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Moshe 05.26.2006 05:40 AM

NOISE - Carte blanche au festival Art Rock
I don't know french but this film looks exciting with music by mirror/dash, text of light and sonic youth... ste=3298&rayon_visible=1

NOISE - Carte blanche au festival Art Rock
A film by :Olivier Assayas

Outline :
Documentaire inédit, filmé lors de la Carte Blanche confiée à Olivier Assayas par le Festival Art Rock de St Brieuc, NOISE ne se contente pas d'enregistrer l'évènement, c'est avant tout un laboratoire où sans a priori et sans frontières, images et musiques se rencontrent, se mélangent.

Les envolées des musiciens de SONIC YOUTH, groupe phare de l'avant-garde new-yorkaise, croisent le blues malien d'AFEL BOCOUM ou la mélancolie habitée de MARIE MODIANO. L'énergie rock de METRIC ou celle de JEANNE BALIBAR et RODOLPHE BURGER, dialogue avec les improvisations inspirées d'ALLA, virtuose de l'oud.

Livraison à partir du Friday, June 09, 2006

Incesticide 05.26.2006 07:03 AM

Super, je veux ce dvd !!

alyasa 05.26.2006 09:31 AM

What does it say, goddammnit?

jennthebenn 05.26.2006 09:43 AM

i doubt it but, is there an NTSC version?

Fox 05.26.2006 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Moshe
I don't know french but this film looks exciting with music by mirror/dash, text of light and sonic youth... ste=3298&rayon_visible=1

NOISE - Carte blanche au festival Art Rock
A film by :Olivier Assayas

Outline :
Documentaire inédit, filmé lors de la Carte Blanche confiée à Olivier Assayas par le Festival Art Rock de St Brieuc, NOISE ne se contente pas d'enregistrer l'évènement, c'est avant tout un laboratoire où sans a priori et sans frontières, images et musiques se rencontrent, se mélangent.

Les envolées des musiciens de SONIC YOUTH, groupe phare de l'avant-garde new-yorkaise, croisent le blues malien d'AFEL BOCOUM ou la mélancolie habitée de MARIE MODIANO. L'énergie rock de METRIC ou celle de JEANNE BALIBAR et RODOLPHE BURGER, dialogue avec les improvisations inspirées d'ALLA, virtuose de l'oud.

Livraison à partir du Friday, June 09, 2006


New documentary, filmed at the Carte Blanche given to Olivier Assayas by the St Brieuc Art Rock festival, NOISE is before all a laboratory where without any limits, frontiers or laws, pictures and musics are meeting and mixing together.

Sonic flights of the SONIC YOUTH musicians, one of the main band of the New-York avant-garde, cross the Malian blues of AFEL BOCOUM or the haunted melancholy of MARIE MODIANO. The rock energy of METRIC or JEANNE BALIBAR with RODOLPHE BURGER is chatting with inspired ALLA's improvisations, the wadi virtuoso.

I hope you can understand...

o o o 05.26.2006 01:12 PM

i saw some parts of it on tv... i think i actualy recorded it. text of light and mirror/dash were great, also the musician from Mali (if i remember correctly... my memory seems to become less and less reliable...)

greenlight 05.26.2006 02:31 PM

wow. thanks for info!

Moshe 05.28.2006 01:28 AM

Thanks for the translation.
Is it just music or does it include French "talking" too (interviews commentary)?

umjammer atomsk 05.28.2006 01:33 AM

Thank you.

o o o 05.28.2006 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by Moshe
Is it just music or does it include French "talking" too (interviews commentary)?

if i remember correctly, there is some french singing but no french talking = no interviews, no commentary...

after each excerpt of a performance, the image fades into another excerpt of a performance.

Moshe 06.15.2006 12:41 PM

Did anyone buy it?

kingcoffee 06.15.2006 01:12 PM

I really wish I could read French. I probably should have paid more attention in "high" school.

Moshe 08.03.2006 01:12 AM

Apparently there is a screening at the "Play It Loud: Rockdocs 2006," a nine-day, nine-film series of New York, American, and North American premieres beginning today at Lincoln Center.

Series: Play It Loud: RockDocs [Aug 2 – 10 2006]
Director: Olivier Assayas, Country: France, Release: 2005, Runtime: 114

U.S. Premiere
In 2005, Olivier Assayas was given carte blanche by the Festival Art Rock in Saint Brieuc, and invited a few friends (including Eric Gautier, Laurent Perrin and Michael Almereyda) to document the event. The result is a full-immersion experience, dropping us down into a world of purely visual and aural textures where musical instruments become transformative devices and where sound and vision are continually re-energizing and transfiguring one another. The motley assemblage of performers includes southern Algerian Oud virtuoso Alla; Vincent Epplay and Joanna Preiss of White Tahina; the Canadian punk band Metric and their unstoppably energetic and winning lead singer Emily Haines (featured in the opening scenes of Assayas’ Clean); director/playwright Pascale Rambert and actress Kate Moran; Malian master (and Ali Farka Touré protegé) Afel Bocoum; Steve Shelley, Lee Ranaldo, Alan Licht and Tim Barnes, better known as Text of Light, giving a mesmerizing performance; actress and sometime diva Jeanne Balibar accompanied by guitarist Rodolphe Burger; noise virtuoso Jim O’Rourke; and, in the film’s ghostly, transcendent peak, Kim Gordon and Thurston Moore, moving out of Sonic Youth mode and into their Mirror/Dash incarnation.

Moshe 09.18.2006 06:08 AM

Just got it. It has 20 min of text of light (with Steve), 35 of mirror/dash, 2 min of door (O'Rourke movie) and lots of other act I'm not familiar with.

Fox 09.18.2006 10:04 AM

Should I buy it?

Moshe 09.18.2006 02:26 PM

I think it is worth even if it is just for the tol performance.
If you are not French I think you can only only get it at

pokkeherrie 09.18.2006 05:05 PM

thanks for reminding me. :)

text of light were the highlight of that night for me... pity they didn't put all of it on the dvd. when i arrived there i was more excited about seeing mirror/dash because i had already seen text of light before (twice even, although not with steve shelley) but text of light definitely gave away the best performance of the night. i remember liking the malian music too, but other than that and the sonic elements there wasn't much exciting stuff happening... except for the films picked by jim o'rourke of course! the first one he had chosen was emperor tomato ketchup and i have to say that's one of the strangest movies i've ever seen. it didn't miss its impact on the audience and when olivier assayas was asked in an interview on stage right after it to give some comments on it he just said something like "eh... jim's films are like a carte blanche inside a carte blanche tonight!"

Moshe 09.19.2006 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
(should put ignore on your posts moshe! no money).

you should stop drinking ouzo and start working harder for all this stuff:p

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