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Danny Himself 06.08.2006 05:49 PM

The Internet is up for sale.

!@#$%! 06.08.2006 05:52 PM

yep. it's being voted on pretty soon.

online petition here

jon boy 06.08.2006 05:55 PM

lets all sell our souls to satan.

acousticrock87 06.08.2006 06:02 PM

Moby is against it, so I'm against it. I see a new Internet Neutrality song coming on...

atari 2600 06.08.2006 06:29 PM

yeah, I was notified of this by email recently.

It's total bullshit especially considering that the U.S. already ranks 20th worldwide in overall internet speed.

HaydenAsche 06.08.2006 06:32 PM

Moby is against it so I am for it. I'm not even going to read about it.

johnnywinternoshow 06.08.2006 06:43 PM


SolidZach 06.08.2006 07:48 PM


schizophrenicroom 06.08.2006 07:59 PM

there's no words for how disgusting this is. the internet should just be left alone. pretty soon sony and verizon and those fuckers will be charging for breathing and body functions.

Glice 06.09.2006 04:32 AM

I don't care. I'm not entirely sure I understand, but the internet is not something I need in my life, or rely upon for any reason other than wasting time and looking at porn. So, if it ceases to be something I can feasibly look at, I might actually go out and get some fresh air.

alyasa 06.09.2006 06:07 AM

Isn't the internet already about $$$? Isn't everything?

RdTv 06.09.2006 06:54 AM

Seems like they are getting greedier day by day.....Gianormousantic corporations and their empty souless black hearts. Don't fuck with the internet, please.

IntoTheGroovey 06.09.2006 07:23 AM

This is just appalling. There's nothing these corporations won't keep their greedy little hands off. The world is a fucking commercial.

Glice 06.09.2006 07:31 AM

Buh? But surely the internet was given over to commercial concerns sometime in the mid-90's? Forgive me if I'm over shooting myself, but haven't most governments in the richer governments pledged to have the whole world connected to the superinformationmegahypernet highway? Are they doing this because all politicians are natural altruists? At what point does someone get shocked that the primary medium for commercial information is being used to communicate to the marketplace? Am I the only one who is not at all bothered by the fact that the internet is, primarily, a tool of corporate activity? How can anyone be bothered to care about this?

Sorry, this has annoyed me now - can someone please explain why the fuck I should care/ be surprised?

Glice 06.09.2006 07:33 AM

Before you do so, I'm going to go on a long and vitriolic speel if anyone trys to say, "It's an infringement of our freedom of speech" or that usual jingoistic bollocks that follows discussions of this type. With that in mind, please carry on...

alyasa 06.09.2006 07:40 AM

See above.

atari 2600 06.09.2006 07:27 PM
The Internet is Dead, Long Live the Internet
Total regulation rules are close at hand, a new internet will kill free speech and weed out anything deemed "inappropriate"
Steve Watson / Infowars | May 2 2006
In the space of a few months debate has gone from "pressure on internet service providers" to make available user records to calls for all out mandatory ISP snooping on all US citizens.
In a display of bi-partisanship, both Democrats and Republicans are calling for such measures.
“Last week, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, a Republican, gave a speech saying that data retention by Internet service providers is an ‘issue that must be addressed.’ Child pornography investigations have been ‘hampered’ because data may be routinely deleted, Gonzales warned,” reports Declan McCullagh of CNET News.
Now Democratic member of the Congressional Internet Caucus, Diana DeGette, wants an an amendment that would make such data deletion illegal.
DeGette says that any Internet service that ‘enables users to access content’ must permanently retain records that would permit police to identify each user. The records could not be discarded until at least one year after the user's account was closed.
This may mean that any normal website or blog would have to fall into line with such new rules and suddenly total web regulation would become a reality.
The excuse for this as either a standalone measure or as an amendment to a broad telecommunications bill that is moving rapidly through the House, is that it is designed to protect children.
We are being led to believe that a vast army of maniac pedophiles are on the loose and we must do away with all forms of privacy in order to stop them. This is akin to saying that blanket cctv prevents crime. As if to say "if we film everyone all the time, even innocent people, then no one will ever commit any crimes."
Increasingly we are seeing this in every aspect of our lives. Recording, tracking and retaining our data in the name of keeping us all safe. Everyone is now treated as guilty until proven innocent.


