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phoenix 10.16.2008 07:11 AM

how do you like your coffee ? tea?
my hot bevarage habbits are many, probably due to the culture of my city(constantly having a coffee or tea is mandatory)

I'm an ex starfux employee so am pretty much a slave to melusine making my coffee, though I do have a couple variations, depending on how much caffiene I need

espresso I do a single shot grande with almond(favourite) or vanilla and soy milk

brew I do south american or african only, no asia pacific bs unless its after dinner (with the exception of christmas blend) soy misto with vanilla

....or if i need to wake the fuck up I'll do a grande brew with about an inch of cold water.

at home in the morning I french press kenya or house blend and have it with steamed soy..

At cafes I am not affraid to be a "can you make this again/poor half out and add more milk/ etc" type of person.. if it tastes awful im not going to drink it. Though if they dont get it right the second try, I let it slide and go for three spoons of raw sugar.

maybe Im a little over explanitory with the coffee, but I used to make a living being a nerd for it so the star skillz are still wearing off.

I'm also a tea lover, and secretly dream of one day having my own cafe/bar which serves an array of superb tea based beverages, and is the local haunt for everyone who is remotely interesting..

earl gay or an organic rooibos are both equally yummy.

ploesj 10.16.2008 07:14 AM

no coffee for me. sometimes green tea with a bit of sugar (not too much, otherwise its just like drinking warm sugar water) or fresh mint tea.

al shabbray 10.16.2008 07:15 AM

coffee: milk, no sugar
tea: a lot of sugar and if its black tea some milk too

phoenix 10.16.2008 07:16 AM

do you drink brewed leaves or matcha? do you have a favourite type if its leaf tea? I used to drink a lot of matcha but around the same time started having bad panic attacks again after about 6 years free of them, so stopped :confused:

phoenix 10.16.2008 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by al shabbray
coffee: milk, no sugar
tea: a lot of sugar and if its black tea some milk too

I drown my earl grey tea in milk. raw sugar or a little honey. my god, it is almost heavenly.

ploesj 10.16.2008 07:18 AM

i hardly ever drink tea, but if i do its with teabags (all we have at home). the fresh mint tea is what i usually have in the restaurant next door at night, and its just mint leaves in hot water, but so good.

phoenix 10.16.2008 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by ploesj
fresh mint tea.

do you make it yourself? yum..

I drink peppermint tea but need to be in the right mood. Always when I have an upset stomach it helps.

phoenix 10.16.2008 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by ploesj
just mint leaves in hot water, but so good.

a good tea is so wonderful to have. have you ever bought green tea flowers? If not you should get some, just because they're lovely. You do need a nice open tea pot or a glass one to enjoy it properly though. They're tied up into little balls, and when you put them in the hot water, they slowly open up and have little amaranth flowers inside. Its very zen. :D

phoenix 10.16.2008 07:22 AM


phoenix 10.16.2008 07:24 AM

does anyone else have that smell to memory association? I hadn't made rooibos in a very very very long time, and I just made a cup, and instantly I feel a certain memory or time so much, just because of the fragrance..

al shabbray 10.16.2008 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by phoenix
I drown my earl grey tea in milk. raw sugar or a little honey. my god, it is almost heavenly.

oh yes. its awesome. I never thought that tea and milk will go well together a few years ago. but it tastes like biting into a sweet cloud

ploesj 10.16.2008 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by phoenix

that looks so cool... i think i saw something like that in a pippi longstocking movie, but i didn't know it was an existing thing.

anyway my dietist once said i should be really careful with tea, coffee or anything containing caffeine or theine, it slows down the intake of iron in your blood, something you can really miss as a vegetarian. im not too sure what kinds of tea she was talking about.

al shabbray 10.16.2008 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by phoenix
does anyone else have that smell to memory association? I hadn't made rooibos in a very very very long time, and I just made a cup, and instantly I feel a certain memory or time so much, just because of the fragrance..

yes again.
peppermint tea combined with the smell of some "kräuter" bathing water.
recalls all the evenings I spent at my grandmas house when I was a minime

akprodr 10.16.2008 07:28 AM

Earl Grey with honey? Eww.

Fer me, Earl Grey requires a light touch. 2% milk and sugar.

Coffee: sugar and high fat milk. I usually just do milk but I just bought some heavy cream. That is good stuff! Should be brewed strong: almost but not quite strong enough to hold the spoon upright. Don't waste my taste buds with water scared by coffee.

Oh yeah---only fair trade coffee for me.

Speaking of which, my cup is empty. Time for a refill.

phoenix 10.16.2008 07:29 AM



really? I never knew that. Green tea doesnt have a lot of caffiene but I dont knw about theine? All teas have tannins but I dont think thats what you're talking about.

Iron shouldn't be too much of a problem though unless you have another medical condition aside from 'vegetarianism' hehe. I am on off vego, and had a friend who had never eaten meat in her life, we drank tea all the time. Iron is something you can build up though, so if you were having problems you could stop drinking tea, take iron tablets for a few weeks and you should be alright again.

akprodr 10.16.2008 07:30 AM

I wonder if this is the case for other people:

I only started drinking Earl Grey after watching Star Trek Next Generation "Tea, Earl Grey, Hot"

ploesj 10.16.2008 07:33 AM

yeah i know, the iron level in my blood was so low it was hardly detectable. i'm off al tea now, and on iron supplements, its a lot better already, also because im watching my food a bit more.

on a side note: who likes hot chocolate? i discovered an amazing place here where you can get all kinds of fresh hot chocolate: just warm milk with chocolate, fondant, regular or white, with praliné, honey, whipped cream, cinnamon,... anything you'd want. one glass of the stuff is enough to make me feel like ive had a whole meal, but it's amazing.

phoenix 10.16.2008 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by al shabbray
yes again.
peppermint tea combined with the smell of some "kräuter" bathing water.
recalls all the evenings I spent at my grandmas house when I was a minime

its amazing isnt it.. I love when it happens, and you're not expecting it.

Earl grey or gin both make me think of my old house and beautiful ex housemate. so does sandalwood a little, but the house had a slight damp stench, so I that one never seems quite right.
Rooibos apparently makes me think of AIM with floatingslowly and staying up posting on floats and girlguns forum, because it was all I used to drink constantly back then.
Any time I walk into a starbucks, I feel like I'm back at work with my friends.. that one is slightly disturbing because I know that it is MEANT to be marketed that way.

phoenix 10.16.2008 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by akprodr
I wonder if this is the case for other people:

I only started drinking Earl Grey after watching Star Trek Next Generation "Tea, Earl Grey, Hot"

that is so so cute

but not the case for me. I've always loved tea since I was tiny tiny. Been through anti tea phases, but always come back. And earl grey is just.. well its heavenly. How any tea drinker can resist is beyond me.

pantophobia 10.16.2008 07:37 AM

i love hot chocolate, my work is gonna start making some for the colder months starting saturday

my coffee when i have it has to lots of milk, pretty much latte style (2/3 milk), but it's been awhile

tea, english or irish breakfast tea, milk and one sugar

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