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Dead-Air 06.05.2008 10:22 PM

Bush's Saudi Buddies Continue to Rob Us Blind...
Why oil prices will continue to rise...

!@#$%! 06.05.2008 11:46 PM

i love the gas prices

people are driving less, there is a push for fuel economy and alternative energy sources, the SUVs are dying, the hummer is being shoved to the dustbin of history, more people are using mass transit-- FUCKING GREAT.

call me a contrarian, but tough times are good for nations-- look at what came out of the great depression. and now, whiney weasels that we have become could learn to adapt to the future.

green energy FTW.

✌➬ 06.06.2008 12:43 AM

For a moment I read Bush and the Buddhist Continue to Rob Us Blind... To my disappointment It was the Saudis.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 06.06.2008 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i love the gas prices

people are driving less, there is a push for fuel economy and alternative energy sources, the SUVs are dying, the hummer is being shoved to the dustbin of history, more people are using mass transit-- FUCKING GREAT.

call me a contrarian, but tough times are good for nations-- look at what came out of the great depression. and now, whiney weasels that we have become could learn to adapt to the future.

green energy FTW.

I agree. I'm glad people are finally waking the fuck up.

The reasons why it is going up pisses me off though.

ricechex 06.06.2008 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i love the gas prices

people are driving less, there is a push for fuel economy and alternative energy sources, the SUVs are dying, the hummer is being shoved to the dustbin of history, more people are using mass transit-- FUCKING GREAT.

call me a contrarian, but tough times are good for nations-- look at what came out of the great depression. and now, whiney weasels that we have become could learn to adapt to the future.

green energy FTW.

I agree to an extent, bc we had this coming eventually. But i just hate how we are getting there bc everything seems to be rigged for all the right people in the right places. You could argue that thats the way its always been. But not like this. Look at Wall Street and companies attached to Iraq via reconstruction contracts i.e..the oil tycoons. Some of these contracts for Iraq are not even a contract. They see the U.S taxpayer paid 11 million for something, but have no idea who it was going to or anything. And now there is a theory that speculation of oil prices, which u almost never heard about, is a cause for driving up cost.

They all involve too much free reign, oversight stripped, which is a staple of Bush's policy. There is more oversight on a hamburger than there is with a barrel of oil.

luisxvi 06.06.2008 07:37 AM

Maybe all this will make people tighten their belts more which I hope will happen but at the same time it does feel as if the OPEC countries are holding the rest of the world to ransom.

Dead-Air 06.06.2008 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by luisxvi
Maybe all this will make people tighten their belts more which I hope will happen but at the same time it does feel as if the OPEC countries are holding the rest of the world to ransom.

It won't make the batards who are just getting wealthier from everyone else's suffering tighten their belts, which is what this thread is about.

Sure, it's great if those of us with practically nothing learn to use less. However, I don't thing we should thank the thieves that robbed us for teaching us to be thrifty!

luisxvi 06.06.2008 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Dead-Air
It won't make the batards who are just getting wealthier from everyone else's suffering tighten their belts, which is what this thread is about.

Sure, it's great if those of us with practically nothing learn to use less. However, I don't thing we should thank the thieves that robbed us for teaching us to be thrifty!

Yes its the rich getting richer really isnt it. Cunts that they are.

!@#$%! 06.06.2008 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Dead-Air
It won't make the batards who are just getting wealthier from everyone else's suffering tighten their belts, which is what this thread is about.

Sure, it's great if those of us with practically nothing learn to use less. However, I don't thing we should thank the thieves that robbed us for teaching us to be thrifty!

the way i see it, it's the market.

you don't like your grocer? shop elsewhere.

these boils down to people making rational choices in an economic environment.

evidently people had it extremely easy when
SUVs and gas guzzlers sold like macshit burgers. well finally the voltage in the cattle prod increased enough that the cows are moving.

people in europe still are paying lots more than we do. they use smaller cars, more mass transit, and walk more.

you know, maybe this winter we should take a hint from jimmy carter & wear sweaters. maybe more people will use mass transit or telecommute. maybe we should put a bycicle lane on every street.

now, i am not happy that this is going to the very fuckers who want us dead. jet fuel made in pakistan? ha ha ha ha. oh yeah, i can see that being sabotaged, and i can see the money from that going to fund al-qaeda. but this was a clusterfuck of our own making. we kept watching tv while the world went to shit.

i say these are great developments. people need to wake the fuck up from their trans-fat slumber.

luisxvi 06.06.2008 10:54 AM

Agreed, more needs to be spent on public transport and the like. Peoples attitudes need to change also, I am talking about the take the car everywhere type people.

tesla69 06.06.2008 02:00 PM

my understanding is much of the rise is speculation from hedge funds who are flush with cash. They're doing the same thing with chocolate, electricity and some other commodities.

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