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nico99 07.12.2008 04:28 AM

Related, in a way.

Derek 07.12.2008 06:57 AM


HECKLER SPRAY 07.12.2008 07:09 AM

:confused: ????????????????????:confused:
What's that shit ?

SYRFox 07.12.2008 07:11 AM


HECKLER SPRAY 07.12.2008 07:15 AM

Swedish, I suppose.

SYRFox 07.12.2008 07:24 AM

NEW KOMPIS. A racoon was curious as to Kvällsposten photographer. The second was a little medieskygga. Photo: Niclas Tilosius
Molle has acquired new friends
HÖÖR. A month has passed since tvättbjörnen Molly were killed and left the Molle sole remaining on Scania's zoo. Now, he has received three new friends: Kim, Lee and Gordon.

Djurparkschefen Staffan Åkeby has previously said that Molle would not have to be alone any longer.
From Öland

Last week came three new racoon to Scania's zoo. The sisters Kim and Lee, two years old, and he Gordon, six years. Raccoon comes from Ölands zoo.
When Kvällsposten visited the racoon in their new homes they were hiding, but in the end looked one of the racoon.
-- The heat means that they stay in the shade among lövkronorna, "said Deputy djurparkschef Michael Norrdahl.
Trivs together

The new racoon live with Molle in the old vildkattshägnet at the zoo and grow well together."

Derek 07.12.2008 07:34 AM

And those names probably don't have any relation to Sonic Youth.

pbradley 07.12.2008 10:06 AM


HECKLER SPRAY 07.12.2008 10:14 AM

^^It doesn't work.^^

pbradley 07.12.2008 10:26 AM


HECKLER SPRAY 07.12.2008 11:19 AM

Oh, thanks.
Amazing. Gooooooooood improv.

GrungeMonkey 07.12.2008 12:51 PM


viewtiful_alan 07.12.2008 01:06 PM

Monstrous failure.

nico99 07.12.2008 01:22 PM

Sorry for not explaining the piece. But I ran out of time and I just wanted to see peoples reaction. It does have a SY connection. The raccoons were named by me. I'm a zoologist at a zoo, and we shipped the raccoons to an other park. O had a feeling they would do a media thing with it so I named the animals Kim, Gordon and Lee, as a homage to SY.

viewtiful_alan 07.12.2008 01:41 PM

Oh that's pretty cool.
Sorry for dissing you.
Welcome to the board by the way.

fugazifan 07.12.2008 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley

amazing video! thanks

Derek 07.12.2008 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by nico99
Sorry for not explaining the piece. But I ran out of time and I just wanted to see peoples reaction. It does have a SY connection. The raccoons were named by me. I'm a zoologist at a zoo, and we shipped the raccoons to an other park. O had a feeling they would do a media thing with it so I named the animals Kim, Gordon and Lee, as a homage to SY.

Ahh right, cool.

sarramkrop 07.13.2008 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by viewtiful_alan
Oh that's pretty cool.
Sorry for dissing you.
Welcome to the board by the way.

What's the pic in your signature? I like that.

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