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SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.07.2007 04:06 PM

Is it fair to implement affirmative action policies to solve questions of racial.....
Is it fair to implement affirmative action policies to solve questions of racial inequality?

Brazil in Black and White

The Issue

As one of the most racially diverse nations in the world, Brazil has long considered itself a colorblind "racial democracy." But deep disparities in income, education and employment between lighter and darker-skinned Brazilians have prompted a civil rights movement advocating equal treatment of Afro-Brazilians. In Brazil, the last country in the Western Hemisphere to have abolished slavery, blacks today make up almost half of the total population -- but nearly two-thirds of the nation's poor. Institutions of higher education have typically been monopolized by Brazil's wealthy and light-skinned elite, and illiteracy among black Brazilians is twice as high as among whites. Now, affirmative action programs are changing the rules of the game, with many colleges and universities reserving 20% of spots for Afro-Brazilians. But with national surveys identifying over 130 different categories of skin color, including "cinnamon," "coffee with milk," and "toasted," who will be considered "black enough" to qualify for the new racial quotas?

The Film

"Am I black or am I white?" Even before they ever set foot in a college classroom, many Brazilian university applicants must now confront a question with no easy answer. BRAZIL IN BLACK AND WHITE follows the lives of five young college hopefuls from diverse backgrounds as they compete to win a coveted spot at the elite University of Brasilia, where 20 percent of the incoming freshmen must qualify as Afro-Brazilian. Outside the university, WIDE ANGLE reports on the controversial racial debate roiling Brazil through profiles of civil right activists, opponents of affirmative action, and one of the country's few black senators.

ThePits 09.07.2007 06:47 PM

If you treat everyone equally and give everyone the same education and opportunities why is "positive discrimination" necessary?

What amazes me is "races" or "ethnic groups" always look outwards for the reason they are on skid row rather than inwards

Jobs and positions should be based on a meritocracy rather than some pc assholes pathetic attempt at justifying their own existence in a job

Lets get back to basics, treat everyone the same, and if they fuck up its regardless of race, creed or colour

"Positive discrimination", "affirmative action" or to give it its real name, "racism in favour of minorities" does nothing but breed resentment and insult those in minorities who make a success of their lives on their own merit

Savage Clone 09.07.2007 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I have an all-consuming case of White Guilt that likes to mainfest itself frequently on message boards.

Yes, so I see.

ThePits 09.07.2007 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Yes, so I see.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Savage Clone again.

!@#$%! 09.07.2007 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by ThePits
If you treat everyone equally and give everyone the same education and opportunities...

that's a big "IF". and it doesn't happen.

Danny Himself 09.07.2007 07:00 PM

I am slow on the intake here. They're implementing entry rules in universities to make sure at least 20% of those accepted are afro-brazilian?

Savage Clone 09.07.2007 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
that's a big "IF". and it doesn't happen.

Give him some credit. Everyone knows this. This whole thread is essentially discussing ways of approaching an ideal, and we all know what the scoop is.

!@#$%! 09.07.2007 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
I am slow on the intake here. They're implementing entry rules in universities to make sure at least 20% of those accepted are afro-brazilian?

yeah. good call.

the funny part (as the original post points out) i that in latin-america everybody has been fucking everybody for centuries, unlike in the u.s., and therefore "cinnamon" "milk and coffee" (ha ha) don't know who is what color.

true story: i have african ancestors, both black and north-african semites. but i'm a vague hue of beige.

anyway, gotta go.

ThePits 09.07.2007 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
that's a big "IF". and it doesn't happen.

It happens in the UK

Here so called minorities have more resources thrown at them than so called majorities resulting in over achievement by minorities and under achievement by the indigenous population regardless of race creed or colour

Danny Himself 09.07.2007 07:04 PM

Alright. Well I don't know.. like it was called above, it's 'positive discrimination'. I think if applicants remained faceless/raceless it would be better for everyone- it shouldn't matter what racial background you have, it should be about intelligence.

Sorry if this seems like a low-brow reply or whatever..

!@#$%! 09.07.2007 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
Alright. Well I don't know.. like it was called above, it's 'positive discrimination'. I think if applicants remained faceless/raceless it would be better for everyone- it shouldn't matter what racial background you have, it should be about intelligence.

Sorry if this seems like a low-brow reply or whatever..

the "positive discrimination" in the application is meant to make up for "negative discrimination" in the rest of the world. which is not a fiction.

ps- white people are often painfully unaware of racial discrimination, as they tend to be in the giving & not the receiving end of it, in spite of all "best intentions".

ThePits 09.07.2007 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
Alright. Well I don't know.. like it was called above, it's 'positive discrimination'. I think if applicants remained faceless/raceless it would be better for everyone- it shouldn't matter what racial background you have, it should be about intelligence.

Sorry if this seems like a low-brow reply or whatever..

Well said

Treat everyone the same and get rid of the politically correct idiots who think ethnic groups need a leg up as their religion, race or colour is some sort of handicap

Out with political correctness, in with common sense

Danny Himself 09.07.2007 07:07 PM


the "positive discrimination" in the application is meant to make up for "negative discrimination" in the rest of the world. which is not a fiction.

It's still discrimination. Somebody is still getting fucked over.

!@#$%! 09.07.2007 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
It's still discrimination. Somebody is still getting fucked over.

you're not getting the point of it. it's ok.

Danny Himself 09.07.2007 07:10 PM

Okay, well nevermind.

ThePits 09.07.2007 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
It's still discrimination. Somebody is still getting fucked over.

Exactly, discrimination is discrimination however you dress it up

Why should it be illegal to discriminate against a "minority" and legal to discriminate against a "majority"?

ThePits 09.07.2007 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
you're not getting the point of it. it's ok.

Um, if you make a point we might get it

SynthethicalY 09.07.2007 07:13 PM

You just need to see this won't end good, just look in America.

Danny Himself 09.07.2007 07:14 PM

Who was that directed at?

SynthethicalY 09.07.2007 07:15 PM


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