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doctor dan 03.24.2006 08:51 AM

the new board is censored?
does this mean i cant type words like fuck? or is it for reeeaaallly bad shit like racism or whatever?

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 03.24.2006 08:59 AM

You can say dick, cunt, ass, fuck, motherfucker, cock, suck , cum, grundle, shit , all of em, chabib doesn't care.

oldmantruth 03.24.2006 09:03 AM

Chris Habib has said he prefers to take a hand-off approach, so I imagine that there will be little censoring of the posts. There may be some, at least enough to avoid outright legal problems. But for the most part, he seems content to let us clean up our own shit.

Though, I would expect that links to download SY or other band's commercial music, as well as the mix-tape files will be verboten. But that's different from what you meant anyway.

Inhuman 03.24.2006 09:05 AM

Swearing doesn't matter, but just try not to discriminate social minorities

noumenal 03.24.2006 09:07 AM

Inhuman - your signature looks like something out of a pregnant housewife's scrapbook.

doctor dan 03.24.2006 09:26 AM

ok thats cool. but it says on the FAQ that some words will be automatically censored (***** style)

shentov 03.24.2006 09:29 AM

fuck shit cunt....
just testing, sorry

oldmantruth 03.24.2006 09:33 AM

eh...well, probably Chris put in something...or will, depending on how rambunctious we are. Though, if we haven't seen it yet, I woudn't really worry about it. As to what will automatically be censored...who the ******* really knows. Y'know what I mean. Just look for the '*'s

Inhuman 03.24.2006 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by noumenal
Inhuman - your signature looks like something out of a pregnant housewife's scrapbook.


truncated 03.24.2006 10:07 AM

What I take that to mean is that as long as we behave with a modicum of humanity, Chris will probably leave things be. I don't think profanity is the issue - I think he's reserving the right to censor the board if some troll shows up and starts spouting random obscenities/offensive remarks, or if some argument gets ridiculously out of hand and someone begins taking cheap shots. For the latter, even then I can't imagine censorship being necessary. Taking something out of sight doesn't diffuse its offensiveness. I say leave it there, and the offender will be flamed accordingly by the rest of the board.

spiritbears 03.24.2006 10:14 AM

i could care less what obscenitites people say (fuck yeah)...i just don't want to get on the board and see a bunch of N#$#@# this and other racist crap....people that want to read that kind of SHIT should find another board to shit on.....

_slavo_ 03.24.2006 11:19 AM

that's one of the things I like about this (and the old) board that I don't have to write that something is bad when something is seriously fucked up as hell.
just to be accurate.

Hip Priest 03.24.2006 11:19 AM

From the fAQs and stuff, I think chris has got ectensive powers of moderation, but is only going to use them when it's unavoidable.

spiritbears 03.24.2006 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by AssBlaster
Oh, don't be a nigger.

Gosh...some people are just fags.

just so people don't forget you said this (before you edit it!)

chabib 03.24.2006 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by AssBlaster
Oh, don't be a nigger.

Gosh...some people are just fags.

white-bred, honkey breeder!

spiritbears 03.24.2006 11:49 AM

perhaps you would be more at home here:

truncated 03.24.2006 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by chabib
white-bred, honkey breeder!


Is anyone else besides me too amused by "honkey" to actually be offended by it? Not that I can say I've been called that very often.

The way I figure it, if you resort to ethnic slurs or category-bashing, then you're a dumbass with nothing of remote relevance to say, putting your complete idiocy on global display, so you've hung yourself anyhow.

And as I misquoted Rushdie before: "It's very easy not to be offended by a book - shut it."

In case I need to make that juxtaposition - if some jackass decides to get all politically incorrect on you and bash you, just, well, ignore it. Pitching a hissy fit and demanding a recant isn't going to bring him/her any epiphanies about their wayward outlook.

The only instance that comes to mind at the moment in which I'd advocate censorship is if someone started flooding the board, or technically fucking it up. But I'm not chabib, and it's obviously his call. So do what you gotta do.

spiritbears 03.24.2006 12:22 PM

i didn't realize that asslicker was discodaddy....sorry...i won't feed that troll anymore....

I still don't like seeing that shit on this site.....

porkmarras 03.24.2006 12:25 PM

oldmantruth i have that dvd.ha ha and fucking ha

naomi 03.24.2006 07:29 PM

by looking at the number of posts you have in the short week this forum has been up, it proves you have no life. your only entertainment is trying to annoy people on an internet message board... i kind of feel sorry for you in a way

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