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viewtiful_alan 06.10.2008 11:00 PM

Marvel Comics, anyone?
Any other fans? Lets talk

Yeah I know I'm crappy at starting threads, and I know marvel isn't a progressive choice.. but what the hell, i love em.

Johnny "Magic Fingers" 06.10.2008 11:06 PM

Patsy Walker aka......



viewtiful_alan 06.10.2008 11:10 PM

Just picked up the ninties revival series of hers, when compared to the rest of marvel's late ninties fare, its pretty good stuff XD.
Wasn't she some sort of archie comics wanna be back in the golden age?

Johnny "Magic Fingers" 06.10.2008 11:34 PM

Now Archie Comics I know about.....

I've only got the one Hellcat comic (which was under the 'Defenders' series) and it's obviously had quite the impression on me since I still remember it. We're talking circa 1982. I think the story was called "To the Devil a Daughter" 'cause it had to do with her trying to find her real father who was or wasn't Satan.

A friend of mine has one of those "Marvel Universe" tomes that has a write-up of all the characters. I've checked this out and got a bit of an insight into the character of Hellcat.

But I'd like to get my hands on some more comics about her. She seems like an interesting character.

But don't lets confuse me as a comic-book collector. I house-sit my friend's place from time to time and he's got a shitload of comics (mostly Batman and DC stuff) and I get my fix at his place.

✌➬ 06.10.2008 11:37 PM


viewtiful_alan 06.10.2008 11:38 PM

Haha nothin wrong with comic collectin... as long as you aren't a complete nerd about it, and yes while I am a nerd about comics XD (not too extreme), I don't go on about it when I'm around people who I know are uninterested like normal nerds

Toilet & Bowels 06.11.2008 03:00 AM

i likes me some x-men

demonrail666 06.11.2008 06:08 AM

Steve Ditko is God. That's all anyone needs to know.


demonrail666 06.11.2008 06:39 AM

Marvel comics never really managed to maintain the brilliance of its 60s heyday. In the seventies, the British comic 2000AD brought a whole new vaguely punkish attitude to the super-hero, with the creation of characters such as Judge Dredd and Halo Jones. It was also a breeding ground for a new crop of writers - headed by Alan Moore, who went to America in the 80s to create arguably the greatest comic series ever written: Watchmen, which called into question the whole basis of the super-hero - especially in its character Rorschach - a kind of semi-psychotic Batman:

(Rorschach, from Alan Moore's Watchmen.)

Stan Lee has never been willing to adapt to the innovations brought about by figures like Moore and as a result Marvel increasingly seems stuck in a bit of a timewarp. Still to this day though, its roster of classic characters is without equal in the world of comics.

demonrail666 06.11.2008 06:54 AM

Ditko era Spiderman aside, my favourite Marvel character is definitely Lee and Jack Kirby's the Silver Surfer - probably the most beautiful and complex (for Marvel) super-heroes in the companies history.

He recieved a revamp in the 80s by the French artist Moebius which I always think is one of the best of the marvel 're-imaginings'.


God, I could waffle on about this kind of thing forever.

Toilet & Bowels 06.11.2008 07:05 AM

i like dave cockrum


i've never read silver surfer, but i've been meaning to for years

demonrail666 06.11.2008 07:22 AM

How could anyone not? I mean just look at the guy:)

What a legend!

This thread makes me want to send off for a Spalding basketball and some X-Ray specs!

Toilet & Bowels 06.11.2008 07:22 AM

storm with a mohawk was one of the coolest things marvel have come up with

(for some reason the picture isn't workling)

sarramkrop 06.11.2008 07:23 AM

Fantastic Four

demonrail666 06.11.2008 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by viewtiful_alan
Wasn't she some sort of archie comics wanna be back in the golden age?

I never really got into the whole Hellcat thing, but that's probably because I was never a big fan of the team up thing, although I sort of loved the way she had these mad little cameos in other heroes' stories.

Toilet & Bowels 06.11.2008 07:35 AM

this is the best i could find

demonrail666 06.11.2008 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels

i've never read silver surfer, but i've been meaning to for years

Yeah, he's a weird one in that he never really had the popularity I'd expect. I know he was one of Stan Lee's fave characters and he kept pushing him in a bid to increase the character's fanbase, but for some reason he never quite caught on with the public. Weird really, considering bollocks like Thor was flying off the shelves. Saying that, I read somewhere that he gained a cult following amongst surfers in California - but that's hardly surprising I suppose.

demonrail666 06.11.2008 07:40 AM

Storm was really sexy, definitely. Although my heart will always belong to Judge Anderson, I'm afraid.


Pookie 06.11.2008 07:40 AM

If you're older than 13 and still need books with pictures, then there's something wrong with you.

sarramkrop 06.11.2008 07:42 AM

How dare you call Thor bollocks?

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