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batreleaser 03.06.2009 01:27 PM

top 10 stoke out albums...
10 records great for driving around and partying with your high school friends in summer time in your hometown. Driving from party to party, barbecue to bar, bar to the beach, beach to the show, show to the whatever. Just those grreat times with great friends.

1. Motorhead-Bomber
2. The Saints-Im Stranded
3. Black Flag-Nervous Breakdown
4. Wu Tang Clan-Enter the Wu tang: the 36 Chambers
5. Slayer-South of Heaven
6. The Rolling Stones-Exile
7. Husker Du-Land Speed Record
8. Public Enemy-Yo! Bum Rush the Show
9. the Stooges-S/T
10. Gun Club-Fire of Love

Phlegmscope 03.06.2009 02:35 PM

I don't have a car and I'm not in high school.

demonrail666 03.06.2009 02:41 PM

I can't drive, and never went to high school, but rest assured that if I could, and if i had, there'd be one tape virtually heat-sealed into my car stereo:


EDIT: you probably ought to know that I really am insanely drunk right now.

atsonicpark 03.06.2009 03:08 PM

we just put on the hospitals in 110 degree weather and just riiiiiide.

Sonic Youth 37 03.06.2009 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by batreleaser
4. Wu Tang Clan-Enter the Wu tang: the 36 Chambers


The Doors S/T
Is This It-the Strokes

uhler 03.06.2009 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by GravitySlips
descendents - milo goes to college
adolescents - s/t
7 seconds

stuff like that.

yeah stuff like that for me. it's starting to get warmer so southern california punk bands are going to get played a lot in my apartment.

black sabbath's "we sold our soul for rock n roll"

atsonicpark 03.06.2009 04:44 PM

1-10 would definitely be random drone and field recording albums

Death & the Maiden 03.06.2009 04:53 PM

I don't have any of those great times with friends, listening to music I love, because I don't have any friends who are really into music. But if I did, this is what I'd listen to:
The Saints - (I'm) Stranded/Eternally Yours
Boris - Pink
Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden
Radio Birdman - Essential
Haunted Henschel - The Worst of 1988-1992
The Clean - Anthology
Ed Kuepper - The Butterfly Net

the ikara cult 03.06.2009 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Phlegmscope
I don't have a car and I'm not in high school.

and i dont have any friends, this is clearly not the thread for me *leaves*

vulva 03.06.2009 05:35 PM

anything Bowie, really.

atsonicpark 03.06.2009 06:33 PM

Seriously though, great albums to put on with friends around here:

anything by Misfits
anything by Cerberus Shoal after they stopped being "post rock" type stuff
anything by the Smiths (who I'm not really a fan of but I know all the songs because of pals)
Sun City Girls - 330,000 Crossdressers...
Thinking Fellers Union Local # 282 "Admonishing the Bishops" ep
that one Goblin Cock song "Stumped"
Swervedriver - Raise
Leatherface - Mush
Mr. Bungle - Disco Volante
anything Secret Chiefs 3

are all albums/bands we all jam to.

People I associate with mainly like doom metal and stuff like Swans, Joy Division, etc. So, we get along. Fun times! I have one friend who listens to nothing but electronic music, and we get along great.

uhler 03.06.2009 07:33 PM

oh and any early slayer and "psychocandy". mika miko, vivian girls, the make-up, beat happening, french ye-ye, jawbreaker, bratmobile, the ramones, abba.

most, if not all, my friends are big music people, so if i had a car these days that's what would be played the most.

Dead-Air 03.07.2009 12:39 AM

I don't have any friends, but if I did...

1) Repo Man Soundtrack
2) Sun Ra - Atlantis (I have actually cruised around with the windows rolled down listening to that back when I did have a friend, sometime in the '80s)
3) Black Sabbath - Master of Reality
4) Pussy Galore - Dial M for Motherfucker
5) Suicide (first album)
6) James Brown's Greatest Hits
7) Rocket from the Tombs - Rocket Redux
8) David Bowie - Diamond Dogs (significantly better in the car than out)
9) Sonic Nurse (alternately Hold That Tiger)
10) Sepultura - Roots

sarramkrop 03.07.2009 06:37 AM

I don't have any albums.

PAULYBEE2656 03.07.2009 06:53 AM

any stereolab record
the fall- live at the witch trials
sparks- kimono my house
depeche mode- speak and spell
merzbow- merzbuddha
trumans water- godspeed the haemorrage
negativland- "points"
fuck buttons- street horrsing
the beatles- anthology 2
animal collective- feels like strawberry post pavillion tongs
mclusky- the difference between me and you....
sigue sigue sputnik- flaunt it
sonic youth- sonic death
boredoms- pop tatari

the best cd to put on is your own self-compiled compilation of crud and shit that no one could be bothered hearing apart from creates a sense of self worthyness tangable to your passenger,.... its puts you in control of the vehicle, the interior effects, the atmosphere and the do become a kind of a god...... its infectious and dangerous but its great..dont let it go to your head tho, you will end up sad and harmit with loads of cds and a car...whats the point in having a car with no where to go, whats the point in having 1000s of cds with no one to listen to them with! so in hindsight...TURN OFF YOUR CD PLAYER AND LETS TALK FOR A CHANGE...... actually...

i spy with my little eye something beginning with R



batreleaser 03.07.2009 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Phlegmscope
I don't have a car and I'm not in high school.

nor am i, but i still go home and a good chunk of my best friends are those that i went to high school with.

batreleaser 03.07.2009 11:53 AM

i also like music that i would normally listen to by mysel, but is stuff everyone can agree on when its actually on:

blue oyster cult (well, actually i listen to them all the time, but they are the exception)
thin lizzy
zz top
early van halen
first aerosmith record
ohio players
grand funk railroad
the guess who

Norma J 03.08.2009 04:26 AM

the Bronx are great to drive around to. These Arms Are Snakes albums. Minus the Bear. Elvis. Her Space Holiday. Noises Conspiracies new one...

Everyone prefer (I'm) Stranded by the Saints. but I prefer later albums like Little Bit of Madness etc. but this is a winter album, not a summer album nor driving music.

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