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batreleaser 01.29.2008 09:59 PM

Metal: Your favorites
as we all know now, metal is much much more than big hair and spandex. there is as much creative and brilliant music coming out of metal just as much if not more than all other types of music as of 2008. With that in mind, what are your favorite genres of metal, and your favorites artists from those categories...

Mine: (note, Slayer was, is, and always will be not only my favorite metal band, but one of my favorite bands perfect. When creating music whether it be in a band or just jamming on the guitar, I seem to always want to incorporate either their speed, intensity, riffs, etc... more than any other bands. Unforunatly, thrash doesnt fall into my favorite categories of metal, so i had to make a side note for them).

When it comes to metal, i tend to love either the extremly fast, grindcore, or the extremly slow, sludge/doom/drone, whatever.

Favorite Grindcore Bands (as john zorn says, grindcore is the freejazz of metal):
Early Napalm Death
Early Bolt Thrower
Discordance Axis
Early Carcass
Anal Cunt
Agoraphobic Nosebleed
Pig Destroyer (the best metal band going right now in any genre imo)
Orchid (only sorta grindcore but it fits)
Red Chord (some say their death metal, some say theyre not, i say theyre grindcore, feel free to disagree)
Spazz (spazzcore is just a weirdder version of grindcore, and that very very weird)
Meat Shits
Daughters (birthday party meets grindcore, very cool, check em out)
Fuck on The Beach (more thrash than grindcore, but i always feel compelled to mention them cause theyre just so RADICAL)
Burnt by the Sun
Zeni Geva (more noise than metal, but for some reason i once again felt compelled to put them here cuz theyre so fuckign RADICAL!!!!)

Fave Sludge/Doom/Drone wateva Bands:
Black Sabbath (DUH!)
Melvins (DUH!)
Earth (DUH!)
Old Man Gloom
Sunn o))
Saint Vitus
Soilent Green

i also like some death metal:
early morbid angel
early death
early obituary (i heard some ass kickin death noise band with the drummer from obituary and andrew wk, anyone know the name to this?)
assuck (sorta like melodic death)
meshuggah (like math death metal, but most prolly have heard them anyways)

well, im spent, you guys can divulge now...

atsonicpark 01.29.2008 10:07 PM

severed saviour
le scrawl
+lots of bands you mentioned

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 01.29.2008 10:13 PM

Duaghters is fuckin' great. Khonate rips my balls off. It really is hard for me to listen to it for more than ten minutes.
Everything from your doom list.

batreleaser 01.29.2008 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
severed saviour
le scrawl
+lots of bands you mentioned

i forgot cryptosy in death metal section. ...And Then Youll Beg is death metal in its finest form, violent, technical, and brutal as FUCK.

Cantankerous 01.29.2008 10:31 PM


batreleaser 01.29.2008 10:34 PM

i also just cheked out genghis tron who were on crucial blast and are now on relapse, and i must say, they totally sound like EVERYTHING i had envisioned for my brother and i's new band. incoroporating electronics and no wave and idm and all this shit into grindcore. good thing we play trumpets.

uhler 01.29.2008 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by batreleaser
as we all know now, metal is much much more than big hair and spandex. there is as much creative and brilliant music coming out of metal just as much if not more than all other types of music as of 2008. With that in mind, what are your favorite genres of metal, and your favorites artists from those categories...

Mine: (note, Slayer was, is, and always will be not only my favorite metal band, but one of my favorite bands perfect. When creating music whether it be in a band or just jamming on the guitar, I seem to always want to incorporate either their speed, intensity, riffs, etc... more than any other bands. Unforunatly, thrash doesnt fall into my favorite categories of metal, so i had to make a side note for them).

When it comes to metal, i tend to love either the extremly fast, grindcore, or the extremly slow, sludge/doom/drone, whatever.

Favorite Grindcore Bands (as john zorn says, grindcore is the freejazz of metal):
Early Napalm Death
Early Bolt Thrower
Discordance Axis
Early Carcass
Anal Cunt
Agoraphobic Nosebleed
Pig Destroyer (the best metal band going right now in any genre imo)
Orchid (only sorta grindcore but it fits)
Red Chord (some say their death metal, some say theyre not, i say theyre grindcore, feel free to disagree)
Spazz (spazzcore is just a weirdder version of grindcore, and that very very weird)
Meat Shits
Daughters (birthday party meets grindcore, very cool, check em out)
Fuck on The Beach (more thrash than grindcore, but i always feel compelled to mention them cause theyre just so RADICAL)
Burnt by the Sun
Zeni Geva (more noise than metal, but for some reason i once again felt compelled to put them here cuz theyre so fuckign RADICAL!!!!)

