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Everyneurotic 05.13.2008 06:44 PM

Is there anything more tedious than looking for a job?
even when listening to skullflower while doing it?

i'm ready to pull my eyeballs out...

✌➬ 05.13.2008 06:50 PM

Sorry to hear that man. Hopefully things start looking out for you.

Everyneurotic 05.13.2008 06:57 PM

yeah, i hope that too.

and thanks!

nature scene 05.13.2008 07:30 PM

i know what you mean.

after submitting a resume to about 10 places, only being interviewed twice , and turned down for a job that I was more than qualified for I was getting fed up with it.

but i got one more interview and ended up getting an offer yesterday

so hang in there

!@#$%! 05.13.2008 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
even when listening to skullflower while doing it?

i'm ready to pull my eyeballs out...

sure-- having a job is even more tedious. just ask anyone. ha!

(no, it's not true, it's not true... but paralyzing poverty is the most tedious of all)

suck it up if you want the money

mmmm... money....

Johnny "Magic Fingers" 05.13.2008 08:19 PM

In answer to yr question - "Is there anything more tedious than looking for a job?"

YES - In my case, I don't have a (full-time) job so I have to do a thing called "Work for the Dole". In order to get my 'welfare cheque' I have to do 'training' twice a week. This means that I sit in front of a computer and waste time 'till it's time to go home. I'm doing it right now - only 30minutes 'till lunchtime.

!@#$%! 05.13.2008 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Johnny "Magic Fingers"
In answer to yr question - "Is there anything more tedious than looking for a job?"

YES - In my case, I don't have a (full-time) job so I have to do a thing called "Work for the Dole". In order to get my 'welfare cheque' I have to do 'training' twice a week. This means that I sit in front of a computer and waste time 'till it's time to go home. I'm doing it right now - only 30minutes 'till lunchtime.

you get paid to be on the internet??


(ha ha, not really)

evollove 05.13.2008 09:34 PM

No, there isn't. See, you have to sell yourself, and if you happen to hate yourself, it's difficult.

Everyneurotic 05.13.2008 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by nature scene
i know what you mean.

after submitting a resume to about 10 places, only being interviewed twice , and turned down for a job that I was more than qualified for I was getting fed up with it.

but i got one more interview and ended up getting an offer yesterday

so hang in there

thanks, really gives me hope.

i had some offers come but the jobs have put it lightly.

one interview, i travelled for two hours from home on a national holiday (so not much traffic) and i still didn't find the place!


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
sure-- having a job is even more tedious. just ask anyone. ha!

(no, it's not true, it's not true... but paralyzing poverty is the most tedious of all)

suck it up if you want the money

mmmm... money....

depends on the job, innit? but well, as tedious as one job gets, at least you still have a reward.

and yeah, the drying wallet is what's keeping me looking.


Originally Posted by Johnny "Magic Fingers"
In answer to yr question - "Is there anything more tedious than looking for a job?"

YES - In my case, I don't have a (full-time) job so I have to do a thing called "Work for the Dole". In order to get my 'welfare cheque' I have to do 'training' twice a week. This means that I sit in front of a computer and waste time 'till it's time to go home. I'm doing it right now - only 30minutes 'till lunchtime.



Originally Posted by evollove
No, there isn't. See, you have to sell yourself, and if you happen to hate yourself, it's difficult.

i love myself a-plenty.

Alex's Trip 05.13.2008 10:48 PM

I'm looking for a job too.

I need a car, and my parents won't help me get one!!!!

uhler 05.13.2008 10:58 PM

i'm afraid i won't be able to find a job when i move. i mean i'll probably take any type of job. since i have a lot of expierence cooking, serving and dishing, i'll probably find one of those job, but i'm still scared.

job hunting does suck bad and i feel for you.

✌➬ 05.13.2008 10:59 PM

I want to move to NY.

uhler 05.13.2008 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by ✌➬
I want to move to NY.

do it and be my roommate. i want to get a few so i can afford a loft.

Everyneurotic 05.13.2008 11:15 PM

thanks guys.

my mom actually suggested i move to canada, at least for a little while.

!@#$%! 05.13.2008 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
thanks guys.

my mom actually suggested i move to canada, at least for a little while.

carajo, you have a visa?

