SuchFriendsAreDangerous |
05.09.2008 01:27 PM |
Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
Prime Minister Meles Zenawi is a facist caudillo of contemporary Ethiopia, he took the reigns of the 1991 revolution against Colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam, the worst scoundrel Africa has ever seen. Mengistu took control of the 1974 revolution, and instituted 'Red Terror' across northern and central Ethiopia, encouraging the youth towards violence and bloodshed, akin to an extreme form of Maoism, which resulted in the deaths of perhaps a hundred thousand people. Then there was the continual and unnecessary war against Eritrean secessionists which also killed many hundreds of thousands, while government mismanagement of an extreme famine made northern Ethiopia and Eritrea in 1984/85 the absolute worst place in the world, parallel in human suffering with World War II, the devestation of the Americas by Iberian diseases in the 16th century, and the Black plague in Europe....
the mengistu government's response was to relocate TWELVE MILLION people, which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people added to the already huge pile of bodies from the famine..... hell on earth truly. in 1997 Mengistu, as a chief advisor to President Mugabe in Zimbabwe, where he has been in exile since May 22, 1991, granted asylum from a special request by President Bush I, proposed and executed a similar plan but on a smaller scale, to resettle Zimbabweans after the expulsion of the white farmers, smaller in scale is an understatement, because the relocation involved some 700,000-800,000 people! the plan obviously failed just as it had in Ethiopia before, and resulted only in human suffering for now Zimbabweans!
the picture, I just thought was appropriate.