batreleaser |
03.22.2008 08:22 PM |
tom lehrer...
i dont know if you know him, because i didnt, but tim lehrer is my grandfather's uncle and he was a satirical song writer in the mid 20th century, anyways, my papa (grandfather) would always talk about how great he was, and so i would act interested to humour him. but, i was just lookin in an old issue of mojo magazine a friend had, it had john lennon on the cover. there was a countdown of the top 100 protest songs of all time, and tom lehrer, my great uncle, had the 98th greatest protest song of all time!! i was uber-stoked!
im not offended that no one here cares, im just ultra bored and thought this was pseudo-neat, so go ahead, gimme the, "yeah and my uncle is mick jagger you cunt" or whatever.