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mikec 05.11.2006 07:42 PM

Does anyone have the SY Arthurfest setlist?
Does anyone have the Sonic Youth Arthurfest setlist? I've been looking all over it including the SY Archives and couldn't find it. :(

TheMadcapLaughs 05.11.2006 11:34 PM

I'll give you the set list: buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz(from kims fucking guitar, not her fault though) you couldn't hear shit. But for reelz, they played from what i remembered, no order at all, I love you goldern blue, teenage riot, rain on tin, drunken butterfly, ummm, thats all i can remember....oh yeah, a noise thingy at the end. Nothing special was played, just shit off murray street and nurse. sorry i cant anymore than that.

!@#$%! 05.12.2006 11:20 AM

i think they played mote too...

AllHandsOnTheBigOne 05.12.2006 11:50 AM

Ha, I totally forgot. I remember they opened with "I Love You Golden Blue", like usual, and I remember "Teenage Riot" and "Mote". Oh, and I remember Lee diving into the crowd. But that's about it.

!@#$%! 05.12.2006 11:52 AM

my memories are blurry. a pity the old board is gone because there many of us posted reviews at the time.

mikec 05.12.2006 02:12 PM

thanks guys.

jennthebenn 05.12.2006 02:32 PM

i wrote a review of my experience at the's the part devoted to sy's performance.

SONIC YOUTH: first things first: yes, the bass was heavy and dominated 40% of the mix. it was mildly jarring for most of the show, rarely overpowering. the band was cognizant of the problems, but that did not stop them from enjoying themselves more than any show i have seen of theirs. and i have 25 under my belt. that's more than you have years on this earth, punk!
i mean all five were in heaven, even kim who felt the brunt of the uneven mix more than the others. jim was a fucking peekaboo spaz attack, like he just can't get no satisfaction. keep jim o'fork away from active toasters!

thurston stole some dude's shades (he's like corey hart, man, sunglasses at night) and wished someone a happy birthday before extending a happy birthday to everyone in the audience who had sept. 4 as a born day ("you're going to be showered with kisses").

stones was suitably rocking, if fuzzed out. it was during the rockoutcockout part that a cap-bedecked dude decided to bulldoze through our side of the crowd, pushing aside patrick among many others and hooting. apparently he thought arthurfest would be a great time to finally mix his boring old weed-filled blunts with pcp! daredevil. he got a few inches from us, and i mistakenly remarked to patrick that dude was "harmless." despite the fact that he had just put out his lit cigarette on his arm.

he crossed the line during pattern recognition. a ferocious corker that stirred up a mini yet passionate pit, it ended with the standard noise but lee took it one step further and approached the crowd from the stage. one foot propped on the railing, he held his "noise" guitar into the center front rows to spread the gospel of feedback. of course in every church is one extremist jackass, and in the house of sonics that role was aptly filled by the pushy cap guy who made an attempt to bulldoze the 10 or so feet over to lee's guitar. he did not get far at all before plowing over a very small girl, i mean like she stood five foot nothing, and he dropped her to the grass. this did not please her significant other--the tall guy with the white golf cap. he pushed the bully clear over to the railing and attracted security who attracted police. there was a brief stareoff before a stout asian cop with a factory buzzcut swiped a swath through the throng in front of us and tackled the jerk and dragged him out to be cuffed and escorted off premises. i had to extend my arms out to keep from falling back into people and patrick had his foot stepped on. we recover and look up to see thurston has a water bottle. he drinks and sprays the crowd, including us. man, that is what i'm talking about. that shit doesn't happen at bloc party concerts.

drunken butterfly was stupid. i mean that in the 80's hip hop sense. mote was a jesus christ popsicle. and rain on tin, after an uneven start, was a perfect example of the fuzzy mix actually enhancing the song.

the last song was either going to be sugar kane or teenage riot. we knew this due to the guitars they had strapped on. and thurston was as expectant as us. "what song are we doing?" he actually asked lee off mic. HAHAHHAAHAHAHA. well, it was teenage riot, and the crowd went bafunkers. it ended with a beautiful noise section, jim raiding the toolbox and eating a contact mic. he enjoys molesting equipment as much as most of us enjoy sex. the air was filled with all kinds of sonic babies that night.

i liked how one of the dudes on blue board who spent his whole post bemoaning the sound concluded that the outro was sy's reaction to the chaos of the PA, kinda like a hands up in the air over the situation. except they've been doing that at the end of teenage riot since the nyc g&f tour, genius

!@#$%! 05.12.2006 02:48 PM

^^ kudos to jenn for unearthing that gem

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