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SpectralJulianIsNotDead 01.09.2008 01:46 AM

Why can't we have a candidate like this full of wisdom?

Why oh why?

atsonicpark 01.09.2008 01:49 AM

New section: Sonic Politics


SpectralJulianIsNotDead 01.09.2008 01:51 AM

Oh major screw up, I often edit my titles and sometimes leave gramatical mistakes. At first it was entitled "Why can't we have a candidate like this?" but decided to say "this full of wisdom" but forgot to take out the "like."

I do that a lot when writing sentences, I decide to change the ending and forget to correct the beginning.

ZEROpumpkins 01.09.2008 01:55 AM

Vote for Jello!

atsonicpark 01.09.2008 01:58 AM

Serious question, since we're asking serious questions:

Why can't every "punk" (or related) band be like Mission of Burma? What a perfect fucking band.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 01.09.2008 02:03 AM

Man I don't know. . . they've eclipsed Gang of Four, Fugazi, and WIRE as my favorite punk band.

I strongly believe though if Happy Go Licky stayed together and made a bunch of albums they'd probably be my favorite band ever.

ZEROpumpkins 01.09.2008 02:06 AM

Fugazi are hardly Punk IMO. They have punk ideas but that's about it.

atsonicpark 01.09.2008 02:09 AM

Yeah, see, I'd probably like Wire best if they hadn't released all those awful albums after their first 3 brilliant ones....

But, totally, I still can't get over Mission of Burma, I'm listening to obliterati right now and I'm just thinking.. jesus, they weren't even a band for 19 years and their music is pretty much just as powerful as it was back then.. insane...

Speaking of Gang of Four.. the other day, like a week ago, this dude on here reccomended this band to me, this Japanese band called "ogre you asshole" which is the dumbest name ever.. but I'm listening to the album, right? And it's really fucking good.. and after about 3 songs, I'm thinking, 'Okay, these guys are really inspired by Gang of Four.' Then, I think it was track 7, and I hear this really fucked up bassline and I start to notice that something sounds a little weird.. and all of a sudden, the chorus kicks in and the riff is IDENTICAL to "Ether" and I realize the entire song is just this ultra-weird fucked-up dancey-math rocky Japanese cover of "Ether". Look 'em up on soulseek and check it out if you're curious .. ogre you asshole

atsonicpark 01.09.2008 02:09 AM

Zeropumpkins, we're talking about bands that are .. y'know .. punkish. I think all the bands we mentioned are "post-punk" technically so yeah.

ZEROpumpkins 01.09.2008 02:10 AM

Japanese people have some crazy band names.
EDIT: Yeah, but i'm getting sick of Fugazi being referred to as Punk rock. But they are certainly Punk in attitude etc.

atsonicpark 01.09.2008 02:14 AM

Fucked Up Geniuses Atsonicpark & Zeropumpkins Indahizzouseeeeeee.

ZEROpumpkins 01.09.2008 02:39 AM

We could rock.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 01.09.2008 03:20 AM

I'm downloading your album Zero.

Couldn't find the Go Ogre Asshole on :(

Hey do you have Happy Go Licky- Will Play? I think you'd really dig it if you don't man. I can YSI it if you like.

ZEROpumpkins 01.09.2008 06:06 AM

Thanks, enjoy!

atsonicpark 01.09.2008 02:01 PM

Go Ogre Asshole? It's Ogre You Asshole!! :)

You don't have soulseek?

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 01.09.2008 03:20 PM

I might have searched for that, I can't remember. I'll check again on when it is back up (down right now :( )

I used to have soulseek, but not anymore since I use torrents almost exclusively now.

Rob Instigator 01.09.2008 03:24 PM

"Ogre you asshole" is from REVENGE OF THE NERDS

atsonicpark 01.13.2008 07:17 PM

i uploaded that shit here:

it's like 42mb. good shit.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 01.13.2008 07:31 PM

Sweet. I'll download it after I finish all my current downloads.

Lamont Cranston 01.14.2008 08:53 AM

SpectralJulianIsNotDead, the Haudenosaunee didn't call Washington "Town Destroyer" just because it was a cool sounding nickname.

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