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jon boy 06.16.2006 11:53 AM

country life or city life?
which do you prefer?

i like the site of the country but i am much more at home in the city. i just need to feel that things are going on around me even if it is noisy and dirty. i find it inspiring.

LittlePuppetBoy 06.16.2006 11:53 AM

country life

porkmarras 06.16.2006 11:55 AM

The city.I come from a dump where nothing ever happened.Never liked it and never will.

Danny Himself 06.16.2006 11:56 AM

The city. Of course.

nomadicfollower 06.16.2006 12:01 PM

Country life. Less noise, filth, people. More inspiring in my eyes.

!@#$%! 06.16.2006 12:01 PM

ive had both & CITIES RULE. however i'm making a lot more money in the sticks. of course every time i save some dough i travel-- to a city of course. the country is boring as fuck but it can be good for work-- business competition is next to nil so you can make a killing. and then save up and... move to a city of course.. ha ha ha.

screamingskull 06.16.2006 12:21 PM

City life. definately.

fishmonkey 06.16.2006 12:36 PM

city for me too, love to go to a new city and totally get lost in it, love the buzz of a city, country life bores the fuck outa me

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 06.16.2006 12:43 PM

I love the city, but when I get old I'd like to live in a log cabin out in the woods.

luxinterior 06.16.2006 12:56 PM

I'll always be most comfortable in the suburbs, no matter how much I hate it sometimes.

I'd probably be more comfortable in the country as opposed to the city. But I'm still moving to the city, because it seems like something I should do. After college, who knows. When I'm a bit older I'll probably want to move back to my hometown. I'm already missing it and I'm not even gone yet.

!@#$%! 06.16.2006 12:59 PM

cities forever, baby.

i've been forced into a strategical retreat into the sticks. not for long. with dc going the way of so many gentrified dumps, i just need to find a place trashy enough to love again.

i hate suburbs by the way. they are neither here not there. i say raze them over & plant corn in their place.

m^a(t)h 06.16.2006 01:30 PM

country life sucks... nothing ever happens...

alyasa 06.16.2006 01:37 PM

City life, once you've slept on a sidewalk, passed out; you can never go back...

!@#$%! 06.16.2006 01:39 PM

what about goat love though?

now much of that in cities

and once you try lamb, you can never go back...

alyasa 06.16.2006 01:41 PM

Oh baby, lamb...

Trasher02 06.16.2006 01:42 PM

City life.
The smell of toxic-gasses and ugly prostitutes yey!

king_buzzo 06.16.2006 01:44 PM


qprogeny79 06.16.2006 03:28 PM

la ciudad.

whenever i see footage of some place like west virginia or kentucky or something i have to feel sorry for the people who live there . . . they look so, so . . . uneducated.

nothing like a little stereotype and bigotry to spice up yr life.

krastian 06.16.2006 03:39 PM

That's a tuff one. They are pretty much even to me. I've lived in both, but I think I kind of prefer the country. I want to have my own property where I can do whatever I want like have big parties with bon fires and hit golf balls with baseball bats. Plus I love the mountains, baby.

o o o 06.16.2006 04:54 PM

city life, definitely... my father comes from a very small village, and when i used to go there, it wasn't long before i felt some sort of anguish and wanted to go back fast to a city... i actually also feel uncomfortable in small or smallish cities...

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