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Inhuman 04.20.2009 09:22 AM

What to do with a homeless withdrawing coke addict in yr appartment?
Seriously, not fun at all. My roommate befriended a girl she met in art camp years ago. She happens to be homeless now and has a coke addiction, but wants to ditch the habit. She's been staying at our place and makes the madame and I quite uncomfortable solely because of we don't know what she's like. A night of returning home with everybody silent because her withdrawal symptoms caused her not to like sound. Last night was intense vomiting from the washroom and the all of our advil had been consumed.

Blah. I trust my roommate and this girl is nice, but really there's a limit to who comes into the apartment. I need to move.

greedrex 04.20.2009 09:25 AM

give her some coke, do here and kick her out. She'll thank you one day.
^not wise

floatingslowly 04.20.2009 09:38 AM

if she's serious, take her somewhere where she can receive professional health.

otherwise, get ready to search the local pawn stores for yr cd collection.

inb4: "this one art camp...."

greedrex 04.20.2009 09:39 AM

^^^actually on a more serious note, that's correct, WATCH YR STUFF.

Inhuman 04.20.2009 09:49 AM

Ha, funny that you mention it. My girlfriend's wallet disappeared two nights ago and we went apeshit about it being her. We searched the apartment clean over and over again + her stuff while she was passed out. Found nothing. We ended up finding it in an unusual place in our room in a drawer under some clothing. We've been locking the door lately

floatingslowly 04.20.2009 09:58 AM

I know that you are trying to do the right thing, however experience has taught me that it WILL bite you in the ass. coke is a serious addiction that goodwill alone won't fix.

ps: you can't lock everything up.

Rob Instigator 04.20.2009 10:53 AM

your roommate is trying to do the right thing. you need to tell him not to bring that shit into your home.

davenotdead 04.20.2009 11:07 AM

what they all said. if it really makes you uncomfortable, you have to tell yr room-mate

Rob Instigator 04.20.2009 11:18 AM

You sure it's not Amy Winehouse?



max 04.20.2009 11:25 AM

you write a song about it.
of course.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 04.20.2009 11:53 AM

kick that bitch out or find a new place to live

jon boy 04.20.2009 12:05 PM

the 'madame' you live with?

Toilet & Bowels 04.20.2009 12:06 PM


What to do with a homeless withdrawing coke addict in yr appartment?

is she good looking?

sarramkrop 04.20.2009 12:58 PM

Call an ambulance, and ship her to the nearest hospital. That' ll give you some time to change the locks.

demonrail666 04.20.2009 01:00 PM

Have unprotected anal sex with her, then kick her out.


Rob Instigator 04.20.2009 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by aloevera_biopillow2000
give her time to get clean
and that she sticks to that plan
be supportive
let her focus on that
and then slowly she will feel better

fuck that shit. desperate junkies/heads make "friends" with some of the lowest people, and in a pinch will be willing to give out your address and a list of your possessions for a "fix."
You don;t need that shit man.

Rob Instigator 04.20.2009 01:02 PM

protect yr own.

demonrail666 04.20.2009 01:04 PM

true. but unprotected is far sexier

sarramkrop 04.20.2009 01:06 PM

Sprinkle some coke on your cock while you're at it.

demonrail666 04.20.2009 01:09 PM

exactly. and don't be afraid to apply a little force during the love making. A little hair pulling, a polite spank. see how things go and then progress from there. Do you have any pets?

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