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schizophrenicroom 12.09.2007 11:17 AM

how are you?
i'm curious.

Alex's Trip 12.09.2007 11:27 AM

Nervous about a speech I'm giving.

And my throat hurts, which makes it worse.

Danny Himself 12.09.2007 12:05 PM

Worse for wear / wearing it well.

✌➬ 12.09.2007 12:35 PM

Fucking fine, how have you been, it is SynthethicalY here.

Savage Clone 12.09.2007 12:48 PM

My tea tastes like medicine this morning.

val-holla-ing 12.09.2007 12:55 PM

pretty good. i'm a little high, gonna ride my bike and eat some chinese food and do some school work. yeah.

girlgun 12.09.2007 12:55 PM

i'm superfuckingsucky, but thanks for asking!

EMMAh 12.09.2007 01:12 PM

I'm alright, my back hurts a bit from sleeping on someones couch last night. But I've showered for the first time since Thursday so I'm mostly good :)

val-holla-ing 12.09.2007 01:17 PM

showering is powering.

!@#$%! 12.09.2007 01:28 PM

good... just woke up. cold pizza for breakfast, how disgusting is that? but also delicious... you?

EMMAh 12.09.2007 01:30 PM

Cold pizza is good, and showers are powering :)

gmku 12.09.2007 01:32 PM

Count me among cold pizza fans, too--though I hear it's not healthy for you.

Today I'm fairly calm but nervous about the work week ahead. Big deadline bearing down.

Deep breaths...

!@#$%! 12.09.2007 01:32 PM

ha ha ha

gmku 12.09.2007 01:35 PM

You know how you always think of the great comeback later on... Well, I've got one now for everybody here (where I live) who keeps asking me how I like my new state. It occured to me after the office party Friday night, and it would have been perfect for when my wife's boss's wife asked me how I was adjusting to the culture shock. Here's the line I should have given her: "You know, I was a little unsure about moving to South Carolina at first. But the moment I saw the Confederate flag waving so high and free in the bright blue sky above the statehouse lawn downtown--well, honey, there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that I had found my new home!"

!@#$%! 12.09.2007 01:42 PM

ha ha ha. the wit of the staircase, huh?

and do they really have the confederate flag? i thought it was a blue one... dang. o you wish you were in the land of cotton?

demonrail666 12.09.2007 01:44 PM

worried about where i'm gonna be living in a month's time.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 12.09.2007 01:46 PM

I'm sniffly. And my face itches because I haven't shaved for awhile.

Shaving gives me a rash even with sensitive skin shaving cream, and growing a stubble makes me itch and eventually it starts to look really gross.

!@#$%! 12.09.2007 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
worried about where i'm gonna be living in a month's time.


gmku 12.09.2007 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ha ha ha. the wit of the staircase, huh?

and do they really have the confederate flag? i thought it was a blue one... dang. o you wish you were in the land of cotton?

Oh, yeah, it's very real, very red, and very prominently flying above state guvament grounds. It's our hair-a-tige, doncha know.

demonrail666 12.09.2007 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

The contract on my flat runs out on 31st Dec. 2008 is gonna a be an 'interesting' year for me.


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