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khchris 06.15.2006 03:14 AM

Ann Coulter appreciation thread

Her new book is brilliant

Glice 06.15.2006 07:27 AM

I haven't read any. Is she any good? This font is a gay one.

alyasa 06.15.2006 07:45 AM


Danny Himself 06.15.2006 08:19 AM

Haha, Ann Coulter?

Every other word she says is 'liberal'. High-strung bitch.

Rob Instigator 06.15.2006 10:01 AM

I wanna crush her windpipe with my bootheel then let my neighbors mastiff fuck her in the ass and then shit on her face and then fart on her face and then.....

hateful horrible bitch. die die die my darling....

ricechex 06.15.2006 10:06 AM

the hate monger. the witch bitch. if any woman deserves a good ass whoopin'..

qprogeny79 06.15.2006 11:03 AM

hmm . . . presumably this is the troll (er, "comic genius") trying to get everyone riled up about her calling 9-11 widows "witches" who enjoy their spouses' deaths.

we're not gonna take it . . .

Savage Clone 06.15.2006 11:07 AM

I stopped paying attention to her a long time ago.

!@#$%! 06.15.2006 11:37 AM

ha ha khchris

whats your paypal address? since i can't give out any rep points im sending money.

Pax Americana 06.15.2006 11:44 AM

Anne Coulter and people like her are so pathetic. They have nothing intelligent to contribute to political discourse. Their whole deal is simply trying to say increasingly more insulting and inflammatory things so they can get on tv and sell more books. I really wish people would just stop paying attention to hate mongering skanks like her and Laura Ingraham.

That said, some of my favorite Anne Coulter pearls of wisdom include:

"We should invade their countries, kill all their leaders and convert them to Christianity" - referring to the middle east.

"The culmination of the liberal dream is a solar powered, baby killing machine"

^ I love that one!

!@#$%! 06.15.2006 12:00 PM

ha ha

i can't believe people are still responding seriously

you guys are a bunch of tards :D

(except for the comic genius that began this thread).

FruitLoop 06.15.2006 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ha ha

i can't believe people are still responding seriously

you guys are a bunch of tards :D

(except for the comic genius that began this thread).

Maybe this'll pave the way for an Al Franken appreciation thread b:D

nomadicfollower 06.15.2006 12:09 PM

I love the bitch.

acousticrock87 06.15.2006 12:41 PM

You all know she's just Michael Moore in a skinny-conservative-woman-suit, right? Liberalism wasn't working out for him. Among other things...

umjammer atomsk 06.15.2006 01:02 PM

This is just too funny.

ricechex 06.15.2006 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ha ha

i can't believe people are still responding seriously

you guys are a bunch of tards :D

(except for the comic genius that began this thread).

yeah, so's the media. unfortunately, she gets a pass by people like Lawrence O'Donnell from MSNBC who, like u, says something to the effect of "no one takes her serious, and that she doesn't mean the things she says"..bullshit, she should'nt be allowed to make money off that kind of hate. sure, if she wants to write books, go ahead, do whatever, free country. But SHAME on the major media for perpetuating it. and sure, there are examples of some extreme views in the media, but this woman says the wives of 9/11 victims are enjoying their husbands deaths..??? incredible.

if there is ever a time for being PC, this is it.

Glice 06.15.2006 01:18 PM

Methinks you misunderstand - !"£$% was referring to the fact that this thread was started as a parody of khchris - this is what !"£$% is referring to. The whys and wherefores of Coulter are lost on me, but I'm pretty certain that Coulter is not being defended by anyone here. It's a parody on khchris(original)'s posting style.

Rob Instigator 06.15.2006 01:24 PM


You know, the German Nationalist Socialist Party said the exact same thing...

Lethrneck4 06.15.2006 01:47 PM

hhahah, she rules for the mere fact she annoys you lefties

solar powered baby killing machine...haha, now thats funny!

and true:eek:

val-holla-ing 06.15.2006 01:52 PM

i had sex with her once. it was back in college when she was one of those hippy liberal college girls you see on tv making with other girls. just like any good liberal soon to be conservative, as soon as i reached climax, she called campus police and claimed that i had raped her. go figure.

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