In reality the amendment would mean that such data would be accessible to any local or state law enforcement official investigating anything from drug possession to tax evasion.
Jim Harper, director of information policy studies at the free-market Cato Institute, said: "This is an unrestricted grant of authority to the FCC to require surveillance."
"The FCC would be able to tell Internet service providers to monitor our e-mails, monitor our Web surfing, monitor what we post on blogs or chat rooms, and everything else under the sun,"
We have previously exposed how moves are also afoot to clamp down on internet neutrality and even to designate a new form of the internet known as Internet 2.
This would be a faster, more streamlined elite equivalent of the internet available to users who were willing to pay more for a much improved service. providers may only allow streaming audio and video on your websites if you were eligible for Internet 2.
Of course, Internet 2 would be greatly regulated and only "appropriate content" would be accepted by an FCC or government bureau. Everything else would be relegated to the "slow lane" internet, the junkyard as it were. Our techie rulers are all too keen to make us believe that the internet as we know it is "already dead".
Let's take a look at the possible effects that such moves would have on websites such as infowars and prisonplanet.
Given that they are already blocked by many regular filters because they are deemed to contain "inappropriate content" (even though 90% of our material is simply mainstream news) we would face the prospect of not being able to stream audio or video or of being locked out entirely if a telecom disagreed with our content.

Without the ability to stream our material we would have to rely on newsletters and mailing lists. However, the first steps in a move to charge for every e mail sent have already been taken. Under the pretext of eliminating spam,Bill Gates and other industry chieftains have proposed Internet users buy credit stamps which denote how many e mails they will be able to send. This of course is also the death knell for political newsletters and mailing lists.


With demands placed upon us to provide records of all our visitors, streaming audio and video gone, our ability to mass mail our content killed off and our position on Internet 2 DENIED, the sites would virtually be shut down.
The move to demonize the Internet and tar its reputation has been underway for a long time. The boom in blogs and alternative news websites has plunged the mainstream media into a panic. Their newspaper sales and hits to their websites are plummeting as people seek their own information from multiple sources. The mainstream has engaged in a desperate attempt to paint the internet as a dark place where criminals and weirdos are everywhere and all information is inaccurate and unbalanced.
AOL is still running ads equating Internet users with terrorists. In the next few years we may see a staged Internet shutdown which is blamed on cyber terrorists.
In reality it is the mainstream that is inaccurate and unbalanced, providing a one sided story firmly rooted in the past on printed paper or the nightly news.
For the aspiring dictator, the Internet is a dangerous tool that has been seized by the enemy. We have come a long way since 1969, when the ARPANET was created solely for US government use. The Internet is freedom's best friend and the bane of control freaks. Its eradication is one of the short term goals of those that seek to centralize power and subjugate the world under a global surveillance panopticon prison.

atari 2600 06.09.2006 07:29 PM
This is from the notoriously paranoid prisonplanet site; unfortunately, they are sometimes dead-on with their info too. The link to "The Nation" magazine in the following article is indisputably true.

