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EyeballGrowth 07.10.2008 01:26 PM

Top 10 favorite video games of all time
And others you can think of from any system. Mine are:

Doom, the series - PC
Super Mario Bros 3 - NES
Super Mario World - SNES
Super Mario Galaxy - Wii
Phantasy Star 4 - Genesis
Sonic CD - Sega CD
Sonic 3 & Knuckles - Genesis
Legend of the Mystical Ninja - SNES
Metroid - Nes
The Guardian Legend- Nes

atsonicpark 07.10.2008 01:30 PM

I bumped the other thread like this but I just wanted to tell you that you have some good tastes. I posted my top 50 of all time on the other page, haha.

EyeballGrowth 07.10.2008 01:30 PM

Close behind are

Halflife, the series - PC
Sonic Adventure, the series - Dreamcast
Wizards and Warriors, the series - Nes
Megaman II - Nes
Blaster Master - Nes
Super Mario Bros - Nes
Contra - Nes
Zelda II - Nes
A boy and his blob - Nes
Powerstone 2 - Dreamcast
Pitfall II - Atari 2600

all I can think of for now. The Nes sure does kick ass

EyeballGrowth 07.10.2008 01:31 PM


atsonicpark 07.10.2008 01:33 PM

This thread can still be used for some good.. here's my top 10 puzzle games of all time:

1. Tetris Attack
2. Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
3. Columns
4. Tetris
5. Dr. Mario
6. Bust-a-Move
7. Bombastic
8. Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
9. Tetris 2
10. Devil Dice

atsonicpark 07.10.2008 01:34 PM

Top 10 RPG's of all time:

1. Xenogears
2. Chrono Trigger
3. Final Fantasy VI
4. Dragon Quest VIII
5. Beyond Oasis
6. Persona 2
7. Dragon Quest VII
8. Tales of Symphonia
9. Final Fantasy IX
10. Skies of Arcadia

vulva 07.10.2008 01:34 PM

1. Startropics - NES (GAME OF THE FOREVER!!!)
2. Legend Of Zelda - Ocarina Of Time - N64
3. Sonic & Knuckles - Genesis
4. Jet Grind Radio - Dreamcast
5. Super Mario Brothers 3 - NES
6. Pokemon Blue - Gameboy
7. Super Dodgeball - NES
8. Ninja Gaiden 2 - NES
9. Tony Hawk 3 - Gamecube
10. No More Heroes - Wii

atsonicpark 07.10.2008 01:36 PM

And finally, top 10 action and shooter games of all time:

1. Contra Hard Corps
2. Gunstar Heroes
3. Rez
4. Alien Soldier
5. Journey to Silius
6. Ikaruga
7. Contra
8. Raiden III
9. Mega Turrican
10. Contra III

vulva 07.10.2008 01:44 PM

11. Super Street Fighter II Turbo - Dreamcast
12. Sonic Adventure 1 - Dreamcast
13. Chu Chu Rocket - Dreamcast
14. Starcraft - PC
15. Megaman II - NES
16. Banjo Kazooie - N64
17. Body Harvest - N64
18. Ikaruga - Dreamcast
19. Contra IV - DS
20. Streets Of Rage 3 - Genesis

EyeballGrowth 07.10.2008 01:46 PM

REZ!!! Hell yes. REZ REZ REZ. You can REZ!! lol

Startropics is a fucking BITCH but still one of the best RPG's ever made.

EyeballGrowth 07.10.2008 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
This thread can still be used for some good.. here's my top 10 puzzle games of all time:

1. Tetris Attack
2. Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
3. Columns
4. Tetris
5. Dr. Mario
6. Bust-a-Move
7. Bombastic
8. Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
9. Tetris 2
10. Devil Dice

Aw no Portal, or have you just not played it yet?

atsonicpark 07.10.2008 01:48 PM

Never played it.. don't have a system to play it on but it looks amazing.

Glad someone said Streets of Rage 3. I've beaten 2 over 50 times... but I think 3 is probably a bit better. I love the music, it's way ahead of its time (even now). Yuzo Koshiro makes the best game music ever .

atsonicpark 07.10.2008 01:54 PM

Oh, also, I should mention this on here since I'll never get to mention it anywhere else on any other message board I've ever posted to.

I won a Super Puzzle Fighter II tournament last time I went to Florida. I'm the official Puzzle Fighter champion... in a convention in Florida... from 2008. Haha.

vulva 07.10.2008 01:58 PM

21. Perfect Dark - N64
22. Super Mario Galaxy - Wii
23. Ninja Gaiden Black - XBox
24. Mario Tennis - N64
25. Earthworm Jim - Genesis
26. NBA Jam T.E. - Genesis
27. NiGHTS - Saturn
28. Vectorman - Genesis
29. Donkey Kong Country - SNES
30. Megaman X - SNES

!@#$%! 07.10.2008 01:59 PM

1. civ 2
3. civ 1
2. civ IV

ha ha ha ha ha ha

acousticrock87 07.10.2008 02:07 PM

Kind of randomly thought of, in no particular order:

Half-Life - PC
Blackthorne - SNES
Morrowind - PC
Megaman X4 - PS1
Tomba - PS1
Jade Cocoon - PS1
Legend of Legaia - PS1
Midnight Club 3 - PS2
Midtown Madness - PC
A Link to the Past - SNES

I doubt anyone has played Jade Cocoon, but that was an awesome fucking game. It's no fun now, but man I miss playing that for the first time...

vulva 07.10.2008 02:08 PM

31. The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask - N64
32. X-Men 2: Clone Wars - Genesis
33. World Cup - NES
34. Kirby's Dream Land - Game Boy
35. Sonic 2 - Genesis
36. Shenmue - Dreamcast
37. Banjo Tooie - N64
38. ToeJam & Earl - Genesis
39. Bart Vs. The World - NES
40. Soul Calibur - Dreamcast

nicfit 07.10.2008 02:10 PM

decathlon (c64)
tiger road (c64)
alone in the dark (pc)
bubble bobble 2 (megadrive)
pitfall II (c64)
talisman (c64)

I'm a pc gamer (never had consoles :( )
so the list is really pc centered:

monkey island
farenheit (indigo prophecy, even if the last part is lame)
blade runner
ufo enemy unknown
ultima underworld 2
gta san andreas
blast chamber
chronicles of riddick escape from butcher bay
half life ( 2 and episode 2)
tetris (obviously)
sam & max
day of the tentacle
aaah so many.....

DeadDiscoDildo 07.10.2008 02:12 PM

Toe-jam & Earl
Sonic the Hedghog 2
Eternal Champions
Mortal Kombat
Soldier of Fortune 2 multiplayer
Dark Forces 2 : Jedi Knight
Fuzion Frenzy
Fight Night series
Street Fighter

vulva 07.10.2008 02:16 PM

41. Unreal Tournament - Dreamcast
42. Power Stone - Dreamcast
43. Super Mario Brothers - NES
44. Portal - 360
45. Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike - Dreamcast
46. Turok 2: Seeds Of Evil - N64
47. Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time - PS2
48. Goldeneye - N64
49. The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Wii
50. Metal Gear Solid 3 - PS2

Yeah, I think those are, about, my top 50

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