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NaiveMelody 05.18.2009 04:58 PM

How are 'chu?

Tell me what exciting things you guys have been up to.

I had orientation at the new job this morning and start training tomorrow morning. Went to a couple of concerts this past weekend plus the local Springsfest. Spent a lot of time with the bf and his family. Good times.

Oh. We also watched movies. Here are the short reviews.

Appaloosa: Eh. I almost fell asleep during it. Rene Zellweger doesn't look good at any point in this movie. Not that her appearance has anything to do with how good the movie was, just saying. The 4 other people I was watching it with couldn't stop commenting on it. It was pretty drawn out. Didn't really have that great of a plot and definitly didn't hook you into the story. May I also add, I really don't like westerns. Unless its The Magnificent Seven. (with Yul Brenner and Steve McQueen).

The Day the Earth Stood Still (the new one): I still have a hard time not picturing Keanu Reeves as anything but a surfer dude. And he didn't dissapoint my expectations in this movie. The rythym of his line delivery was awful. As far as special effects go, the "orbs" were well done, but the machine that protected Keanu was very obviously fake. Without giving too much of the movie away, this movie had a lot of good actors in it who weren't really on their game. Not horrible. Worth a watch maybe if it comes on tv. Not great either.

Yes Man: I thought this was a good movie. It has a very typical feel of the latter Jim Carrey films. It has a good sense of humor, nice emoitional backstory, zany mishaps and good actors. This is definitly worth checking out.

Blah, I'm tired of typing so, that one is cut short.

Sonic Youth 37 05.18.2009 05:03 PM


Kegmama 05.18.2009 05:10 PM

Jello is made of hydrolyzed collagen, which is a polite way of saying 'partially decomposed protein extracted from cow and pig hides, hooves, bones, and connective tissue'. The protein in these materials is broken down by treatment with an alkaline solution and then extracted with hot water.

There's my nasty fun fact for the day... And who/what's a 'chu?

NaiveMelody 05.18.2009 05:25 PM

'chu is you.

Or Chu, the bass player from NMAS.

davenotdead 05.18.2009 05:29 PM

why would you watch three terrible films in a row like that?

can't be good for you

NaiveMelody 05.18.2009 05:46 PM

My guy's Grandma picked out the movies mostly. Usually, Chris and I just go ourselves and bring back a pretty good selection of movies. This time she wanted to go with us and we also brought his 4 year old niece, who I was watching after most of the time. (Mostly trying to get her not to spin into movies and stay by us.) She picked out Appaloosa dn The Day the Earth Stood Still and Chris picked Yes Man.

Anyway, why did I watch them? I enjoy spending time with those people and we all enjoy eatching movies, so "family" movie night happens at least once a week.

EVOLghost 05.18.2009 06:12 PM

I saw Appaloosa in theatres....I liked it.

Kloriel 05.18.2009 06:13 PM

I finished my fucking story. Fuck you story, you are finished. I wrote you. Now die.

What's that? I wrote many pages by hand in notebook and now have to transcribe you into word and the rest of the novel? Go fuck yourself story. Go fuck yourself to an ice blasted Bermuda.

I'm good

EVOLghost 05.18.2009 06:17 PM

j00 wrote a book?

Kloriel 05.18.2009 06:18 PM

depends how publishers market is. more than likely it is just an extended short story or short novella or something.

NaiveMelody 05.18.2009 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Kloriel
I finished my fucking story. Fuck you story, you are finished. I wrote you. Now die.

What's that? I wrote many pages by hand in notebook and now have to transcribe you into word and the rest of the novel? Go fuck yourself story. Go fuck yourself to an ice blasted Bermuda.

I'm good

I want to read your story? What is it about?

I also like that your story talks back to you. Fantabulous/

joe11121 05.18.2009 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Jello is made of hydrolyzed collagen, which is a polite way of saying 'partially decomposed protein extracted from cow and pig hides, hooves, bones, and connective tissue'. The protein in these materials is broken down by treatment with an alkaline solution and then extracted with hot water.

There's my nasty fun fact for the day... And who/what's a 'chu?

I love Jello

davenotdead 05.18.2009 06:24 PM

oh yeah, just spoke with my uncle about going to beirut next summer.

should be the most baller shit ever.

and i'm looking at fotos of beirut on flickr now. hot damn




Kloriel 05.18.2009 06:27 PM

nice pics. any beaches?

davenotdead 05.18.2009 06:36 PM

yeah they've got beaches

Kloriel 05.18.2009 06:52 PM

that's good. a city needs beaches, i say.

NaiveMelody 05.18.2009 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Kloriel
that's good. a city needs beaches, i say.

I prefer the mountains.

Kloriel 05.18.2009 07:05 PM

Someone should put mountains on top of beaches or beaches on top of mountains

EVOLghost 05.18.2009 07:06 PM

Mountains on beaches sounds cool. I like that idea better.

NaiveMelody 05.18.2009 07:15 PM

the mountains would sink if they were on top of beaches. Now, there are lakes in mountain regions. That's a bit of a compromise.

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