Fave Sludge/Doom/Drone wateva Bands:
Black Sabbath (DUH!)
Melvins (DUH!)
Earth (DUH!)
Old Man Gloom
Sunn o))
Saint Vitus
Soilent Green

i also like some death metal:
early morbid angel
early death
early obituary (i heard some ass kickin death noise band with the drummer from obituary and andrew wk, anyone know the name to this?)
assuck (sorta like melodic death)
meshuggah (like math death metal, but most prolly have heard them anyways)

well, im spent, you guys can divulge now...

i always thought of orchid as a hardcore band. speaking of assuck, have you heard jud jud? they were a mock hardcore band that only uses noises they make themselves. it's kind of hard to explain without hearing them though.

i met the singer of morbid angel at this redneck metal bar in tampa (where they have heavy metal karaoke night). he's an ass, but early morbid angel is amazing.

i'll make my list later.

LittlePuppetBoy 01.29.2008 10:55 PM

Typical shit: Sabbath, Sunn O))), Melvins, early Napalm Death. I am interested in Pig Destroyer and Slayer, and also Motorhead.

Everyneurotic 01.29.2008 11:59 PM

i don't know, i don't consider most of what you listed (especially the grind shit) as metal.

about a third of what i listen is "metal" but, you know, i just like to think it's heavy shit.

i don't know where to start even, yeah i love a lot of what has been mentioned already (april 13, cryptopsy in mexico city bitch!!!!), some hasn't, but then i'm not sure if they qualify. are unsane metal? how about kayo dot? is asva metal?

i don't like limiting things to being metal or not.


i had two photos break my heart today, the first one was my ex who had this awful dog-like haircut and this is the second one:


to quote my friend "double-u, tee, effe, interrogation sign"

batreleaser 01.30.2008 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
i don't know, i don't consider most of what you listed (especially the grind shit) as metal.

about a third of what i listen is "metal" but, you know, i just like to think it's heavy shit.

i don't know where to start even, yeah i love a lot of what has been mentioned already (april 13, cryptopsy in mexico city bitch!!!!), some hasn't, but then i'm not sure if they qualify. are unsane metal? how about kayo dot? is asva metal?

i don't like limiting things to being metal or not.

kayo dot y asva son un poco musica de "metal", pero, no hay nadie "metal" de unsane. como es mi espanol? (youre from mexico city right? i like to consider myself at least 50 percent fluent in spanish, i was in playa del carmen last month and locals seemed to understand my spanish somewhat, if youre not mexican and just live in mexico city please forgive me im an ass.)

Everyneurotic 01.30.2008 12:37 AM

nah, born and raised dude.

está bien tu español pero le falta un poquito...y si considero que unsane tiene metal pero como dije, no me clavo en los géneros y subgéneros; música buena es música buena.

Inhuman 01.30.2008 12:59 AM

A lot of the Doom/Sludge you mentioned pretty much. Lately for me it's been:

KTL (They're coming to Quebec; I'm pumped)
Sunn0))) / Khanate / Earth
Metalcore stuff like Dillinger Escape, Converge, and Cave In

Everyneurotic 01.30.2008 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by Inhuman

interesting, what does this band play?

Inhuman 01.30.2008 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
interesting, what does this band play?

He plays the Sonic Youth Gossip. He has sharp, elaborate posts

Everyneurotic 01.30.2008 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by Inhuman
He plays the Sonic Youth Gossip. He has sharp, elaborate posts

blastbeats and sweep picking are needed to piss off people in the board.

Inhuman 01.30.2008 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
blastbeats and sweep picking are needed to piss off people in the board.

and can't forget the abcence of feedback

Everyneurotic 01.30.2008 01:17 AM



"feedback roolz! hehe hehe hehe hehe"

Death & the Maiden 01.30.2008 03:59 AM

Early Iron Maiden, when Paul Di'Anno was the vocalist. That's all I actually like at the moment, but I find black metal interesting - I like reading about it, and I find myself listening to bands like Mayhem on myspace, even though I don't enjoy listening to it.

gualbert 01.30.2008 05:31 AM

Entombed , 3d house of beef , Agoraphobic Nosebleed although all of them are flirting with other genres.

By the way , what's the difference between AN and Pig Destroyer , musically?

emobear 01.30.2008 08:28 AM

Early Black Sabbath albums are the best. Does godheadSILO count as metal?

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