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demonrail666 05.26.2008 06:44 AM

Is it a bank holiday where you are today?
It is here, in work-shy Ingerland. Anyone from foreign parts currently at work should be aware that all Ingerlish members are sitting at their computers right now with serious bed-heads and probably sporting little more than yesterday's smalls. Just so you know.

_slavo_ 05.26.2008 06:52 AM

No bank holiday here in Eastern Europe, I've been working my ass off since the very morning.

This Is Not Here 05.26.2008 06:56 AM

Ahhh, woke up at 12 today. Sweeet. I'm still at school so it aint just a bank holiday, its a week-long half-term. Ha ha ha!

sarramkrop 05.26.2008 07:07 AM

It's raining and I have been out since last Friday, therefore today is

lucyrulesok 05.26.2008 07:12 AM

i just moved house yesterday, so i'm spending today sorting stuff out unpacking and whatnot.

how do you decide where everything goes?

sarramkrop 05.26.2008 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by lucyrulesok
i just moved house yesterday, so i'm spending today sorting stuff out unpacking and whatnot.

how do you decide where everything goes?

I was watching ''60 Minutes Makeover'', earlier on. They make really quick decisions when it comes to decide where a doll house or chest of drawers will have to go.

Glice 05.26.2008 07:33 AM

I'm still cunted from last night. My head feels like AIDS.

This Is Not Here 05.26.2008 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
I was watching ''60 Minutes Makeover'', earlier on. They make really quick decisions when it comes to decide where a doll house or chest of drawers will have to go.

Ahh yes I used to watch that, and then my brother would mumble 'poofder' every time that camp designer guy was talking. Delightful, really. I feel so bloody sorry for the people who's house it is, what a well deserved reward for many years care to your late mother having your house ruined must be.

sarramkrop 05.26.2008 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by This Is Not Here
Ahh yes I used to watch that, and then my brother would mumble 'poofder' every time that camp designer guy was talking. Delightful, really. I feel so bloody sorry for the people who's house it is, what a well deserved reward for many years care to your late mother having your house ruined must be.

Oh c'mon, they did a good job in the one this morning. What is the name of the two gays who used to present that other makeover tv program? They were truly terrible, what with painting a 60 year old lady's house pink and green, complete with leopard skin carpets? I think that some celebrity of some kind sued them for trashing her house and making it look like the Admiral Duncan's interiors.

MellySingsDoom 05.26.2008 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I'm still cunted from last night. My head feels like AIDS.

What, fab, groovy and partying like Larry Levan is still with us? You lucky sod.

Danny Himself 05.26.2008 01:49 PM

I hate bank holidays.

I tried getting a bus home this morning, but lo and behold, the 6:05am 86A bus never arrived, so I had to hail a cab instead, which was fairly expensive to say the least. I felt like crypto spending all that money on a ride home. I then slept for most of the day, in true student fashion, only getting up to make myself dinner and watch The Simpsons.

I know my youth is wasted on me, and the guilt is killing me.

Savage Clone 05.26.2008 02:07 PM

It is, but Monday is my normal day off anyway.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 05.26.2008 02:10 PM

I don't even know what day it is nowadays

I need to stop drinking

EMMAh 05.26.2008 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
No bank holiday here in Eastern Europe, I've been working my ass off since the very morning.

No holiday here in Canada either.

greedrex 05.26.2008 02:10 PM

no, we had loads of them in May anyway
so i'm ready to WORKWORKWORK
go forth and thrash

pbradley 05.26.2008 03:59 PM

Memorial day for us Americans. I already have the day off so eh...

gmku 05.26.2008 04:44 PM

I hate the summer holidays. As if people don't drink and do stupid things enough in the summer, like cook themselves into skin cancer, they give us Memorial Day, the 4th of July, and Labor Day weekend to find more excuses to indulge to excess. Stupid holidays, the lot of them.

pbradley 05.26.2008 04:50 PM

Totally not an old man rant, right there.

Cantankerous 05.26.2008 10:32 PM

oh yeah its memorial day right? and monday is it not? almost tuesday i suppose.
i have an excuse to not know what day it is. actually several of them.

PAULYBEE2656 05.27.2008 10:28 AM

bank holiday... we get ours next monday while all you british people toil away in your slaveships and sweatmines! so ha ha ha!

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