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Washing Machine 09.14.2007 08:29 AM

Emo Princess! We got ourselves a board Emo!
Check the sign in screen. This is the coolest thing, this place needs some emoing up! Unless shes just being ironic...who knows?

Welcome to our sonic home, Speak up...

ALIEN ANAL 09.14.2007 08:33 AM

how about i be the emo for tonight
i have no friends and the one si have dont want tp plauy
so im sitting here finishing off a bottle of red wine
and about to take a few pain killers
sound fun

floatingslowly 09.14.2007 08:38 AM

I was thinking about Joe Strummer this morning and I almost cried.

does that count?

by the way, I'll need a tiara.

ALIEN ANAL 09.14.2007 08:41 AM

i almsot cried before thinking about my lack of friend sna dcommunitacitonreibggfrf

floatingslowly 09.14.2007 08:45 AM

oh no.

fuck that.

you ain't taking my title (you bitch).

I'll scratch yr fuckin' eyes out.

Washing Machine 09.14.2007 08:47 AM

damn I though this welcome thread would encorage her to talk:(

ALIEN ANAL 09.14.2007 08:49 AM

fuck yoiu mo fucka
im taking a hanfull of painkillers soon
and iv n early finish ym wbottle of wine
in utero is a rad album

floatingslowly 09.14.2007 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Washing Machine
damn I though this welcome thread would encorage her to talk:(

most people who register make their first posts "up top" (see: OMFG ASK THE BAND A Q!!!1!).

most first posts made in this forum are from alts of people who are already registered.

most times, mostly.


Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
fuck yoiu mo fucka
im taking a hanfull of painkillers soon
and iv n early finish ym wbottle of wine
in utero is a rad album

welcome to yr yesterday future-boy.

PS: drama queen.

ALIEN ANAL 09.14.2007 08:55 AM

i dont mean to be a drama queen
its just thar i have nonoe to talk to
like i go all day with out speaking becaus ethere noone to talk to
and iv drunk a wine and pain kilers

ps dont give me that future boy welcome to yesterday shuzzle
i know in utero is a rad album
and i can say it today

Washing Machine 09.14.2007 08:59 AM

Alien Alien, you are now our Emo Princess. Just make sure your not drinking cheap wine. Just because your depressed is no reason to have bad taste:p

But seriously, I feel very much the same today, life sucks right now but it usually gets better.

floatingslowly 09.14.2007 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
ps dont give me that future boy welcome to yesterday shuzzle
i know in utero is a rad album
and i can say it today

oh, I wasn't even talking about ex utero. I was talking about yr pill-cocktail. you posted the same thing yesterday.

but nevermind all that, I'll bite.

WTF are you talking about?

did yr smoking hot sheila leave you breathless?? if so, I'm sorry. pills aren't going to help you any though (you fucking bogan).

PS: there's no way I'm taking the emo princess crown now, you SO fucking win at this.

ALIEN ANAL 09.14.2007 09:02 AM

no i have no idea what iwne htis is
itds ust wine
and im drunk and finished the bottle
now its time for sleeping pills
nuless i can find other drugs
im on the hunt for other drugs now

ALIEN ANAL 09.14.2007 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
oh, I wasn't even talking about ex utero. I was talking about yr pill-cocktail. you posted the same thing yesterday.

but nevermind all that, I'll bite.

WTF are you talking about?

did yr smoking hot sheila leave you breathless?? if so, I'm sorry. pills aren't going to help you any though (you fucking bogan).

PS: there's no way I'm taking the emo princess crown now, you SO fucking win at this.

no noi left her
she wasnt a thinker
she didnt stimulate my mind
i jusgt hvae amasvier lack of friends where i livre
all i do is think everyday
i go days with ut talking to people\

so what is better to do than sleep with pills and wine
maybe i get more drugs tonight
maybe some upper pills
i need to go kick things
if i never contacted my friends i would never hear from them

floatingslowly 09.14.2007 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
nuless i can find other drugs
im on the hunt for other drugs now

try smoking banana peels?

you know, if you OD on pills and cheap ass wine, *I* will be able to steal yr emo crown?

well, you'll keep it for a little while, but as soon as they put yr sorry ass in the ground, IT'S MINE.

now buck up camper. drink more wine if you must, but lay off those pills.

ALIEN ANAL 09.14.2007 09:08 AM

but the pills relax me
i moight be getting some X tonight anyway
we will see
i just need contact
i need to speak to people
i hvae an idea
lets call people form the board
useing the other country number thingo
itll be fun
lets do it

Washing Machine 09.14.2007 09:08 AM

Floating slowly is right. Pills and wine arent good. You need to draw a line under tha past and create a new future. Wake up tommorow and decide how you are going to have the life you want. Its the only way dealt with a simular situation earlier this year.

ALIEN ANAL 09.14.2007 09:09 AM

have u tried them?

floatingslowly 09.14.2007 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
no noi left her
she wasnt a thinker
she didnt stimulate my mind
i jusgt hvae amasvier lack of friends where i livre
all i do is think everyday
i go days with ut talking to people\

so what is better to do than sleep with pills and wine
maybe i get more drugs tonight
maybe some upper pills
i need to go kick things
if i never contacted my friends i would never hear from them

it's a good thing that you think everyday. most people can go weeks without it and friends are mostly overrated (mostly).

in yr life, you will find only a handful of people that are worth making the cut as "true friends", so don't put too much worry in it now.

now on to that "amasvier lack of friends where i livre". dude. you live in OZ for fuck's sake. I'll trade you that for Oklahoma Fucking City anyday.

get yrself a box of tissues, try to sober up, and stay away from sleeping pills (you fucking princess).

PS: I know a smart, super hot chick in Melb/Vic that needs someone to take her away from a knicker-theif. I'd try to hook you up with her, but I haven't heard from her in a few days.

ALIEN ANAL 09.14.2007 09:17 AM

i aint sobering up
its X for me tomorrow night
and sleeping pills tonight
i know it seems like im overreacting
but i go days with out humnan contact
i always try ogranise tings with my friends but they can nebver play wit me
every time they are always doin somethnig
but when ever they want to i am free and want to
i live in kalgoorlie
its a miners town
full of red necks and all that shit
its true
its a miners town
only miners liver here
it was founded by a miner5
just blokes blokes and more blokes
sorry for being a nuesnecennene but fuck its so depressing

davenotdead 09.14.2007 09:27 AM

why not work in the mines and make some money then anal? then you can ride a limo to the town of your choice...and pick up hitchiking bitches on the way thing Oz has is hitchhikers, and bitches among them....though i havent seen the maybe thats only east coast....

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