a dripping dream about a dude ranch, he decides to go to Mariah Carey and ask for money, she gives him some Arther Doyle Hand Cream which he sells to set up his Dude Ranch in New Hampshire. Then the whole dude ranch dream falls apart because the Sonic Nurse gets stones. The guys makes a Paper Cup exit out of town. However the guy never really recovers because he loved his Dude Ranch. Its a sad tale of love and loss :(

Forensic Scene 07.23.2007 10:29 AM

that album is really genius in the way it sounds as a whole. it really blends the songs into a solid album. not many albums do that besides like NYC Ghosts and Flowers (which is so underrated beyond belief). I think that it is an album that has many cruel undertones and pain. "Unmade Bed" is certainly about the painful wishes and regrets that come with a desired man. ""Stones" is about the dead and hippy drug gen./culture. "Dude Ranch Nurse" always had a hint of sadism in it. "Peace attack" and "Paper Cup Exit" are both political in a dark sense. Thats why the album is great bc it has no central theme, but the music/instruments certainly make it feel that way.

atsonicpark 07.23.2007 10:36 AM

sorry i guess i'm not grown up since i have chose to form an opinion that you disagree with.

Daddylikes 07.23.2007 10:44 AM

You guys are all idiots.

That is the damn meaning of it.

Washing Machine 07.23.2007 11:05 AM

Seriously I think its loosely based around the Richard Prince Nurse paintings nothing to heavy. Thurston? Kim? Lee? maybe you can help with this one?

Daddylikes 07.23.2007 11:41 AM

No, the meaning literally is "You guys are all idiots".

Isn't that the meaning of all of their rekkerds? It seems to me that that is what it's turned into. A lot of "thanks for nothing, you guys suck ass".

scott v 07.23.2007 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
sorry i guess i'm not grown up since i have chose to form an opinion that you disagree with.

well you might as well call yourself Negative Creep, because i never read a positive post by you, but thats your choice... i just wanted to point that out, how much time you spend on negativity, instead of making someone smile... which is the very least someone could do... oh well not everyone is capable of such simple things.

so you don't like sonic nurse, and i don't like you because you are a whiney little jerk... next time when you get off the bus maybe you should let it run you down when you cross the street.

pbradley 07.23.2007 12:19 PM

atsonicpark iz controvurshal!!!1

Alex's Trip 07.23.2007 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
sorry i guess i'm not grown up since i have chose to form an opinion that you disagree with.

No, it is that you will post a "controvurshal!" opinion, and try to get reactions. No one said anything to your post, so you had to post again talking more shit in hopes of a reaction, which Tokolosh and I are regrettably providing.

atsonicpark 07.23.2007 11:34 PM

nah, the only reason i posted a second post was because my first post was a bit unclear. however, instead of editing it, i posted again to clarify what i meant by that. i usually try not to edit posts, because it takes out some of the realism in posting.

also, i'm not sure how i constantly am posting negative things, since i start threads all the time in praise of old records or new bands. i'd say my posts are 50/50; half positive, half negative. just because you don't agree with them doesn't make them wrong. i don't post negative things just to piss people off, that's just how i feel. and i'm not a dick to everyone on here like some of the more negative posters. so yeah.

but anyone who tries to kid themselves into thinking sonic youth is still making good music and hasn't been a decline for years?...

You guys are all idiots.

That is the damn meaning of it.

atsonicpark 07.23.2007 11:44 PM

nah, the only reason i posted a second post was because my first post was a bit unclear. however, instead of editing it, i posted again to clarify what i meant by that. i usually try not to edit posts, because it takes out some of the realism in posting.

also, i'm not sure how i constantly am posting negative things, since i start threads all the time in praise of old records or new bands. i'd say my posts are 50/50; half positive, half negative. just because you don't agree with them doesn't make them wrong. i don't post negative things just to piss people off, that's just how i feel. and i'm not a dick to everyone on here like some of the more negative posters. so yeah.

but anyone who tries to kid themselves into thinking sonic youth is still making good music and hasn't been a decline for years?...

You guys are all idiots.

That is the damn meaning of it.

atsonicpark 07.23.2007 11:45 PM

oops didn't mean to double post but fuck it. 07.23.2007 11:51 PM

Possibly my second favourite SY album.

I don't think there's a specific concept to it, though.

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