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Rob Instigator 10.24.2008 02:47 PM

Stupid Deluded McCain supporter

this dumb bitch made up a story saying a black man had robbed her and tatcked her and carved a "B" on her face because she had a McCain sticker on her car. TOTALLY MADE UP.
the dumb whore even had McCain and dipshit palin call her and her "family" to console her. What a load of bullshit.
The police have made a statement saying she made up the entire thing. Wonder how many people saw the original article and will never se the retraction huh?

Rob Instigator 10.24.2008 02:48 PM

the stupid deluded cunt even put the "B" backwards on her own face, which is what hapens when you are lookig in a mirror and writing on your face. stupid stupid stupid.

pbradley 10.24.2008 03:24 PM

And conservatives on digg just not long ago were citing this as evidence of the animalistic hatred of Obama supporters.

I'm sure they'll hear this update on the news and assume it to be liberal bias.

Rob Instigator 10.24.2008 03:30 PM

it is PsyOps stuff for sure.
You do nto need to tell the truth, just tell a big enough lie and no one wille ever remember the retraction.

Lamont Cranston 10.26.2008 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
it is PsyOps stuff for sure.
You do nto need to tell the truth, just tell a big enough lie and no one wille ever remember the retraction.

Last time I checked Roger Stone did not suffer from any kind of neurological impairment - this woman worked alone.

Rob Instigator 10.27.2008 09:46 AM

Psy Ops operative salways LOOK like they worked alone. deniability is crucial.

Lamont Cranston 10.27.2008 10:28 AM

Rob, look up what Roger Stone and other such 'people' do.

Rob Instigator 10.27.2008 10:44 AM

I like the 'People' in quotes

Florya 10.27.2008 12:25 PM

I just watched a clip of Palin making a speech in which she virtually called Obama a Communist - talking about state ownership, and how this only happened in countries that 'are not free'.

About 40 seconds into the clip, a woman in the audience shouts out 'He's a Nig*er!'

It's nice to see the Republicans finally becoming publicly unhinged.

terriblecanyons 10.27.2008 12:33 PM

I lol'd at that stupid bitch.
She pretty much sums up the republican motives.

Lamont Cranston 10.27.2008 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I like the 'People' in quotes

Well when you look at what they do for elections its hard to count them.

Originally Posted by Florya
I just watched a clip of Palin making a speech in which she virtually called Obama a Communist - talking about state ownership, and how this only happened in countries that 'are not free'.

Like a $700 billion bail out for Wall Street? Or redistributing oil profits? This thing they've seized on lately is some very awkwardly worded statements that sound vaguely like progressive taxation, right?
But hey, the worlds richest man reckons he ought to be taxed more than his secretary:
and even states that there is class warfare and the rich are winning: 0&ei=5070&oref=slogin&oref=slogin (this ones from Ben Stein, ordinarily a hack but here he displays a rare moment of lucidity).

Inhuman 10.27.2008 03:05 PM

once she heals somebody ought to put her in that condition again.

(says me, the animalistic hatin' Obama supporter)

mangajunky 10.27.2008 03:14 PM

Unfortunately, she'll probably breed.

Inhuman 10.27.2008 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by mangajunky
Unfortunately, she'll probably breed.

Infestation of America.

It reminded me of the Queen alien in Alien 2 or 3, and coincidentally found a picture of palin when searching "Alien Queen", which linked to an article doing exactly that.

Pax Americana 10.27.2008 06:58 PM

God... what the fuck is wrong with people? Scary.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 10.27.2008 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator


this dumb bitch made up a story saying a black man had robbed her and tatcked her and carved a "B" on her face because she had a McCain sticker on her car. TOTALLY MADE UP.
the dumb whore even had McCain and dipshit palin call her and her "family" to console her. What a load of bullshit.
The police have made a statement saying she made up the entire thing. Wonder how many people saw the original article and will never se the retraction huh?

Stupid cuntwich.

She is not typical of downtown Pittsburgh.

✌➬ 10.27.2008 07:16 PM

cars_willkillyou 10.27.2008 11:40 PM

Why hasnt Palins medical records been released?

!@#$%! 10.27.2008 11:52 PM

so there's no discussion of the hillbilly plot to kill obama yet?

Lamont Cranston 10.28.2008 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
so there's no discussion of the hillbilly plot to kill obama yet?

The guys who were going to do it (and other crimes) wearing white tuxedos, or the meth addicts?

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