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jon boy 05.07.2008 08:17 AM

isnt it annoying when someone always has to go one better than you? or they have a friend who did or they once did this that and the other and they know more about it than you.

ni'k 05.07.2008 08:21 AM

reality is always one up than you. don't get annoyed at it.

sarramkrop 05.07.2008 08:26 AM

If that didn't happen there would only be giraffes with a short neck.

█████████ 05.07.2008 09:01 AM

infelicitous fucks.

Toilet & Bowels 05.07.2008 09:47 AM

people, in general, who feel the need to overcompensate for their insecurities are annoying

Danny Himself 05.07.2008 10:05 AM

I had the exact same experience as you, only better.

!@#$%! 05.07.2008 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
If that didn't happen there would only be giraffes with a short neck.

ha ha ha ha ha ah ha ha


pbradley 05.07.2008 10:15 AM

What's even worse are people that try to one-up others in humility or authenticity. How dense can a person be?

!@#$%! 05.07.2008 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
What's even worse are people that try to one-up others in humility or authenticity. How dense can a person be?

you mean like my meekness is bigger than yours?


the ethical one-up really gets on my balls. i'm purer/ more indie/ more ethical than you. read: preachy vegans & rocknroll puritans.

anyway. let's see who has the last word on this thread. ha!

Rob Instigator 05.07.2008 10:23 AM

I hate those insecure assholes, always seeking to bolster their already inflated sense of ego and self, to shore it up against what they know is a tidal wave of ineptitude and mediocrity.

fucking idiot one-uppers.

I also hate when middle aged women start conversations with this, "Roberto, you are gonna klaugh, you will thin this is funny, so, OK, I was at the....."

sarramkrop 05.07.2008 10:24 AM


pbradley 05.07.2008 10:30 AM

I've never enjoyed the idea of competition. It robs so much of what I love out of life. While it is important to have a sense of oneself in the greater scheme of things, I never like dwelling on it. I'm not as much of a social being as some so I do value opting out of the rat race from time to time to reflect/ponder/listen to music/read at my own pace. Then when I'm satisfied, I get back in. So is living in a capitalistic democracy.

Rob Instigator 05.07.2008 10:32 AM

I am all for competition when it is a game or a sport ra business venture, but when it becomes the tired bullshit about personal achievements, and experiences, then you know you are dealing with a real fucking loser.

pbradley 05.07.2008 12:58 PM

And difference between that and blowing smoke up your own ass on a job application? We all do it. Most of the time sincerely. What's the difference between somebody stating an honest fact that they have achieved just to make conversation and you judging them as some kind of asshole?

Some times people ask me what I'm writing my final paper on for this year and I give simple but pointlessly vague answer. I don't want to look like a douche by listing a bunch of Philosopher names who I've only just learned the significance of myself over the semester. It's the audience that makes the "one-upmanship" call. I could be talking to a resentful anti-intellectual, or a generally curious soul or a fellow philosophy student. I can answer al three with the same answer and appear completely different to all three. Am I a prententious one upper? Am I condescending? Am I adequately answering the question? The audience will pick me apart as they wish.

gmku 05.07.2008 01:07 PM

Wow. I could soooo start a waaayyy better thread than this one.

pbradley 05.07.2008 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Wow. I could soooo start a waaayyy better thread than this one.

I have made a number of wittier posts than this one. Should I link you?

Danny Himself 05.07.2008 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop

Ahahaha! I never thought I'd see that word on here. :D

!@#$%! 05.07.2008 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
Am I a prententious one upper? Am I condescending? Am I adequately answering the question?

i don't know the answer to those questions, but those sure are a lot of insecurities!


Originally Posted by gmku
Wow. I could soooo start a waaayyy better thread than this one.

ppfffttt!!! i have started 1008238523529 supremely awesome posts

gmku 05.07.2008 02:52 PM

In response, all I can say to you pathetic cunts is, "Prove it."

I on the other hand have nothing to prove.

pbradley 05.07.2008 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i don't know the answer to those questions, but those sure are a lot of insecurities!

I hate people that pretend they have no insecurities. To live is to be anxious. The comfortable are boring, simple, and delusional.

Or maybe you should realize those questions were asked of the audience, not myself. Like I said, let them pick me apart as they wish.

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