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dylan_nyoukis 03.12.2008 05:37 AM

10 new CHOCOLATE MONK releases
really psyched for this new batch, real bent shit,, come have a sniff.....

Reijo Pami – Please Stop Breathing
New misadventure from the most feral of the Finnish primitives - Reijo Pami. Recorded at home, then edited at Jan Anderzens shack. I have no idea what is going on here, but let me try to get a handle on it.. booze soaked scraping (it may be those infamous he plays), saliva work outs and mystery tapes all cook up some fever dream vibe. It's like someone took a Slowscan lp and gave it a good wirebrush scrubbing, a bit of a soak in an unknown liquid, then left it to dry next to a radiator. If that don't make you wanna hear it, get bent.

Infinity Window – Trans Fat
Great mulched 'new age' synth bliss from a Black Egg goon and one of the gonks from Astronaut. Feel a cloud envelope yr head.
"Why treat your ears to the merely fried when they could be, shall we say, Wahnfried? Koshmiche-synths duo of Taylor Richardson (undisputed shroom snorkling champ of the North East) & a vibration-channeling dude named Dan Lopatin. A few creeper moments of giallo/porn keys blossom into a full card wrestling match with a 6000-armed guitar-cable sea creature. Verb bubbles will float you. Sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-bass will ensure your car tires vibrate right off the pavement." - Angela Sawyer

F.Ampism – A Cerimonial Swirly
Fine stoned loner bedroom constructions from this old grizzly. A well baked amalgam of tapes, electronics, vocals, clarinet and a bunch of other shit I can't pin down. Shove on your headphones and let the ear syrup begin.

Bolide Awkwardstra _ The Authority Of Omar
Gonzo free music and guerilla jazz from this drug and ale gorged brighton sextet. A lot of reeds, tapes, percussion, vocal hollerin and the likes all captured in mysterious crud-fidelity. Come and enjoy this unseasoned brew.

Ryan Jewell - Autodidact Starfruit Motherfucker
Ohios percussion/improv whippersnapper deals you a hand of potent one man gruel. two tracks: a real heavy scraper with snare, floor tom, cymbal and contact mic. Plus a white light excursion on a wheel. No overdubs, just mind rubs.

Borful Tang – Unreleased Gems & Timeless Classics
Oakland, Califonia mysteryman Borful Tang conjures up some rich tape collage - soundart - plunderphonics, or whatever it is the kids call it these days. I say why not stick yr genres, bub and just come and get sucked down the Tangs' rabbit hole of oddly tinged cinema for ears.

Pod Blotz – Radar & Nest
Oh yeah, this one is a cooker!! Latest strange brain broadcast from Ms Suzy Poling. reel to reel tape collisons, organ & static make outs, wheezing electronics. All the atmospheric trippy slime & froth you have come to expect from this queeny. Shot the freak.

Hollow Bush – Null-A pt.1
Alabama no-fi/sci-fi noise from Rodger Stella and Bryan Martin. Stella with renowned narcotic lurch straight out of Rod Heydrichs' pipe, while Martin trys to keep it together. This is pulp style beserk sounds in homage to A.E.Van Vogt.

UBOAT – Condor Song
All out goof/guru vocal & drum guff from Ben Knight (towering breaker) and Pascal Nicols (stuckometer). Tired of attempting to ignite yr third eye? then why not open yr second anus, and fill your empty head with this exotic homebaked doughnut. And please, resist the temptation to run.

Sand Rattle Kins - 13 Steps From Kava Conch
This is a glorious weirdy. When i sniffed these baltimore dweebs out first time they were going by the name Mongol Wives, but somewhere down the track they decided enough of the exotic brides tag and one of them oozed out the name Sand Rattle Kins, so here we are... I don't know if there is a Little Finland located in Crabtown, but I doubt it. Thing is this great little batch of audio whoopee sounds like Tomutonttu edited together by some cracked out kid with ADD,, and thats not a bad thing. Get in on it!

full details via the website

Everyneurotic 03.12.2008 10:29 AM

awesome! especially intrigued by reijo pami's one.

dylan_nyoukis 03.13.2008 03:51 AM

reijo is the unknown king of the finnish underground, he is the real freak pulling all the strings.

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