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floatingslowly 10.30.2007 01:32 PM

I need a new name
for my WoW character.

currently, it's Djiin. but Djinn paid someone 5000g so that he could fuck them, and I'm sick of being pointed at.

my character is:

a priest
from outer space
super hot.

I would prefer names of space monsters if you can think of them (I'd use Ghidra, but I have that one taken).

GOGOGOGO with ridiculous suggestions that I'll never use!!

sonicl 10.30.2007 01:33 PM

that odd bloke who thinks he's a robot

You'd better not be rude about those, I logged back in just to post them. I'm going to be late home for my tea now.

EDIT: That's a good one

Savage Clone 10.30.2007 01:33 PM


mangajunky 10.30.2007 01:36 PM

Wowbagger the infinitely prolonged

edit - more douglas adams

Eccentrica Galumbits
Gogrilla Mincefriend
Grunthos the Flatulent
Hotblack Desiato
Prostetnik Vogon Jeltz
Veet Voojagig

there are so many more's_Guide_to_th e_Galaxy

floatingslowly 10.30.2007 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by sonicl
that odd bloke who thinks he's a robot

these would work brilliantly for real life, or say, this message board, but in WoW I don't like to be laughed at.

I want a name that evokes tears in the emo children that die by my hand.

I'll make sure my assistant sends you some cake for Christmas.


Originally Posted by Savage Clone

that would work, but I'm sure it's either taken, or would result in my name being force-changed to something stupid.


Originally Posted by mangajunky
Wowbagger the infinitely prolonged

of all the people here that might be able to help me with the name of a cool space monster from Nippon, I would think it'd be you.

please try again.

[edit: I see what you did there. I want Gawdzilla era space monsters though!! does Mothra's midget princesses have individual names?]

floatingslowly 10.30.2007 01:47 PM

I think I might have a winner:

although I'm tempted to go with Ghidorah or Ghidrah.

this is serious fucking business people! it's going to cost me $10!!

atsonicpark 10.30.2007 01:50 PM


atari 2600 10.30.2007 01:51 PM

You could name yourself "Needa Moorcock" after Michael Moorcock, the author of Stormbringer and consultant to Hawkwind. That way you'd be soliciting for cock and still be getting cred from the geekiest among you.

By the way, I think it's funny that I get picked on routinely by Savage Clone for only liking older bands considering that he often writes about a space rock/metal band from the '70s whose songwriting often derives from Michael Moorcock, an icon of the Dungeon & Dragons gaming (nerd) community.
And that's right folks, he's the same chap who makes fun of Led Zeppelin for a few disparate Tolkien references, mostly for Robert Plant's voice though.

floatingslowly 10.30.2007 01:58 PM

thank you, however I cannot use more than one name, and I have plenty o' cock already.

PS: if Plentyocock wouldn't get me banned, I'd consider it.

PSPS: I love spacerock and monster's manual but not heavy metal.

PSPSPS: I'm nerd and I'm proud.

floatingslowly 10.30.2007 02:02 PM

well, I know y'all have been on the edge of yr fuckin' seats over this one, but my name is now Ghidrah and it's going to be another 90 days before I can have another "name change operation".

please feel free to use this thread to continue to call me names though.


!@#$%! 10.30.2007 02:02 PM

why new name man? you are already most categorically THE FLOTZ!!

but if you're not happy with that, try maybe "whipped"?


o wait. this is about some dorky crap. sorry, i'n not completely qualified-- i lack the devotion to D&D games.

jon boy 10.30.2007 02:08 PM


i like odd bloke who thinks he's a robot.

nicfit 10.30.2007 02:08 PM


Savage Clone 10.30.2007 02:11 PM


jon boy 10.30.2007 02:14 PM

if you coukd show me a picture i could decide from there.

floatingslowly 10.30.2007 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
o wait. this is about some dorky crap. sorry, i'n not completely qualified-- i lack the devotion to D&D games.

although it's easy to play it off as being dorky, nobody that I play with really is.... :p

it's a time sink that's better than TV, and again, I like pushing buttons that make children cry.

thanks for the continued suggestions, however the name change has gone through as Ghidorah (more thanks to MF Doom than 'zilla though).

PS: I am a robot. there is not "thinking" involved (ever).

Savage Clone 10.30.2007 02:22 PM

A robot with 15 dollars a month to spare.

jon boy 10.30.2007 02:25 PM

i amigine you as a cross between jonny 5 and a photocopier.

Savage Clone 10.30.2007 02:28 PM

I was thinking a fax machine and a canister vacuum.

!@#$%! 10.30.2007 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
although it's easy to play it off as being dorky, nobody that I play with really is.... :p

sez you


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
it's a time sink that's better than TV, and again, I like pushing buttons that make children cry.

with that calling, you could have been a pediatrician


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
thanks for the continued suggestions, however the name change has gone through as Ghidorah (more thanks to MF Doom than 'zilla though).

that's a girl name


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
PS: I am a robot. there is not "thinking" involved (ever).

ha ha



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