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auto-aim 12.04.2007 10:26 AM

Does anybody here know anything about events organizing? The opportunity or suggestion has kind of come up for me to put together a little mini-festival. I don't know the first thing about what I'm supposed to do, though i've started to find out - and it's obviously still hazy as to following thru with it and what it'll be and things, so I was wondering if anyone here knew about this kind of stuff and could offer advice/impart some wisdom unto me. Also, just in general, what do people think would make it a worthwhile venture - or what wouldn't also?

auto-aim 12.04.2007 10:54 AM

yeah, that's where the opportunity has come out of - having the chance to use a really well situated plot of land during the summer next year... Shitty bands is a worry too, definatly the idea is to not pay bands because i couldnt afford to - but like i couldnt just get bands that i dig because other people wouldnt be into it. I think looking around for bands will be fun though. My main concerns are in stuff like health and safty --- and like how important it is to aquire a licence and all that. Because i'd essentially want it to be easy... and free... free and easy.

Savage Clone 12.04.2007 06:50 PM

I would enjoy nonchalantly drinking an iced tea while swa(y) did his level best to give me a sound thrashing.

Seriously though, is this just a "plot of land" thing?
If so, it will be difficult to make it free unles you can bamboozle some friends into lending you a really kickass sound system. Outdoor sound can be difficult to manage, and you will need more wattage than for indoors. You should also procure or build some kind of stage, as the ground may be uneven, wet, muddy, etc. And there's the weather to consider, so having some kind of alternative building or a really good party tent over the area is a good idea. If it rains, the whole thing could go south fast. If you're starting from scratch, there are costs associated (sound and stage as I already mentioned, but then there is lighting, which has to be done even minimally if this thing goes on after dark, and of course you will need to arrange some kind of bathroom facilities as well), and a cover charge aimed at breaking even based on CONSERVATIVE audience estimates would be advisable.
Also, get your bands confirmed way early and get on your press contacts and messageboards and whatever else on a regular basis, leaning heavily in the month or six weeks preceding the event.
I also recommend that when dealing with the musicians, be sure and get a list beforehand of each act's configurations, how many mics they will need, how many amps, how many DI lines, etc. That way you or whoever you can trick into doing sound for you will have fewer surprises.
Also, have set times clearly mapped out. Five or ten minutes lags on each act can make the schedule get behind very fast, and if you have any kind of mandatory cutoff time, the last act or two could really get the shaft.
Have a stage manager to deal quickly with changeovers, helping the bands get their stuff on and offstage, setting up mics for the sound person, rounding up bands who will be on next, that sort of thing.
Make sure you have people to work the entrance, have some kind of liquid refreshments available, a merch table for the bands and a person to run that for them, and some kind of minimal "security." Even though most crowds are pretty mellow, it's good to have a couple of people on hand to difuse any unfortunate situations that can arise.
A dedicated between-acts DJ with good taste and stamina is highly recommended. A lot of people are willing to do that for the fun of it.
I'll post more when I think of more....

Good luck to you. These things are a lot of work, but they can be very fun and rewarding.

auto-aim 12.05.2007 02:02 PM

Thanks. A lot of these things have crossed my mind, but it's nice and it helps to have it written iut... I hadn't thought of lights yet either. Should I guess you've done it yourself before? I'm hoping I can blag as much as I can in terms of sound systems and all that from people who hopefully just want to be a part of something.

What do you think would be the worst thing that could happen by not having a licence? fine and closure? It's probably really silly but theres this weird feeling of aprehension when i think or dealing with the authorities. Any advice in that area would be helpful.

Oh, and swa(y), if it does work out it'll be here in Wales about 15 miles from cardiff.... And all bordies would be welcome to come!

Savage Clone 12.05.2007 02:06 PM

Lights aren't very expensive to rent. They operate off mixing consoles just like sound does; it's just another small piece of equipment. You also need something to put the lights on. I have friends that know what they're doing in this regard, and rely heavily on them. If you have any friends with theater experience, call in favors!
I have only done indoor festivals at "legit" venues, so I don't know about licensing, but I do know of several fests that have happened in "illegal" venues that went off just fine. You just have to be careful what kind of channels you use to publicize your event, and you have to be relatively confident that the crowd of people you're expecting won't do anything stupid.
It can be done on the downlow though. I've seen it happen.

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