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SynthethicalY 09.13.2007 01:23 AM

What Chractersitic You Look In Your Significant Other?
I look in the ability to have a proper conversation with me. I do not really care about physical features, as long as they are not big-boned, but would not care if there was an attraction there. I also look that they are smart, and can have fun without alcohol. Also that their idea of fun does not revolve only in going to clubs.

So what are yours?

cryptowonderdruginvogue 09.13.2007 01:32 AM

I like women that are very nurturing
The way their warmth radiates around in a room
Such a distinct warmth that you can find her in a sea of people with your eyes closed

I also like women that are social

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 09.13.2007 01:35 AM

Pretty face
Nice smile
nice voice
nice laugh
decent taste in music
big boobs
doesn't smell
doesn't smoke
believes that don't directly clash with mine
not over dramatic and super emotional
has decent teeth
an optimistic but not overly optimistic outlook on life
good kisser
good performer sexually
good breath

sarramkrop 09.13.2007 03:19 AM

An ability to cope when they attend the primal scream therapy sessions.

sonicl 09.13.2007 03:54 AM

Good spelling

jon boy 09.13.2007 04:13 AM

slightly twisted, in a good way.

mangajunky 09.13.2007 08:50 AM

I like a woman who is not average and is smarter than I am about some things so that we can learn from each other. I also like a quirky look. Someone that is not cookie-cutter.

sonicl 09.13.2007 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
whats a cookie cutter?

That question almost deserves a thread of its own.

I'm sure that Pookie would know the answer if he was around.

!@#$%! 09.13.2007 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
whats a cookie cutter?


cookies w/ cookie cutter

sarramkrop 09.13.2007 09:06 AM

The ability to entertain me on the internet.

floatingslowly 09.13.2007 09:16 AM

  • I like cookies.

sonicl 09.13.2007 09:18 AM

My significant other must be someone who is neither a rolling pin nor a baking tray.

Inhuman 09.13.2007 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
Also that their idea of fun does not revolve only in going to clubs.

Man, good call. I fucking hate going to clubs, and all my 'friends' in Montreal always go clubbing. Last time I was supposed to go, they were trying to take me Kareoke clubbing. So I ditched them and went to a Talib Kweli show instead.

I loookkk foorr:
-Intelligence (most people are idiots)
-Quirkyness, curious, and has moral values
-Cute appearance
-Good music taste

screamingskull 09.13.2007 09:25 AM

- Similar sense of humor
- Similar music taste
- Independent nature
- Kindness

and that Evan Dando/River Phoenix kinda look.

Rob Instigator 09.13.2007 09:26 AM

I look for

the ability to hold a conversation that is not about clothes, TV or movies

reading. a chick MUST read. non-readers make me soft.

must love music. does not ahve to be the kind I like, but if you don;t love music on some level you are a pod.

interesting face. I like a face that is distinctive.

must enjoy eating food damnit! I can't stand going to dinner with a lady who poo-poos all the food and will not try anything, ussually under the old "watching my weight" bullshit. Life si for living! food is for eating! enjoy ti damnit!

I like big butts, but that is not a make or break.

ALIEN ANAL 09.13.2007 09:36 AM

haylee *sigh*

tesla69 09.13.2007 09:40 AM

wealth, she's got to be really loaded, independently, not someone who gets little amounts doled out by parent or trust fund, thats all I care about really is how rich she is. Preferably she has lots of insecurity issues so she is easily manipulated. I'm a real find, ladies.

Danny Himself 09.13.2007 09:53 AM

-Zooey Deschanel
-Tolerant of how boring/annoying I can be
-Similar taste in music
-Matt Groening funny, not Jerry Seinfeld funny
-Endlessly interesting, always something new to discover
-Well dressed (let's be honest, it helps)
-NOT a hardcore christian conservative who never stops trying to prove god while making an ass of themselves
-NOT an atheist who never stops trying to disprove god while making an ass of themselves

HaydenAsche 09.13.2007 09:54 AM

Good looking
Well dressed
Social(uses drugs & drinks)

Rob Instigator 09.13.2007 10:56 AM

I forgot two things

has to be able to deal with me loving the green ganj

has to be able to deal with my omnipresent anti-theism


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