cars_willkillyou |
10.22.2008 06:04 AM |
Those left behind.
not referring to the popular book series that takes place after all the christians are gone. Although, i would like to speculate what that would be like.
I have been caught in the whirlwinds of the real world. As I finally started to emerge from poverty, stress, and stagnant life, I was quickly brought back down, lower than before. I am making great money, I am finally back in school, and things were going very well.
Then I get a call from a collection agency. Apparently I owe $1600 for an apt I broke the lease of 3 years ago. I forfeited my deposit (two months of rent) when i broke the lease, and i was told at the time, it was said and done with. I received no letter, no bill, no phone call, no email for three years. 3 YEARS! Then I get a call saying if i do not pay $1600 within the next 30 minutes my stepfathers nearly perfect credit (he cosigned the lease way back when as a parental guarantor) will be ruined. So negotiations were made, and now i have to pay (what i believe to be completely unjust, unfair and downright fucked up) $200 a month. Classes started for me last week. Which means i have to buy books. Good thing books are cheap. Good thing they only cost $300. And to top all of this off for the month of october, 3 nights ago i get pulled over for no apparent reason. Apparently my license was suspended because my insurance lapsed and there is a flag on my tag number. A cop was tailing me at 2 am, ran my tag and pulled me over. Took my ID, so now i cant buy alcohol, i cant drive, i cant cash pay checks, i cant open a bank account, i cant even buy cigarettes at most places because i look like a 16 yr old. I cant get a new id because i work and go to class during hours that the DMV/courthouse is open, plus its a very far bike ride. Not to mention in order to get back behind the wheel, its gonna cost a lot of money that i havent even thought about yet. Estimation would be around 400-500.
I have been very irresponsible i suppose in the past. But I knew i needed to get insurance. I didnt know that without it my license would be suspended. I didnt know just because i didnt pay insurance companies, i could instantly become a virtually non-citizen. disinfranchised from the simple pleasures and freedom of nicotine and beer. Prohibited from access money that I work my ass off to help me pay and save for mistakes of the past.
October fucking sucks. I am gonna be a zombie hippie for halloween and go around south florida on my bike and attempt to infect the millions of socially undead with peace, love, and hunger for flesh and brains. Thats all i want. Thats all everyone wants, right?
Fuck that. I want money dammit. I'd rather be a sell out than be enslaved by debt.
I hate recessions. I wish it was just recess. I was so much better at that.