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batreleaser 09.27.2008 07:11 AM

near death experience...
well, i just had a near death experience, and im really fucked up over it. my friday night started up as it usually does, i got outa school, curled up on the couch and watched some dvd's. then i started getting drunk, and before i knew it i was wasted. went next door to see my neigbors, got back and realized i locked myself out. my roomate says he cant make it back, so i usually am able to juke my bedroom window open and climb through there, this time however, i juked too hard and sent my right arm directly through the glass. i took a massive chunk outa my mid, fatty part of my arm. i then ran into the parking lot and yelled for help, which i got thank god. at this point i could literally feel myself losing blood, like it felt as if the life was slowely leaving my body. i passed out, and then woke up at some time in the hospital, thankfuly ok. the doctors said it looked a lot worse than it was because i hit some veins, but it wasnt fatal, no big arteries. i got discharged at about 4 30 am, and im now at my computer at 5:10 am. Ill tell you though, theres nothing like a good fright like that to make you realize how great life is.

terriblecanyons 09.27.2008 07:33 AM

Oh damn. Glad you're okay.

atsonicpark 09.27.2008 07:34 AM


sarramkrop 09.27.2008 07:38 AM

Well, good on you that you came out of it to tell the story. I ate an innocent sandwich the other day that made me feel terribly ill, I thought I was going to die.

MellySingsDoom 09.27.2008 07:57 AM

Holy shit batreleaser - hope you're doing alright now.

greedrex 09.27.2008 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
I thought I was going to die.


o'connor 09.27.2008 08:26 AM

damn, you jsut go tout and yr already typing? yr a champ dude! feel better.

greenlight 09.27.2008 08:28 AM

glad you're ok.

pantophobia 09.27.2008 08:36 AM

i hope you take it easy and let yourself recover before you go out smashing windows again

gmku 09.27.2008 10:19 AM

Some places might have charged you with personal endangerment. You're lucky in more ways than one.

Please try to live more responsibly.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.27.2008 11:09 AM


greedrex 09.27.2008 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by gmku

Please try to live more responsibly.

ha ha yes Dad!!!

jokes aside
i didn't say it was good you huh made it.
take care of yrself (for fuck's sake):D

Everyneurotic 09.27.2008 12:43 PM

that sounds scary, good you're doing fine dude.

by the way, nice sig; andy ortmann is a class act, i owe him tons.

deflinus 09.27.2008 03:57 PM

glad youre alright, dude.

i almost had a 100+ pound tv fall on me today

greedrex 09.27.2008 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by deflinus
glad youre alright, dude.

i almost had a 100+ pound tv fall on me today

is the TV doing ok?:confused:

deflinus 09.27.2008 05:16 PM

: ( !!

Derek 09.27.2008 05:44 PM


batreleaser 09.27.2008 06:21 PM

thanks for the thoughts and concerns everyone. im fine, im extremly lucky, if i had gotten cut through anyways i risked hitting vitals, any more jagged i could have gotten glass in my muscle tissue and risked amputation. all i kept thinking was, "my poor family". i knew how devastated theyd be if i was gone. damn, ive never experienced such sheer panic, like, i could feel the blood leaving me. it was so fucked. the doctors and nurses at the hospital (UMC medical center at university of arizona) were amazing. stopped the bleeding, calmed me down, stitched me up, etc.. i just wishe dmy family was there with me, luckily 5 of my friends that are my neighbors at the apt. complex came to pick me up/console me.

thats another thing, i live at a university apartment complext, which is sorta like a highschool except everyone lvies together. there was about 10 people helping while the ambulance came. the rumour mill got started immediatley, ive already been asked ridiculous questions like, "why did you slit your wrist" or, "why did you punch through the window because your girlfriend cheated on you". im like, "well, the cut is on my lower forearm, and i dont have a girlfriend, so mind your fucking business". but man, it really made me feel glad to be alive, mad eme realize how many things i wish to accomplish, how mc=uch i love my family and friends, and how fucking lucky i am. the luck of the jew, i am thankful to my father's (hebrew) side of the family.

Derek 09.27.2008 06:25 PM

And think, if you hadn't survived, then you wouldn't be able to listen to all those great records you like!

batreleaser 09.27.2008 07:24 PM

haha, it was actuallyt on my mind in the ambulance if someone was gnna be able to break into my room because of the open window and steal my guitar, eqiupment, and records.

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