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summer 04.29.2009 03:35 AM

Are the Sonic-Youth a Grateful Dead cover band?

Thurston says "The Dead are all right with me."

Later he says "Turn the light on your lonely love"

The Grateful Dead have a song called "Turn On Your Lovelight" so I think it's fair to assume that Sonic Youth's entire career is based upon covering that song in various mysterious ways.

Listen to "The Sprawl" only a stoner could do that. Listen to "Androgynous Mind", the spirit of Pigpen lives on.

static-harmony 04.29.2009 03:37 AM

No, they are not. You know how many fucking kids would trip out on the 'cid when the youf does the skronk man?

dionysusundone 04.29.2009 04:29 AM

I don't think the Dead wrote Turn On Yr Lovelight.

Toilet & Bowels 04.29.2009 08:13 AM

to the best of my knowledge sonic youth have never covered a single song of the grateful dead, let alone dedicate their entire career to performing their music.

deadrockstar 04.29.2009 09:23 AM

Earth covered a Grateful Dead song.

In fact, Earth's entire catalogue is a cover of "The Faster We Go, The Rounder We Get" from approx 1:12 to 1:17, only dragged out over sixteen albums. I think they're almost up to 1:14 and album 4 or 5.


Are you perhaps mixing Earth and Yoof up? I think you are. FACT!

thesilverrocket 04.29.2009 09:39 AM

It is well known that Lee was a DeadHead in the 1970s. And it is also noted that Kim traveled to see the Dead play at the Filmore in SF around the same time.

The Dead are alright by me, too. I have drawn many comparisons between the two bands; musically and the cult-like following both bands enjoy(ed).

tesla69 04.29.2009 10:50 AM

I'm not the biggest Dead fan but too many weakminded insiginificants get some kind of personal power over disparaging them and their fans for no reason other than its usually safe to stand behind the bully..

Eli Renfro 04.29.2009 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by summer

Yeah, and also Lee went back to his Deadhead roots on the new album and covered a Dead song. Don't believe me? Check out track 3 of this:

Can't wait for them to bust out Dark Star -> Death Valley '69 -> Dark Star for this summer's tour, that will really melt some faces. :D

hirsute_biped 04.29.2009 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Eli Renfro
Yeah, and also Lee went back to his Deadhead roots on the new album and covered a Dead song. Don't believe me? Check out track 3 of this:

Can't wait for them to bust out Dark Star -> Death Valley '69 -> Dark Star for this summer's tour, that will really melt some faces. :D

Do not underestimate the connections between Diamond Sea and Dark Star. 1: (abbreviation) = (abbreviation) : DS = DS
2: -->space-->drums
3: mysto-cosmic lonely drifting in sea/space lyric
4: -->feedback
5: two bassists<--- - - - --->two drummers
6: Lee's not-so-secret past/ "Dead are all right"/Thurston's tie-bleached tee shirts/Kim's groovey stage dancing/Steve's "Rolling Thunder" drum circle album w/ Native American shamen
7: {{{avant-improv quasi-jazz rock}}}



i've been thinking of downloading all available Dark Stars and all available Diamond Seas, and creating some megalithic monster mega-mix like Greyfolded to the nth degree that lasts for two weeks.

LIVE DEADth (cassette, SST, 1985)

LIVE YOUTH (2LP, Warner Bros. 1969)

p.s. rules, especially when cross-referenced with this:

from god's mouth: "on the new album, SY joined forces with the remaining members of the dead and led zeppelin and made a quadruple-disc rock-opera concept-album about space exploration."

thesilverrocket 04.29.2009 12:13 PM

Yeah, this is right along the same lines of what I've been saying. If you can put together a megalithic monster mega mashup mix of DS + DS, I will pay to download it. It's a brilliant idea!

dionysusundone 04.29.2009 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Eli Renfro
Yeah, and also Lee went back to his Deadhead roots on the new album and covered a Dead song. Don't believe me? Check out track 3 of this:

Can't wait for them to bust out Dark Star -> Death Valley '69 -> Dark Star for this summer's tour, that will really melt some faces. :D


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.09.2009 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by summer

Thurston says "The Dead are all right with me."

Later he says "Turn the light on your lonely love"

The Grateful Dead have a song called "Turn On Your Lovelight" so I think it's fair to assume that Sonic Youth's entire career is based upon covering that song in various mysterious ways.

Listen to "The Sprawl" only a stoner could do that. Listen to "Androgynous Mind", the spirit of Pigpen lives on.

agreed. I used to have a remarkable picture of Thurston jamming out sick with a deadskull shirt on.. but I lost in when that computer crashed years ago. Good ol' San Francisco and the Good Ol' Grateful Dead.

i think the sonic nurse tour was an especially potent sonic youth manifestation of the power of the live Grateful Dead. In fact, during that tour I was thinking of making a sign that said, "2850 Days Since the Last Diamond Sea" but I smoke a lot of pot, and half-baked ideas like that rarely see an incarnation.

Everyneurotic 06.09.2009 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by summer

Thurston says "The Dead are all right with me."

Later he says "Turn the light on your lonely love"

The Grateful Dead have a song called "Turn On Your Lovelight" so I think it's fair to assume that Sonic Youth's entire career is based upon covering that song in various mysterious ways.

Listen to "The Sprawl" only a stoner could do that. Listen to "Androgynous Mind", the spirit of Pigpen lives on.

sy board cheaper and safer than the local comedy club on amateur night, right?

too bad it's not as effective, you're not getting any funnier.

summer 06.09.2009 11:03 PM

Dude, I was utterly bored when I made my joke topics. "not getting any funnier"? That's cool with me cause I'm not trying to be.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.09.2009 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
sy board cheaper and safer than the local comedy club on amateur night, right?

too bad it's not as effective, you're not getting any funnier.

I was thinking just the opposite today, I said to myself, "You know, this summer character started out as a major troll, but he has developed some sophistication to his posts, and a little bit of substance" and so he is starting to grow on me..

Dead-Air 06.09.2009 11:31 PM

The Dead like Madonna, LL Cool J, and Yoko Ono are one of Sonic Youth's influences. No more, no less.

ZEROpumpkins 06.09.2009 11:39 PM

How could you possibly start a thread like this and expect people to take you seriously. Really.

ZEROpumpkins 06.09.2009 11:45 PM


Don't mind me guys, just Garcing it up.

summer 06.10.2009 12:24 AM

Are you saying.. that's Jerry Garcia? I don't know why but that surprises me.

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