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.14.2008 12:41 AM

[The scene takes place at a building site. Sam's's hammering. The Foreman and a couple other men are walking around. The Kid enters pushing by a man. He takes off his flannel jacket with frustration and slams his coffee cup down.]
Hey kid, you're late! Kid: I had trouble getting dressed.
Foreman: Kid, remember: The snooze button? It's your friend *and* your enemy.
Kid: Right. Well, let's get to it then, eh? Let's uh [tosses hammer to the flow] let's hammer some nails, eh?
Foreman: Hey, what's wrong with you?
Kid: I hate this job. I'm in a rut deep enough to hang up posters.
Foreman: So why don't you quit?
Kid: I can't. The only thing worse than haven a job is lookin' for one.
Foreman: I thought I recognized that look.
Kid: What look?!
Foreman: The look of a guy who's daydreaming about a disabling but non-crippling injury.
Kid: How did you know?
Foreman: Hey! I'm a foreman! [pause] How old are you, kid? Seventeen? Eighteen?
Kid: Twenty-nine.
Foreman: You might be ready. Alright. There is a way for the average guy to get what's comin' to him; it's called "compensation."
Kid: [unfamiliar] Compenthation?
Foreman: Compensation -- it comes from a Latin word meaning "free money." A glorious way to live life at its fullest; well, 90% of its fullest.
[Sam does a dumb guy laugh -- like Idiot Boy would. All three look gather close and look to the sky.]
Foreman: Compensation is a river of goodness, flowing through the industrial heartland of America, dispensing its bounty to the blue collar hero brave enough to laugh at its shores.
Kid: Sounds alright!
Foreman: Yeah, it is! There was a guy who used to work here -- name of Dino. Sam? Show 'im where Dino worked.
[Sam marks the spot by banging his hammer on a floorboard.]
Foreman: He worked right there. He used to come to work every Monday morning, hating his job--
Kid: Hey, like me!
Foreman: Yeah, sure! But he won't be back for nine months thanks to Momma Compensation. I hear he bought a dog and trained it! Me? Ah, I got a bad back. Ah.
[The foreman sits; Sam helps him by bracing his back.]
Kid: You've been on compensation?
Foreman: Hell yes, we've all prayed at the alter of compensation -- even Sam.
[Sam illustrates his maladies, by touching the body part and going "agh!" First, his shoulder, then wrist, then knee, and then head.]
Kid: Well, when am I gonna get some?!
Foreman: Hey, it's not that easy. Compensation? She's a bitch goddess. She gives with one hand, she takes away with the other.
[Sam acts out the last line by reaching out with his hand, then pulling it away, then looking around as if to ask, "where did it go?"]
Foreman: Understand? I knew this guy. Have a seat.
[The kid sits. Sam crouches down on the floor, next to Mark.]
Foreman: He worked one of those cushy factory jobs. You know what I'm talkin' about? He uh used to cut pipe as it came off the assembly line -- a blade cutter, you know? [pulls imaginary lever] Cuh-chunk, cuh-chunk. Let the pipe go through. Cuh-chunk, cuh-chunk. Count to two.
Kid: What'd that pay?
Foreman: $11.40 an hour.
Kid: Wow!
Foreman: But one day, he's workin' overtime, real hard. They don't know what it was -- maybe it was the drugs, the noise, the pollution... But he starts hearin' voices, right? Cuh-chunk, cuh-chunk. "Hey man, take a vacation." Cuh-chunk, cuh-chunk. "Get on compensation." Cuh-chunk, cuh-chunk. "Give me your hand." Cuh-chunk, cuh-chunk. "Give me your hand!" Cuh-chunk, cuh-chunk! And he does!
Kid and Sam: Ugh!!
Foreman: He thought he had it all figured it out.
Kid: Yeah.
Foreman: Do ya know where he was the next day?
Kid: Yeah, he was gettin' drunk in Hawaii.
Foreman: Wrong. He was right back at that machine -- workin' it with the other hand!!
Kid: Ah!!!
[Sam follows with an "ah!"]
Foreman: So, what's it gonna be?
Kid: I want in. I just gotta be smart.
Foreman: Yeah? How?
Kid: I'll shoot off my foot with my brother's crossbow!
Foreman: Nooo. It's gotta happen at work. C'mon, you're a laborer, use your imagination.
Kid: I'll drink forty-gallons of this varnish!
Foreman: Nooo. It's gotta look like an accident.
Kid: I'll tell 'em I was *really thirsty!*
Foreman: Look at Sam's hammer.
[Cut to Sam who is lightly tapping his hammer in the palm of his hand.]
Foreman: Doesn't that give you any ideas?
Kid: I could club myself in the head with Sam's hammer!
Foreman: Better yet, if you ask him really nice, he might do it for ya.
[Sam puts his ear towards their conversation and listens in; he slows down the tapping, waiting on their every word.]
The Foreman: He's sent more than one blue collar brother down soap opera lane.
Kid: Sam, will you club me with your claw hammer?
Sam: [dumb guy voice] Sure.
[The kid sits down. The Foreman knocks on his hard helmet.]
Kid: Oops. The wind. Whoosh. [He tosses his helmet down]
Foreman: Repeat after me: I am ready and willing--
Kid: I am ready and willing--
Foreman: To be disabled.
Kid: [pauses] To be disabled.
Foreman: Go Sam.
[Sam holds the hammer with both hands over his head, he starts to bring it down to the kid's head.]
Foreman: Not the hook end, you moron!!
Sam: Uhh!!! [He quickly turns it around and continues its downward path.]
[Clunk sound effect. Kid reacts to the sound and acts woozy. Cut to a blue-screen with a sky projection. Momma Compensation is dressed in a long, white dress that flows with the breeze; she also has long curly blonde hair. She's flying; the kid is too. The kid also has a bloody stream on the side of his head.]
Kid: [waving] Hey guys! Thanks for hurting me!
[The Foreman and Sam look up to the sky.]
Foreman: Look at him, Sam! He just punched in with the Goddess of Compensation! Go kid! Go!! Go!! Go!!
[Cut back to Momma Compensation and Kid. Momma Compensation holds out a portable TV and six-pack of beer, offering them to him.]

atsonicpark 05.14.2008 01:03 AM

I would move to Canada. 99% of females there are HOT.

alteredcourse 05.14.2008 01:17 AM

Definately not reading all of that , sorry dead julian .

Looking for a cheap place to live could contend with the difficulty in finding a new job . Looking for somewhere , clock is ticking , time runs out , havent found a place and your fishes flouder in an alley cuz you couldnt provide , too bad .

Find somewhere to work yet ?

jon boy 05.14.2008 03:12 AM

there are worse things, like working with the racist scumbags i do literally shouting that all foreigners should 'piss off home' all day.

sarramkrop 05.14.2008 04:48 AM

Yes, looking for a place to live.

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