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Crumb's Crunchy Delights 09.01.2007 09:58 AM

What kind of flower are you most like.

This is me:

haha. Only joking. I was suggesting that I had a big winkle dinkle, but only as a joke. It's more average size I'd say (that's what my last girlfriend said anyway, Your winkle is pretty average were her exact words, as I recall).

I'm really more like lilies - nice to look at, but a bit smelly. Haha. (but seriously, I do have a slight problem with body odor because of a fungal infection that wont clear up:( )

Glice 09.01.2007 09:59 AM

Are you proud to be an Okie [etc]? Do they usually smell? Y'know, y'hear a song but you don't really know what it means.

Crumb's Crunchy Delights 09.01.2007 10:05 AM

Are you talking about the classic Okie From Muskogee?

Okie just meant somebody from Oklahoma, but the term became synonymous with the depression era migration to California. In the end, any migrant became known as Okies to the Californians.

Later, it was a term which was used for honest, hard working, simple folk. And Merle captured the essence of Okie in the song Okie From Muskogee.

I'm not an Okie, but I am from Muskogee (thats not a line from the song, its me talking).

Glice 09.01.2007 10:07 AM

I was not aware of that. It's amazing, isn't it? History lessons on a message board.

Crumb's Crunchy Delights 09.01.2007 10:08 AM

haha. I dont know ever if Mr Glice is making fun of me.

I dont mind though.

sellouteater 09.01.2007 10:25 AM


floatingslowly 09.01.2007 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
Are you proud to be an Okie [etc]? Do they usually smell?

Dear Crafty Butcher,

Okies smells better than Euros. You people never take showers (I saw it on the History Channel).

Eat a bag of dicks.


The Dong-Lord

PS: My wife says it's big and sometimes it hurts.

PSPS: I'm Californian, and I wish all those Okies would fuck off already. Do you know how long the lines are at Disneyland now???

Glice 09.01.2007 11:42 AM

I'm going where the water taste like wine. I SAID I'm a-going where the water tastes like wine, Lord Lord, and I ain't gonna get treated this a-way.

Stop flapping your lips, you look like a cunt.

Tokolosh 09.01.2007 11:49 AM


Tacca chantrieri

The black bat flower (or tiger's whiskers) is also native to southeast Asia. There are twelve species in the genus Tacca. In addition to southeast Asia, Tacca can also be found in tropical Africa, Madagascar and northeast South America.

sellouteater 09.01.2007 12:01 PM

I have a venus fly trap their really boring, it looked like it was gonna be cool but the thing barly ever catches any flies it just sits there.
I'd pick a diffent flower if i were you, sway.

floatingslowly 09.01.2007 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by sellouteater
the thing barly ever catches any flies it just sits there.

it's a plant.

did you expect that it would carry on a conversation with you?



sellouteater 09.01.2007 12:44 PM

"The predator waits patiently while its prey wanders about, unaware that danger lurks just inches away. Settling down to taste some sweet-smelling sap, the unsuspecting prey has made a fatal mistake. Swinging swiftly shut, the jaws of the predator close around its body. The struggle is brief, and soon the plant settles down to digest its tasty meal."

Ive seen the thing catch a fly twice in like 3 monthes and nothing happens the fly just gets stuck to the leaf. most overrated plant ever.

floatingslowly 09.01.2007 12:50 PM

maybe you should have got a Saguaro.

at least then, you could use it to make phallic allusions.


yr fly trap makes it seem like you have a cunt.

sellouteater 09.01.2007 12:52 PM

no dont have a cunt, but were could i purchase one of theese mystical catis. Do they grow in moderate climates

floatingslowly 09.01.2007 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by sellouteater
no dont have a cunt, but were could i purchase one of theese mystical catis. Do they grow in moderate climates

you don't grow them. they simply apparate after you look in a mirror at midnight and say "fly traps are for cunts" three times.

climate doesn't matter as much as feeding them a daily supply of virginal blood.

sellouteater 09.01.2007 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
you don't grow them. they simply apparate after you look in a mirror at midnight and say "fly traps are for cunts" three times.

climate doesn't matter as much as feeding them a daily supply of virginal blood.

suck it :fuckyou: you went to far with that one wayy to rundundant

floatingslowly 09.01.2007 01:38 PM

yr sure angry.....for a hippie.

sellouteater 09.02.2007 10:33 AM


floatingslowly 09.02.2007 11:10 AM

sure thing.....hippie.

Glice 09.02.2007 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by sellouteater

That's so like a hippy to deny your hippy-ness. Hippy.

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