MySpace Is The Trojan Horse Of Internet Censorship
Media elite's last gasp effort to save crumbling empire
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison | March 16 2006
MySpace isn't cool, it isn't hip and it isn't trendy. It represents a cyber trojan horse and the media elite's last gasp effort to reclaim control of the Internet and sink it with a stranglehold of regulation, control and censorship.
Since Rupert Murdoch's $580 Million acquisition of MySpace in July 2005, it has come from total obscurity to now being the 8th most visited website in the world, receiving half as many page hits as Google, despite the fact that on first appearance it looks like a 5-year-old's picture scrap and scribble book.
MySpace is the new mobile phone. If you don't have a MySpace account then you belong to some kind of culturally shunned underclass.
What most of the trendy wendy's remain blissfully unaware of is the fact that MySpace is Rupert Murdoch's battle axe for shaping a future Internet environment whereby electronic dissent, whether it be against corporations or government, will not tolerated and freedom of e-speech will cease to exist.
MySpace has been caught shutting down blogs critical of itself and other Murdoch owned companies. They even had the audacity to censor links to completely different websites when clicking through for MySpace. When 600 MySpace users complained, MySpace deleted the blog forum that the complaints were posted on. Taking their inspiration from Communist China, MySpace regularly uses blanket censorship to block out words like 'God'.
Earlier this week Rupert Murdoch sounded the death knell for conventional forms of media in stating that the media elite were losing their monopoly to the rapid and free spread of new communication technologies. Murdoch stressed the need to regain control of these outlets in order to prevent the establishment media empire from crumbling.


MySpace is Rupert Murdoch's trojan horse for destroying free speech on the Internet. It is a foundational keystone of the first wave of the state's backlash to the damage that a free and open Internet has done to their organs of propaganda. By firstly making it cool, trendy and culturally elite for millions to flock to establishment controlled Internet backbones like MySpace, Murdoch is preparing the groundwork for the day when it will stop being voluntary and become mandatory to use government and corporate monopoly controlled Internet hubs.
The end game is a system similar to or worse than China, whereby no websites even mildly critical of the government will be authorized.
The Pentagon admitted that they would engage in psychological warfare and cyber attacks on 'enemy' Internet websites in an attempt to shut them down. The fact that the NSA surveillance program spied on 5,000 Americans tells us that the enemy is the alternative media and that it will be targeted for elimination. Google has been ordered to turn over information about its users by a judge to the US government.
The second wave of destroying freedom of speech online will simply attempt to price people out of using the conventional Internet and force people over to Internet 2, a state regulated hub where permission will need to be obtained directly from an FCC or government bureau to set up a website.
The original Internet will then be turned into a mass surveillance database and marketing tool. The Nation magazine reported, "Verizon, Comcast, Bell South and other communications giants are developing strategies that would track and store information on our every move in cyberspace in a vast data-collection and marketing system, the scope of which could rival the National Security Agency. According to white papers now being circulated in the cable, telephone and telecommunications industries, those with the deepest pockets--corporations, special-interest groups and major advertisers--would get preferred treatment. Content from these providers would have first priority on our computer and television screens, while information seen as undesirable, such as peer-to-peer communications, could be relegated to a slow lane or simply shut out."


The original Internet will deliberately be subject to crash upon crash until it becomes a useless carcass of overpriced trash and its reputation will be defiled by the TV and media barons cashing in on the perfectly streamlined Internet 2, the free for all network that just requires you to thumbscan in order to log on! Those with a security grading below yellow on their national ID card will unfortunately be refused access. Websites that carry hate speech (ones that talk about government corruption) will be censored for the betterment of society.
For the aspiring dictator, the Internet is a dangerous tool that has been seized by the enemy. We have come a long way since 1969, when the ARPANET was created solely for US government use. The Internet is freedom's best friend and the bane of control freaks. Its eradication is one of the short term goals of those that seek to centralize power and subjugate the world under a global surveillance panopticon prison.
Rupert Murdoch's MySpace and its ceaseless promotion by the establishment media as the best thing since sliced bread is part of this movement. In saying all this we do encourage everyone to set up a MySpace account, but only if you're going to use it to bash MySpace, Rupert Murdoch and copy and paste this article right at the top of the page! See how long it is before your account is terminated.

HaydenAsche 06.09.2006 09:53 PM

I just bought it. Only 35 dollars.

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