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sonicl 02.03.2008 06:58 AM

Happy Birthday Musicfallinglikesnow
Gone but not forgotten.

On the offchance that you pass this way, have a very happy birthday.


Moshe 02.03.2008 07:18 AM

happy birthday!

nicfit 02.03.2008 07:19 AM

play nice kids
happy birthday, yuhu.

musicfallinglikesnow 02.03.2008 08:11 AM

I just have received in my mail a Happy Birthday from Sonic Youth Gossip and thought I would pass by...
Thank you dear sonicl for remembering (adequate pic by the way ;)), thanks Moshe and nicfit!
Although I won't be returning to the forum, have to say I have good memories of my stay here...
Thank you guys...

Torn Curtain 02.03.2008 11:13 AM

happy birthday Susie :)

musicfallinglikesnow 02.03.2008 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Torn Curtain
happy birthday Susie :)

Thank you so much pal! :)

!@#$%! 02.03.2008 03:54 PM


feliz cumpleaños!!!

!@#$%! 02.03.2008 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by musicfallinglikesnow
Although I won't be returning to the forum,


the board is slow today and i missed that :(

musicfallinglikesnow 02.03.2008 08:52 PM

¡Gracias ¡@#$%!
Bueno mi vida está un poco complicada, a lo mejor más adelante puede que vuelva...Acabo de descubrir a The Killers y como es buena música me acuerdo de ustedes...Estoy trabajando, estudiando pintura y actuación, y ayudando a mi novio con su productora de cine (chiquita, pero...)
Today I had a nice day, nice birthday. Thanks for remembering!

!@#$%! 02.04.2008 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by musicfallinglikesnow
¡Gracias ¡@#$%!
Bueno mi vida está un poco complicada, a lo mejor más adelante puede que vuelva...Acabo de descubrir a The Killers y como es buena música me acuerdo de ustedes...Estoy trabajando, estudiando pintura y actuación, y ayudando a mi novio con su productora de cine (chiquita, pero...)
Today I had a nice day, nice birthday. Thanks for remembering!

finally i can answer!

no suena complicada sino maravillosa-- qué bueno!

visit us every now & then huh?

Norma J 02.04.2008 05:33 PM

'Music falling like snow'. I like that name. It's nice.

Don't know you, but happy b'day.

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