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porkmarras 05.29.2006 04:41 AM

The broadcast thread
Toilet & Bowels inspired me.Any of you like this band?

porkmarras 05.29.2006 04:42 AM

They are the Stereolab it is just fine to like

porkmarras 05.29.2006 04:45 AM


porkmarras 05.29.2006 05:03 AM


Toilet & Bowels 05.29.2006 08:49 AM

yeah, they're great. but what's unfine about liking stereolab may i ask?

porkmarras 05.29.2006 09:00 AM

Stereolab i used to like and still do to an extent but over the years they started putting out records more apt for an Ikea board members meeting rather than stuff that basked into the fun and energy of making music that has polyphormous influences.I'll punch in you in the face if you dare say this aint true

Toilet & Bowels 05.29.2006 09:17 AM

it's true, they aren't as good as they used to be. you'll have to find a better way if you want to punch my face in.

porkmarras 05.29.2006 09:19 AM

Don't push your luck.

Toilet & Bowels 05.29.2006 09:22 AM

or what?

jon boy 05.29.2006 09:23 AM

i just cant listen to this band without thinking of stereolab.

Toilet & Bowels 05.29.2006 09:34 AM

live, the stereolab comparisons are barely applicable

porkmarras 05.29.2006 09:44 AM

Broadcast are way more interesting than Stereolab in terms of sound texture applied to tunes.Go and listen to ''Goodbye girls'' where feedback gatecrashes an almost palygound-like melody to highly distabilizing effect.I also love the fact that they manage to incorporate techno-like structures to their music in places where you normally wouldn't find them.They operate in a space and time that has no time whatsoever for retro futurism,the past,the present and possibly the future.I don't work for them by the way.

Glice 05.29.2006 10:07 AM

I like Stereolab. But there is flack. I like Broadcast, they are nice in a similarly French way. My fave Stereolab track is the NWW remix. That does it for me.

Pax Americana 05.29.2006 11:27 AM

I was just listening to Tender Buttons, good stuff.

Daycare Nation 11.05.2006 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
I like Stereolab. But there is flack. I like Broadcast, they are nice in a similarly French way. My fave Stereolab track is the NWW remix. That does it for me.

Broadcast are not French at all--they are from Birmingham, from the same neighborhood as Pram.

I had a really great discussion with Trish Keenan of Broadcast. She's a sweetheart.

PAULYBEE2656 11.05.2006 07:45 AM

broadcast are no more like stereolab than pavement is like smashing fuckpins!

totally different bands even if they do attend the same music seminars....

tender buttons is one of the best releases of 2005 and is a gorgeous album. havent heard the new one yet but am heading into town now in the hope to pick it up..........

porkmarras 11.05.2006 07:50 AM

New album?

porkmarras 11.05.2006 08:01 AM

Listening to poem of dead song right now.

Daycare Nation 11.05.2006 02:04 PM

It's not new--it's a compilation of EP's and rarities...There were four songs I didn't have.

porkmarras 11.05.2006 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Daycare Nation
It's not new--it's a compilation of EP's and rarities...There were four songs I didn't have.

Oh that makes sense now.I thought Pauly might have been refering to that one.

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