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atsonicpark 05.15.2009 03:46 PM

geocities is closing
So... I mean, I know most of you don't have geocities accounts... but I do! I had to move everything over to angelfire. Not a big hassle really, but, still, a hassle. Figured I'd give a heads-up...

Jeremy 05.15.2009 03:47 PM

Damn.... That's a BIG site too. I wonder why it's closing?


atsonicpark 05.15.2009 03:53 PM

Yahoo's "careful consideration", according to the page....


Derek 05.15.2009 04:00 PM

That's lame. Geocities was the best of the free websites I thought!

Jeremy 05.15.2009 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Yahoo's "careful consideration", according to the page....


I figured that was the "real" reason.


atsonicpark 05.15.2009 04:09 PM

I had a Nintendo 64 page 11 years ago (bolded and italicized because I, myself, can't believe it was that long ago!), and it was on Geocities. First webpage I ever was on, obviously, and I learned html through it and all sorts of other things. It was great. It was called Planet 64. I eventually moved up in the world with a friend and we called the site N64 Surge. We ended up getting like 500,000 hits on a simplenet page... Ah, the good old days.

I know a bit about HTML now (though I never show it), and it's all thanks to Geocities! That was SO cool back in the day.. to make your own webpage... and Geocities, Angelfire, Xoom, and Tripod all made it possible. Look for those to go next (well, I don't know if Xoom's still around -- I doubt it. I know Tripod and Angelfire are).

pbradley 05.15.2009 04:10 PM

Ha, I remember my brother had a geocities site under TimesSquare.

atsonicpark 05.15.2009 04:11 PM

Yeah, mine was geocities slash hollywood slash 4967. I don't know why I still remember that. Eventually, they let you just put whatever name you wanted afterwards.

!@#$%! 05.15.2009 04:16 PM


is this 1996?

ha ha ha

Diesel 05.15.2009 06:14 PM

opish balh


floatingslowly 05.15.2009 07:33 PM

thank fucking gawd.

although it might have been a great place to hold photobooks online, it's a terrible place to link from.

Diesel 05.15.2009 07:37 PM

would'nt it be fun

ni'k 05.15.2009 07:46 PM

whats going to happen to it? will it be lost forever or be stored somewhere?

atsonicpark 05.15.2009 08:11 PM

probably gone forever.

atsonicpark 05.15.2009 08:11 PM

though you could visit the pages on I imagine. is one of my all time favorite websites...

phoenix 05.15.2009 08:43 PM

damn. I have a bunch of OLD stuff hosted on a geocities account.. not sure if I want to rescue any of it or not though.. I used to hotlink my imgs by changing the extensions from .jpg to .txt, which thanks to a lazy anti hotlink file, worked.

hummm. I used to have a crappy website in oldold geocities too, but there is no way I remember what / name/name/ it was.

Lamont Cranston 05.16.2009 03:19 AM

how will I consult King Crimson bootlegs?!

alteredcourse 05.16.2009 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark

I know a bit about HTML now (though I never show it), and it's all thanks to Geocities! That was SO cool back in the day.. to make your own webpage... and Geocities, Angelfire, Xoom, and Tripod all made it possible.

Yes ! This is nuts ! I handnt thought of it in a long time. As a younger teenage girl under influence I made a site dedicated to girl bass players such as white zombie's sean yseult, hole's kirsten pfaff, and smashing pumpkins' D'arcy wretszky, not to mention kim gordon.

Strange times, this, but inevitable.

pokkeherrie 05.16.2009 10:19 AM

Wow, first Napster, then Netscape Navigator and now Geocities as well.... what's next? Altavista?

I guess the 90's are really over now.

noisereductions 05.20.2009 10:14 AM

I really feel like geocities closing is sad.

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