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SynthethicalY 10.27.2007 11:17 PM

Vegeterians I Need Your Help
I am in need of good recipes. Since I am thinking of cutting red meat and pork out of my diet. I have chicken and fish still in there. Thanks.

Anngella 10.27.2007 11:23 PM

My mom made meatless lasgna for me tonight and it was amazing. I don't know the recipe as I don't cook, but I'm sure you could easily find it online.
And awhile ago my friend gave me a vegetarian penne recipe, I'll see if I can find it because I know I had it saved..

Cantankerous 10.27.2007 11:58 PM

i don't understand vegetarians. the animals that they make food from were raised to be eaten (and i might add clothing manufacterers also use leather from cows, so the purpose of these cows are not just being eaten, they use more than one part of the cow so it's not real wasteful.

SynthethicalY 10.28.2007 12:01 AM

Well I am stopping eating red meat because it is much more healthier. But I have no qualms about eating chicken or fish.

Cantankerous 10.28.2007 12:05 AM

red meat is very good for you, as is red wine (in moderate amounts)

m1rr0r dash 10.28.2007 12:07 AM

,,,beside, the poor plants can't even run... it's so cruel.

k-krack 10.28.2007 12:10 AM

Just get some tofu (firm/extra firm), cut it into strips. Then put a tiny bit of soya sauce, hot sauce, or whatever other sauce you want on each of 'em, let it sink in, do whatcha gotta do. And then bread that shit up (I don't remember how I made the breading, but it involved flour and water and shit, and bread crumbs... Pretty simple, whatever, it's fucking awesome.

Same kind of thing... but different.
tofu, strips... bam.
Marinate in a bit of lime juice, hot sauce, any god damn sauce AGAIN! garlic, whatever, for taste. Cook it! This works well put into a wrap with like, lettuce, cheese, ranch, more hot sauce, bbq sauce, whatever!

I don't remember exact details
about either haha, like cook times, etc... But I think I did like, 10 minutes, flip, another ten minutes for the other side... probably around 425-450 degrees (F)...

I haven't done much cooking for a while, so I haven't experimented with cooking and baking and shit in ... well, that long. I want to get way more into it, though.

SynthethicalY 10.28.2007 12:11 AM

I have yet to try tofu.

Norma J 10.28.2007 12:16 AM

Woah, momma. Just search Vegetarian recipes in google and you'll be overwhelmed by choices.

m1rr0r dash 10.28.2007 12:18 AM

i do have a recipe for portabella and walnut marinara sauce... tasty over fresh fettucine. i already gave it to !@#$%!, should i pm it?

Norma J 10.28.2007 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i don't understand vegetarians. the animals that they make food from were raised to be eaten (and i might add clothing manufacterers also use leather from cows, so the purpose of these cows are not just being eaten, they use more than one part of the cow so it's not real wasteful.

But that doesn't make it any less cruel of an act.

You could just aswell say fuck poverty stricken, third world countries, because it was the hand they were dealt. But a cruel act is a cruel act, no matter the circumstances.

Anyway, Synth I'll try and post some sometime for you.

Cantankerous 10.28.2007 01:55 AM

sorry about that but i like meat.

sonicl 10.28.2007 02:48 AM

Take a look over on the recipes thread on here. There's a few good ones on there - I know because I put some of them there.

A lot of the stuff I cook is a variation on a ratataouille theme:

One medium onion
Two courgettes (zucchini)
One large yellow pepper (it doesn;t have to be yellow, but it's aesthetically pleasing)
One can chopped tomatoes
Tomato puree
Olive oil.

Chop the onion in half and then cut each half into quarters. Fry gently in about a tablespoon of olive oil until it starts going clear.

Cut the courgette into half-inch slices, and the pepper into similar size chunks. Add them to the onion with one or two finely chopped cloves of garlic (I'm going to treat you like an idiot for a moment, please excuse me for doing so - garlic comes as a bulb, each section of the bulb is a clove) and fry for a few minutes to soften them.

Add the tin of tomatoes and about a tablespoon of tomato puree and boil gently, stirring quite regularly. (If you fancy a slightly richer flavour, throw in a glass of red wine at this point.)

Tear about eight average-size basil leaves into smallish pieces. When you start to notice that the contents of the pan are starting to thicken, add the leaves to the mixture and stir them in. Leave the whole thing to keep simmering until it reaches a thickness that you like.

That's the basic recipe. I'll sometimes vary it by adding beans of some sort, or lentils, or mushrooms, or vegetarian sausages, or whatever else takes my fancy. You can also vary the recipe by adding finely chopped chilli, or chilli powder, instead of the basil. A warning if you chop chillis - wear a rubber or latex glove on the hand that is holding the chilli, and only use that hand to touch the chilli. Or you can add curry paste instead of the basil.

Serve with rice, pasta, couscous, sweet potato, or whatever else takes your fancy.

sonicl 10.28.2007 02:54 AM

This one on the recipe thread is very nice, and easy to cook, too: Mushroom Stroganoff

ZEROpumpkins 10.28.2007 03:47 AM

I survive on Pasta, Bread, Fruit, Cereal and Vegetables. I get by OK.

Onani Nic 10.28.2007 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i don't understand vegetarians. the animals that they make food from were raised to be eaten (and i might add clothing manufacterers also use leather from cows, so the purpose of these cows are not just being eaten, they use more than one part of the cow so it's not real wasteful.

The reason I don't eat red meat is because cattle farming causes more environmental damage than any other industry.

Link to UN report:

Also it's debatable whether eating red meat is good for you or not, while a friend was at the doctors she was told that red meat is terrible for your digestive system. Something about it rotting inside as it cant be digested properly (I might be off the mark on this one).

!@#$%! 10.28.2007 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Onani Nic
The reason I don't eat red meat is because cattle farming causes more environmental damage than any other industry.

Link to UN report:

Also it's debatable whether eating red meat is good for you or not, while a friend was at the doctors she was told that red meat is terrible for your digestive system. Something about it rotting inside as it cant be digested properly (I might be off the mark on this one).

eat buffalo.

PAULYBEE2656 10.28.2007 11:16 AM

if you are still eating chicken and fish then you are not a vegetarian, you just dont eat red meat!

PAULYBEE2656 10.28.2007 11:19 AM

if you turn vegetarian, fully vegetarian, make sure its for the right reasons and not just a trendy thing. i cant stand it when grown people stop eating meat and cant back up their arguements why. saying that its farming or whatever and then you still eat chickens doesnt cut the mustard with me. sorry but it doesnt!

never heard of battery farming, fish farming?????????????

atari 2600 10.28.2007 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by PAULYBEE2656
if you are still eating chicken and fish then you are not a vegetarian, you just dont eat red meat!

Vegeterians I Need Your Help

...need some help with spelling as well

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