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batreleaser 05.17.2009 07:56 AM

fuck music hall at williamsburg...
one of the bitchy bouncers angry about having to sit through noise all night saw me giv me my 19 year pld brother a beer. he kicked us out right away. we snuck back in with stamps, and he did again. we missed yeh/toral, bardo pond, and oh yeah, sonic youth, becasuse of it. even worse i dont even know if well be let back it for tonoghts gig.

batreleaser 05.17.2009 08:02 AM


Happy Birthday 05.17.2009 08:18 AM


pokkeherrie 05.17.2009 08:19 AM

Shouldn't that title read fuck New York drinking laws? (or American drinking laws in general)

I'm sorry to hear about your night, man... that fucking sucks... but I suppose that even if the bouncer was a bitchy asshole, he was only doing his job. I'm sure the venue can get heavily fined when allowing under 21-year olds to drink.

Hope you'll manage to get in tonight.

atsonicpark 05.17.2009 08:20 AM

Damn, I heard boy_howdy is at no fun!

batreleaser 05.17.2009 09:02 AM

yeah theyre pretty absurd here, it wasnt the guy was doing his job, it was how far out of his way to ruin our night he went. i was considering throwing him a kidney shot and running into the crowd, glad i didnt obviously.

Savage Clone 05.17.2009 10:08 AM

If you really like music, I don't know why you would risk it over a stupid beer. I mean yes, it sucks that you got kicked out and everything, but surely you know that the staff looks for such things. Clubs tend to take liquor law violations pretty seriously, and they're usually not nice about it. This can't be news.

batreleaser 05.17.2009 10:12 AM

i know, whatever, i got my brother a beer and got kicked out, not the end of the world. ive seen sonic youth before and i saw the two acts i was most looking forward to, yellow tears and mattin. as long as i get in tonight no harm no foul.

Savage Clone 05.17.2009 10:13 AM

If they keep you out tonight, that's excessive by any measure.

gmku 05.17.2009 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
If you really like music, I don't know why you would risk it over a stupid beer. I mean yes, it sucks that you got kicked out and everything, but surely you know that the staff looks for such things. Clubs tend to take liquor law violations pretty seriously, and they're usually not nice about it. This can't be news.


joe11121 05.17.2009 12:29 PM

Drinking age sucks in the US. I mean really 19 isnt that young, you should just be allowed to drink when you're that old anyway.

pantophobia 05.17.2009 12:36 PM

lower the drinking age might as well since they do it anyways, but raise the driving age, much easier to enforce and less people killing themselves driving and texting

joe11121 05.17.2009 12:39 PM

Drinking age here is 19, I think that is much more reasonable than 21

Derek 05.17.2009 12:59 PM

Drinking age is 18 here motherfuckerrrrrs. Though that doesn't stop the excessive 13 year old drinkers around here.

Savage Clone 05.17.2009 01:44 PM

If you can be drafted into the military against your will at 18, I'd say alcohol should be permissable at that age as well.

PAULYBEE2656 05.17.2009 02:47 PM

drinking in ireland is over 18.....for some fools it should be over 40

batreleaser....that is shit, i dont care about the drinking laws ok, you shouldnt have done it but the bouncer shouldnt have started picking on you. i mean you werent abusing everyone in sight, you were just there for the music.... that fucking sucks, i bet that fucker let in many scumbags willing to kick 7 shades of shit out of some defenseless girl out side the club if she says no to them..... fuckers.. they dont need your money fuck them

personally, if you are not let in tonite, a written letter of complaint to the owners, security company and the concert organizers would be written, it wouldnt do any good but man it would make me feel a whole lot better.....

Glice 05.17.2009 03:08 PM

"Dear sirs,

Your security guards acted well within the limits of the laws of this state; furthermore, they exacted punitive measures to ensure that I was not allowed to facilitate the breaking of aforementioned laws on a subsequent evening.

I am incensed.


B. Releaser"

Now, I'm no law-man etc.

sarramkrop 05.17.2009 03:11 PM

It's true that you shouldn't have done it because it's illegal to drink inside a venue at your age, and you were aware of this, but in my experience a good bouncer would have grabbed the booze off your hands and gave you a warning first, considering that you were there to see the bands. Oh well, at least you you might have learned a lesson.

blunderbuss 05.17.2009 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
If you can be drafted into the military against your will at 18, I'd say alcohol should be permissable at that age as well.

Only if it's against your will, though.

sarramkrop 05.17.2009 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by batreleaser
i know, whatever, i got my brother a beer and got kicked out, not the end of the world. ive seen sonic youth before and i saw the two acts i was most looking forward to, yellow tears and mattin. as long as i get in tonight no harm no foul.

How were Yellow Tears?

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