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shocked and dismayed
BBC World Service just played interviews of people at a country-western bar in Oklahoma City, regarding those people's opinion on Obama's first 100 days.
one lady claimed that Obama is a robot placed into office by the New World Order, so as to make the USA look bad. "I mean, just look at homosexuality and all the same-sex marriages going on". another, claimed that "white people" are losing good jobs to "blacks" now (thanks to Obama). when asked if her opinion wasn't racist, she stated "I'm the one they're being racist against". stupid people are everywhere, but this really made OKC look like a haven for the feeble-minded. thank gawd, I'm still a Texxxan. |
Is zug zug in texas?
Everyone who's shown being interviewed on italian tv looks/is/seems to be dumb. yay! |
zug zug is a state of mind.
used in a sentence: atouk zug zug lana. I hope this helps. :) |
was the bar next to a shelter for mentally ill people?
i recall being in a bus in LA when the fires where happening and a woman telling me she didnt care if those people lost everything. turns out she was a landlady and also worked for an oil company. that was a fun bus ride i can tell you. |
why do racists feel the compulsive need to share? my grandfather, who sat on his front porch in watts with a shotgun, said just about the same thing (as yr bus-friend) during the riots in '92. I hated that man so much. I guess I should re-title my thread, because honestly, I'm not shocked. however, where I am able to see that the italian-idiots represented on TV do not necessarily reflect the views of most, I fear that I won't receive the same benefit of the doubt. I need a new driver's license. |
I would love to see a clip of that...
yes people like that are more likely to make the news than just everyday people who agree etc. its like if there is a protest or a rally of some kind the actions of a few violent or troublesome will be reported and tar the actions of many thousand peaceful others and the point of what was being protested in the first place will be lost somewhere in the mix. |
It's not any better here in Texas. I overheard some dude telling the check-out lady at the Dollar General that he doesn't have as much money in his pocket now thanks to Obama. You should read some of the status updates my facebook "friends" keep putting up about him, and how huge the "Texas should secede" facebook group is. Uggh.
Its mad how left wing conspiracy nuts fail to see the similarity between themselves and these more visceral right wing nutters.
Bin Laden was an American Agent anyone? The towers were brought down by a controlled demolition perhaps? I blame the Kennedy assasination myself, mainly because the theories behind that are more than plausible and it lends legitimacy to any old weirdo willing to shout about how much of a rebel against the system they are for thinking Jews blew up the twin towers or some such leap of faith. anyway, rant over. Heres Harry Pussy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsZgG...eature=related |
I beg to differ. Oklahoma was the ONLY state in the union to have all counties vote for McCain. maybe an ill reputation is deserved. Quote:
fucking right wing hippies. that shit will never happen. if some crack-pot governor ever tries, you can expect the army at yr doorstep within the hour. that said, I have a Hero of Texas in the family, and I'm not entirely sure where my allegiance would lie. Quote:
Spot on. |
Well, it may just be because I live in North Texas that it's so similar. We're only a hop, skip, and jump across the Red River away. |
it's really no different in dallas either.
however, don't lie and say you never make fun of oklahoma sucking simply due to the fact that you live in texas! you still have an edge, albeit a minor one. and to address the left wing nut comment: I totally agree and feel the need to state that I fall directly in the middle. the problem is, the visceral right wing nutters make my state (and those that border it) their base of operations. |
California is going to secede from Ya'll weirdos on the mid-west and east coast. Okie-land seems dumb to begin with.
Sure, tesla69 is always posting right-wing bullshit. Case in point of something that has been exposed as deliberately planned: the 'Arkansas Project' stuff - ask him about Hillary Clintons dirty deeds or about the death of Vince Foster. But what is plausible about the Kennedy assassination theories? Nothing. What is at fault is that the US is a very frightened society, always looking for something to blame and a villain trying to subsume it; and great political capital can be made out of manipulating this. If you look through history you'll see that this enemy plotting against America - Indigenous population, Black slaves, Catholic immigrants (the essay 'The Paranoid Style in American Politics' has a great excerpt from a newspaper editorial from the 1850s regarding this), Chinese immigrants (Jack London was writing that those innocent looking Chinese laundry's were but the first stage of an invasion and the Chinks posed such an insurmountable threat to America that only the mass extermination of main-land Chinas population with chemical weapons could possibly forestall take over), and right up to the present – is invariably the target of American aggression! So maybe that's psychological projection. This Conspiracy stuff will also keep distracted on a wild-goose chase people who are otherwise concerned about the state of society but are so bamboozled by media and miseducation they're seriously pursuing Satanic plots or the NWO or who killed JFK or who really did 9/11. To demonstrate and bring it back to your JFK thing: in 45 years of work what have the countless number of people devoting their time & effort to the JFK Assassination investigation done for Civil Rights? Women's Rights? Curtailing US aggression abroad? Making the US a more civilized society? The Environmental movement? The Solidarity movement? Anything at all? What has it done besides keep an awful lot of people distracted and made some money for the makers of countless books and documentaries? But in one sense you are right in that it clearly showed to the spin teams how people could be easily kept out of the political proces with utter nonsense. |
sprakajiinjoivimich last surviving
linguistic imprint tension mounting only music no satan / all satan no pools to swim in with a dozen and a half splashing badgers... and the next hint is about there is no hint pastel yourself so i don't remember anything but bleeding horizons |
thats good work kloriel
More like Oklahomo
really, could it have gone well past this point? |
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