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alteredcourse 10.20.2008 12:01 AM

What do you do when you are nothing but knots and you have to do something so that it doesnt melt your face down?

At the moment I'm being completely shafted at work by a friend that has decided to use my head as a stepping stone in order for them to get ahead . I'm still in disbelief that friendship could have that price. Not only is is harsh because of the friendship, but I work damn hard there but get punished more than most because I complain when things dont go my way (as opposed to those who are slow, counterproductive even, but are 100% agreeable) .

Need Coping Skills Now.

akprodr 10.20.2008 12:38 AM

You're Canadian? And angry? Aren't they mutually exclusive?


I'd say the first thing is to stop calling the guy a friend. Then go key his car or something.

PAULYBEE2656 10.20.2008 06:00 AM

he isnt a friend.. fuck him, dont bring yrself down to his level.

be extremely nice to him, smile and pretend shit doesnt bother you. that will get his goat more than you think.... take the moral highground.

phoenix 10.20.2008 07:02 AM

they sound like a jerk, maybe you should consider another job?

HECKLER SPRAY 10.20.2008 08:01 AM

I know a ideal river for dropping people into with heavy stones bound to their legs, away from prying eyes...

Pookie 10.20.2008 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by alteredcourse
At the moment I'm being completely shafted at work by a friend that has decided to use my head as a stepping stone in order for them to get ahead

Lovely mixed metaphor. Unless he really is using you as a stepping stone and shafting you at the same time.

Originally Posted by alteredcourse
Not only is is harsh because of the friendship, but I work damn hard there but get punished more than most because I complain when things dont go my way (as opposed to those who are slow, counterproductive even, but are 100% agreeable).

A whiner eh? Try whining less and working more. I bet you're on here when you're supposed to be working. And while you're on here, you've missed the doughnut run. Bet you'll whine about that too.

floatingslowly 10.20.2008 08:35 AM

  • pie is superior to cake.
  • friends are overrated.
  • coworkers should never be considered friends.
it's a dog eat dog out there, don't be a pussy; get yr friend blind-drunk and drop them off wherever crack and meth are sold.

pbradley 10.20.2008 08:40 AM


^be like hulk, smash your turncoat

Cake is better than pie, falsifier.

floatingslowly 10.20.2008 08:44 AM

how could you say that?

cake has only [...wait for it....] cake (and maybe icing).

pie has crust, filing and then maybe a topping (if you've been good).

there really is no comparison.

pbradley 10.20.2008 08:50 AM

Quality of the pie is too dependent on the quality of the filing.

Cake, from my experience, is uniformly good.

floatingslowly 10.20.2008 09:01 AM

have you ever had a pie go flat in the oven?

no, I didn't think so.

when cake goes flat, it's no longer even cake, it becomes a brownie (at best).

also, you can fit all sorts of small dead animals inside of pie. have you ever heard of 4 and 20 blackbirds baked into a CAEK?

no, I didn't think so.

pie is everlasting, like the loving arms of Jesus; while the devil, he's got cake.

pedestrian 10.20.2008 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
Quality of the pie is too dependent on the quality of the filing.

Cake, from my experience, is uniformly good.

I'm co-signing this one. Some pie is good, but people put all types of bullshit in pie and taint its legacy.
Also, dude who started this thread:
Based only on what you've said it seems like you're a whiner and you blame other people for your own failures. I don't know the situation, but this is the way you are describing it. I've gotten pretty far in my career by faking the bullshit corporate agenda and I don't kid myself into thinking co-workers won't fuck me. Get over it.

pbradley 10.20.2008 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
have you ever had a pie go flat in the oven?

no, I didn't think so.

when cake goes flat, it's no longer even cake, it becomes a brownie (at best).

also, you can fit all sorts of small dead animals inside of pie. have you ever heard of 4 and 20 blackbirds baked into a CAEK?

no, I didn't think so.

pie is everlasting, like the loving arms of Jesus; while the devil, he's got cake.

The cooking process is irrelevant to the quality of the desserts themselves.

And while dead animals is a cool idea in theory, nobody wants to eat meat pies except British people.

Also you can't make pies in the shape of cool shit like breasts and the Dick Tracy logo. Everybody loves shaped cakes. Do they have wedding pies? No, because pies are for old ladies.

floatingslowly 10.20.2008 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
nobody wants to eat meat pies except British people.

you don't get teeth like that from hamburger, chum.


Originally Posted by pbradley
Also you can't make pies in the shape of cool shit like breasts


new plan for OP:
  • engage coworker/friend/enemy in pie vs. cake debate.
  • STAB coworker/friend/enemy with a serving utensil.
  • bake coworker/friend/enemy into a pie.
  • let cool 30 mins on wire rack.
  • serve and enjoy!

pbradley 10.20.2008 09:18 AM



akprodr 10.20.2008 09:24 AM

Perhaps this is a good test of the cake/pie debate. Throw one of each in the guy's face and see which feels better.

floatingslowly 10.20.2008 09:26 AM

@PBr: I'm not sure what yr trying to prove (other than the fact that PIE is always work-safe).

you can shape cake into giant dog turds for all I care.

besides, most people grow out of "the shape makes it taste better" by about 6-7 years old.

alteredcourse 10.20.2008 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
A whiner eh? Try whining less and working more.

It's true, I'm a whiner. It's terrible!
You wouldnt believe it but that's the secret weapon I've been using to try to smooth things out at work. Not whining. I dont want to be managements enemy just for the sake of it, conflict is not my game believe it or not. I'm PAID to be there, eh? My anger comes from me still being singled out.

The friend thing is the easiest thing to get over, especially knowing theres going to be some kind of co-worker-pie hybrid at the end of the day.

floatingslowly 10.20.2008 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by alteredcourse
The friend thing is the easiest thing to get over, especially knowing theres going to be some kind of co-worker-pie hybrid at the end of the day.

my work here is complete.

pbradley 10.20.2008 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
besides, most people grow out of "the shape makes it taste better" by about 6-7 years old.

Who says it makes it taste better? However, style is important.

Then again, I guess I should consider who I am debating with...

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