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Hip Priest 02.25.2008 01:48 PM

The Magic Number?
Click for more:

The secret of the Universe is not 42, according to a new theory, but the unimaginably larger number 10 to the power of 122. Scott Funkhouser of the Military College of South Carolina (called The Citadel) in Charleston has shown how this number — which is bigger than the number of particles in the Universe — keeps popping up when several of the physical constants and parameters of the Universe are combined. This ‘coincidence’, he says, is surely significant, hinting at some common principle at work behind the scenes...

Rob Instigator 02.25.2008 01:50 PM

3 is the magic number
yes it is
it's the magic number

Hip Priest 02.25.2008 01:51 PM

"Ten to the power of one hundred and twenty two is the magic number
yes it is
it's the magic number".

It might not have the same catchy ring, but at least it's an attempt at scientific accuracy. I suggest the lyrics be rewritten.

Rob Instigator 02.25.2008 01:54 PM

that is a HUGE number. I cannot read the entire article though.

Hip Priest 02.25.2008 01:58 PM

There's a new link at the top; I've found the piece at another site.

Try again.

atari 2600 02.25.2008 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
3 is the magic number
yes it is
it's the magic number

what i was thinking too haha

Rob Instigator 02.25.2008 03:03 PM

thanks man readingnow

gualbert 02.25.2008 03:23 PM

What's remarkable about 42 ?

Rob Instigator 02.25.2008 03:25 PM

42 is the answer given to the secret of the universe in douglas adams novels

gualbert 02.25.2008 03:35 PM

Ok. You mean it's only fiction ?
It's not related on mathematics in any way ?

Rob Instigator 02.25.2008 03:40 PM

do not know about the 42

the article is about mathematics and true ratios.

10 to the 122 power is such a huge huge number.

and we can always double it!

mangajunky 02.25.2008 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by gualbert
Ok. You mean it's only fiction ?
It's not related on mathematics in any way ?

Yup - fiction - "the ultimate answer to the ultimate question of life, the Universe, and everything." 42.

gualbert 02.25.2008 05:33 PM

I'm a bit disappointed...

Hip Priest 02.25.2008 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by gualbert
I'm a bit disappointed...

Then concentrate on the main thrust of the article - ten to the power of one hundred and twenty two - rather than the passing pop-cult reference at the start. Forget about 42.

BootsyGraham 02.25.2008 07:50 PM


nomadicfollower 02.25.2008 08:28 PM

I read it and hardly understood it - sickness clouds my comprehension..
I should get in bed anyway. I'll reread it tomorrow. It seems interesting.

Gulasch Noir 02.26.2008 04:12 AM

Graham's number

max 02.26.2008 07:20 AM


that's mine.

pokkeherrie 02.26.2008 08:50 AM

shitty band.

oh wait, that's the magic numberS.

atari 2600 02.26.2008 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
my thoughts exactly.
and its closer to pi.

(cant open the article...:( )

Rob's post was a joke (I'm sure there's also a double entendre about menage a trois in there too haha) that referenced "Three is a Magic Number" which is a Schoolhouse Rock song for learning mathematics and multiplication.
Recently a cover version of the song was featured in the 2006 comedy You, Me & Dupree.

Many of the Schoolhouse Rock educational jingles have been covered before, and in 1996 a compilation featuring "alternative" artists was released called Schoolhouse Rock! Rocks. Kid Rhino put out a box set too.

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