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Rob Instigator 10.01.2008 09:17 AM

CALL YOUR SENATOR - Voice your opinion Re: $700 Billion
FIND Your Senator's contact info, address and email and phone number (click)

The very same measure that was voted down in the House of Representatives on Monday, is up for a vote in the Senate TONIGHT. This is the exact same corporate welfare hand-out to Wall Street investment banks, drawing $700 BILLION in future debt to shore up a crooked and inherently flawed lending system. This will not fix anything. It will just put a finger in the dyke. The rich greed-head assholes that are clamoring for this money to "save" them know that in the senate there are less players, and that it is easier to coerce them away from what the desires of their constituents are.

The fear-mongers keep saying that to "maintain economic growth" this money needs to be put into the system. Our policies of de-regulation of investment firms and banks over the past 28 years simply do not work. the idea, old by now, that rewarding the richest and most powerful of the nation benefits everyone is FALSE. "Trickle down economics" at it's finest, and it is a flat-out LIE.

Please click and find the contact information for your Senator. Call them or email them. THEY ARE LISTENING. Let them know in plain words how you feel. Tell them if you do not understand why bailing out filthy rich corporations and investment banklers is supposed to help the average american. Tell them you want any federal money, taxpayer money, to go directly to helping taxpayers, not the top 2% of the population. Tell them you want your Senator to vote NO, and remind them that election day is right around the corner. TELL THEM TO EXPLAIN IT.


Their greed and callousness will drive our country into recession, and that will happen with or without this bail out plan. Americans in the millions are bombarding their representatives telling them that we are willing to deal with 5+ years of slow or no growth to better improve our financial systems for the long haul.

If individuals choose to invest follishly in worthless endeavors, there is no one out there to rescue them, and the general idea is they got what they paid for. Why does this not apply to the rich multi billion dollar investment firms and banks?



gmku 10.01.2008 09:31 AM

Rob, Americans willing to deal with slow growth is one thing. Americans willing to deal with the loss of their livelihoods and pensions is quite another. Unfortunately, the money people have not done a very good job of explaining this to these "millions of Americans" bombarding their representatives.

In other words, jobs will go away. Ordinary jobs held by ordinary American people.

floatingslowly 10.01.2008 09:33 AM lost.

Rob Instigator 10.01.2008 09:34 AM

it will happen EITHER WAY gmku

it is up to the people to tell their representatives that they KNOW THIS and they would rather have $700 BILION used to shore up taxpayer/citizens and not wall street top dogs.

trickle down economics does not work

and to say that tis has to happen THIS WEEK or else all is doomed is bullshit on their part, because they know it is not true.

gmku 10.01.2008 09:39 AM

Hmm, well, if I were inclined to do this kind of thing, I'd rather get a groundswell of voters e-mailing Congress to end the fucking war in Iraq. There's a few billion bucks could start going back into our pockets right there.

Hmmm.... Funny we can't get people upset over 3,000 dead American soldiers and thousands of Iraqis killed or wounded, not to mention the 90 billion dollars we've spent on this senseless, pointless war.

Rob Instigator 10.01.2008 10:22 AM

who says we are not upset?

There are protests all the time about the war, but the media, owned by corporations) do not cover it any more.

we have spent 90 BILLION on this war, the wrong war, and that is a drop in the bucket com[pared to the $700 BILLION they seek to borrow from our future to enable wall street to continue raking in record rpofits for the rich, while sharing little if any with 80-90% of the population.

greedrex 10.01.2008 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
who says we are not upset?

There are protests all the time about the war, but the media, owned by corporations) do not cover it any more.

we have spent 90 BILLION on this war, the wrong war, and that is a drop in the bucket com[pared to the $700 BILLION they seek to borrow from our future to enable wall street to continue raking in record rpofits for the rich, while sharing little if any with 80-90% of the population.


blunderbuss 10.01.2008 11:20 AM

As far as I understand, we're not talking trickle-down economics here. We're talking about if banks go bust, customers that rely on them for finance will struggle, small businesses will go bust for lack of credit, their staff will lose their jobs, they will lose their homes, 1929 will happen all over again.

There are greedy shit bankers will keep their jobs and their preposterous bonuses because of $700,000,000,000 being pumped into the banking system by the government buying up bad debts, but that's an unfortunate side-effect, not the intention of the exercise. If the government had any balls (but we know they don't, because we know where their campaign funds come from), they would put conditions on the buy-out that would stop the banks' corporate greed, but that's probably not going to happen. But that's no excuse for letting millions of poor people suffer.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 10.01.2008 11:21 AM

The bailout is such a huge pile of rank bullshit.

How the hell is that money going to trickle down? Are the banks going to write off all the horrible mortgages as losses and then let people keep their houses? Fuck no. It isn't going to stop the foreclosures.

blunderbuss 10.01.2008 11:21 AM

The banks won't be able to foreclose, they won't own the debt.

gmku 10.01.2008 11:43 AM

What blunderbuss says is correct. It's a horrible compromise to make, to bail out the greedy bastards, but not doing so means millions of ordinary American workers will suffer in very real ways.

!@#$%! 10.01.2008 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
drawing $700 BILLION in future debt

where do you get the notion that it's $700 billion? people keep tossing that number around, but it might be a more structured plan-- the last i heard started with 250 billion and added gradually more if necessary.

besides, i dont get this notion that we're bailing out "profits for the rich". the rich make profits whatever way the market goes-- the ones who lose big are middle-class investors with retirement plans, mostly-- people who otherwise wouldn't depend on social security to retire. im all for fucking up the parasytes-- but a healthy economy depends on a system for people making reasonable bets. and if we break the system, we ALL go down.

we can spare the system and make the bastards pay-- that's been a component of the bailout package from the get go. nobody is saying let's buy some fuckers their golden parachutes-- nobody. this is a red herring and people shouldn't be repeating it like that. the bailout is not about bailing out the executives and the people who will make a fortune on this-- it's about stabilizing the financial markets, that is all.



pbradley 10.01.2008 12:29 PM

You people are fucking morons if you think the bill money is for "trickling down."

Rob Instigator 10.01.2008 01:26 PM

I never said the bill money is fcor TRICKLING DOWN.

I said that feeding the top 2% of rich wealthy people is equivalent to Reagan's trickle down economics. the fuckers that are pushing this bailout are the same fuckers whose close personal friends stand to gain the most, and lose the least, if the bail out goes through, BUT THEY ARE SELLING IT TO THE MASSES AS BENEFITING THEM

they imply that by keeping the rich fully solvent, it benefits the regular, which is exacly the goal of trickle down economics.


Rob Instigator 10.01.2008 01:27 PM

this bill money would make the government, using our tax money, buy these outstanding fucked up loans, loans on which the government will make no money from, and they are supposed to defer the payment to any profits the companies getting bailed out will make in the future, but those are only possible if the sanctions are carried out, which they nver are. there are options for the ones who benefit from this bailout to not have to ever pay back the money. and of course they will do exactly that.

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