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atsonicpark 04.09.2009 01:22 PM

sy gossip casualties list
people who haven't posted on here in a while or post infrequently:
cirian mackle [never returned from the old board!]
dj rick [infrequent, though he always has been]
disgruntled youth
mellysingsdoom [infrequently]
dnainthedna [infrequently]
westernquinoxrocks [?]
atari 2600
alien alien [infrequently]
porkmaraas (turned into saraamkrop)
pokkeherie [infrequently]
o'connor [infrequently]
sonicl (who did sonicl turn into anyway?)

Feel free to add some.

afterthefact 04.09.2009 01:23 PM

Disgruntled Youth

noisereductions 04.09.2009 01:26 PM

atari2600 played Galaga with me on the Racketboy forum a while ago!
o'connor is around sometimes. He PM'd me last week.

where's that dude. Um. The one with pink hair? dammit. Y'know he often says like "Oh I was at that concert when you guys were embryos?" What's his name? He hasn't been around much.

floatingslowly 04.09.2009 01:34 PM

everybody knows that westernquinoxrocks was really pookie.

those two names should only count as one imo.

afterthefact 04.09.2009 01:34 PM

There used to be this dude porkmarras here a long time ago. He must have died.

Rob Instigator 04.09.2009 01:35 PM

I miss em all.


Sonic Youth 37 04.09.2009 01:37 PM

blastscenealibi-also great posts
schizo-she said she wasn't posting anymore a few weeks ago
contre-but she wasn't really around much on this board much anyway

uhler 04.09.2009 01:41 PM

i used to post a lot more on here. i think the fact of me working a lot lately and still not really into the whole messageboard thing has been the main reason.

Derek 04.09.2009 01:43 PM

But your signatures are always so adorable!

davenotdead 04.09.2009 01:43 PM

what is wrong with these people?

did their internets dry up?

Derek 04.09.2009 01:45 PM

Don't worry guys, you have me.

I really am sorry.

davenotdead 04.09.2009 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by uhler
still not really into the whole messageboard thing

says the guy with how many posts?

PAULYBEE2656 04.09.2009 01:51 PM

as from now, add me to the list......

Derek 04.09.2009 02:02 PM

noooo pauly, who else is there to tell us of great irish indie rock?

PAULYBEE2656 04.09.2009 02:06 PM

.....nah, i was just doing the cantankerous popularity crisis thingy!!!

speaking of irishindieness... dublin duck dispensary

jon boy 04.09.2009 02:06 PM

this place was fun long ago but has since stopped being that and a place where sad motherfuckers come to vent and complain etc.

some of those who dont appear here anymore i really dont miss. i myself am pretty infrequently here. i have a life.

atsonicpark 04.09.2009 02:11 PM

adding some people to the list who you guys mentioned

This Is Not Here 04.09.2009 02:11 PM

What ever happened to....... Screamingskull? R.I.P.

uhler 04.09.2009 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by davenotdead
says the guy with how many posts?

yeah but check out how many posts a day i average. i probably averaged two posts a day since the beginning of march. today is the most i have posted in one day in a really long time.

sarramkrop 04.09.2009 04:22 PM

Why are you so insecure about not having a life and too few people who would want you for company?* You kind of reveal yourself to be a bit of a burden by pondering on that so much.

*General question.

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