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SpectralJulianIsNotDead 12.05.2007 07:09 PM

Do you have imaginary conversations in your head?
Without realizing it?

I was just having one for about the last 10 minutes.

I was talking to a psychiatrist about my obsessive compulsive behavior, and wondering out loud if having conversations in my head is another symptom.

gualbert 12.05.2007 07:19 PM

You have imaginary conversations with your psychiatrist?
Well , that's cheaper.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 12.05.2007 07:24 PM

I have imaginary conversations with girls I like too. Less risk of embarassment.

I'm not like Norman Bates where I talk for the other person. They are all pretty one sided conversations. I guess it is no different than talking to yourself, except that I'm pretending that I'm talking to someone other than myself.

gmku 12.05.2007 07:35 PM

More so now that I work alone at home. I'm not even aware I'm doing it sometimes. I don't think is a good sign.

Silent Dan Speaks 12.05.2007 08:20 PM

Yeah, I do. I never thought much about it though.

batreleaser 12.05.2007 08:41 PM

i always have a ton of internal dialogue going on without realizing it if thats what you mean

pbradley 12.05.2007 08:50 PM

If there was something I wish I could say to a person but couldn't, I more than likely would go over what I would like to say.

For instance I left my laundry in the dryer overnight the other day and in the morning I found the pile onto of the machine with a note saying that it was "pretty inconsiderate." I thought to myself how I wanted to tell here that it is the definition of inconsiderate as I didn't consider to check the laundry, it was inconsiderate to myself before it was inconsiderate to others. Also I wanted to tell said person that being in the middle of senior college finals will make me inconsiderate about a lot of peripheral things.

StevOK 12.05.2007 08:55 PM

I use my imaginary conversations to make future conversations easier, so I can plan out what I will potentially say.

flophousefloozie 12.05.2007 09:12 PM

Yeah, I do it all the time. I kind of imagine the whole conversation, and what the person would say, then what I would say back, etc.

flophousefloozie 12.05.2007 09:13 PM

I think as long as you are aware that it is inside your head, no harm is done.

davenotdead 12.05.2007 09:22 PM

yeah, all the time...i dont think im insane

koolthing78 12.05.2007 09:42 PM

That's kind of crazy! (No pun intended). While I don't consider myself to have full-blown ocd, I do have lots of oc tendencies. And I also have conversations in my head without intending to. It's weird (and it happens more when I'm high or trying to sleep (after staying up really late doing homework)), but it seems totally uncontrolled by my brain. I catch random things being said in a conversational tone, and I have no idea what they're talking about. Kind of like a strange dream, except I'm not asleep. I'm sure there's some sort of psychological explanation, like my deep subconscious just dumping or unloading or processing things, but it sometimes freaks me out. Especially when I'm high, and some voice all of a sudden just says this totally off the wall thing (sometimes just a word, like maybe something I learned in class a couple weeks earlier). Not that you're interested, but on my myspace I have a whole photo gallery called "my research project," and it's all stuff I write down when I'm smoking (usually while listening to music). (What's on there is just a small fraction of everything I've done--think every night for almost 2 years. I have no idea what I'm saving them all for. My mom found them once while she was visiting, and didn't say boo to me about it (she was probably a little disturbed)). Incidently, I don't consider myself crazy--just a little eccentric.

Cantankerous 12.05.2007 09:47 PM

no. i have no reason to bullshit my way through life anymore.

ZEROpumpkins 12.05.2007 10:08 PM

I always have imaginary conversations in my head. Whenever anyone laughs I think of them just saying "lol". Seriously!

ALIEN ANAL 12.05.2007 10:09 PM

haha yeh i do that too zero
i think its because we spend so much time on the net and thinking what we are typing and doesnt sound like a good thing haha

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 12.05.2007 10:17 PM

I'm waiting for Savage Clone or !@#$%! to lovingly make fun of me. Where are they?

Alex's Trip 12.05.2007 10:31 PM

Dude, I have imaginary conversations with a psychiatrist! He/She doesn't say much back. I'm sort of just reflecting on everything, and then the psychiatrist just asks a few questions back, so I keep going. But sometimes when I end my reflection with a question the psychiatrist starts talking too.

And I have asked my 'psychiatrist' if having conversations with an imaginary psychiatrist was weird or not.

davenotdead 12.05.2007 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip

And I have asked my 'psychiatrist' if having conversations with an imaginary psychiatrist was weird or not.

and he/she replied?//???

Alex's Trip 12.05.2007 10:43 PM

I think the reply was something along the lines of "No, as long as you are aware that you are doing it and that I'm just a manifestation of your thoughts of yourself."

Or some shit like that.

ALIEN ANAL 12.05.2007 10:49 PM

dude i think im seeing the same psych!

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