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afterthefact 05.28.2009 03:50 PM

Kanye West... an idiot. God, I can't stand this guy. I know celebrities can tend to be narcissistic, but he just takes it to a whole new level. Not only is his new book the most worthless, prententious piece of crap, but he tries and slam other writers for being too self-absorbed! I think that if you write a book filled with nothing but pithy quotes like "Life is 5% what happens and 95% how you react!" then you are self-absorbed, and just an idiot to boot.

automatic bzooty 05.28.2009 03:54 PM

i like kanye because he's a self absorbed idiot. is that wrong?

floatingslowly 05.28.2009 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by afterthefact
his new book the most worthless, prententious piece of crap

not arguing that, but why would you expect otherwise?

did you actually buy this book or is yr rage the product of amazon news?

Better_Than_You 05.28.2009 03:59 PM

i liked kanyes debut album. everything since then has been pretty poopy.

including his performance on SNL.

OH MY GOD. did anyone else see that? it was painful to watch.

afterthefact 05.28.2009 04:01 PM

Ha, no, I didn't buy the book.

demonrail666 05.28.2009 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Better_Than_You
his performance on SNL.

OH MY GOD. did anyone else see that? it was painful to watch.

youtube seems to have have blocked all the videos of it. why? what happened?

sarramkrop 05.28.2009 04:06 PM


Better_Than_You 05.28.2009 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
youtube seems to have have blocked all the videos of it. why? what happened?

he was off key and couldnt sing the high note in the chorus in that new song of his thats SO SHITTY (with the voice box... love lockdown...?) so he'd turn his head away from the mic and there was this recording that he was SINGING WITH (if I remember correctly) that would finish it for him.

it was horrendous. how does SNL come up with this shit. first ashlee simpsons lip syncing thing that made such big news (AND WHY DID IT. EVERYONE HAD TO HAVE KNOWN ALREADY) and then kanyes shameless performance doing it.. and i didn't see one bad review.

it absolutely enrages me that someone could get away with that bad of a show.

afterthefact 05.28.2009 04:12 PM

SNL seems to block most of their stuff on youtube.

Autotune has gotten ridiculously out of control.

Derek 05.28.2009 04:13 PM

i heard kanye west is guest appearing on the new my dying bride album.

joe11121 05.28.2009 04:50 PM

Yeah.. Kanye is shit. I hate how much time he gets on the radia, one of the reasons I never touch radios anymore.

chrome noise tape 05.28.2009 05:34 PM

he about his "touch the sky" video:"i should have won the prize for my video, because it cost a million dollars, Pamela Anderson was in it and i was jumping across canyons. If I don't win, the awards show loses credibility".

but he lost the awards and the credibility...idiot!

ploesj 05.28.2009 05:48 PM

apparently, he lives in the sea as a gay fish now.

Alex's Trip 05.28.2009 06:56 PM

Y'all are haters. Kanye4life

(a line in an article that I am writing reads: "But really, there is only one indicator of success that matters: a mention on Kanye's blog")

cryptowonderdruginvogue 05.28.2009 10:35 PM


EVOLghost 05.28.2009 11:37 PM

He a gay fish yo

EVOLghost 05.28.2009 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by ploesj
apparently, he lives in the sea as a gay fish now.

dammit! I"m too late.

EVOLghost 05.28.2009 11:40 PM

So does he fancy himself a modern-day Confucius?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA probably does that douchebag.

floatingslowly 05.28.2009 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
that douchebag.

I don't know...

there was show on vh1 about him and unless it's all completely fabricated, it seems as if he worked damn hard to get where he is. perhaps he's earned the right to be narcissistic. gawd know's it doesn't take a platinum hit. just look at this's probably looking at itself right now.

although I wouldn't say he's really my type of hip hop, but he makes nice sounding tracks that are catchy. it's hip pop imo.

EVOLghost 05.28.2009 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I don't know...

there was show on vh1 about him and unless it's all completely fabricated, it seems as if he worked damn hard to get where he is. perhaps he's earned the right to be narcissistic. gawd know's it doesn't take a platinum hit. just look at this's probably looking at itself right now.

although I wouldn't say he's really my type of hip hop, but he makes nice sounding tracks that are catchy. it's hip pop imo.

Even if he did have to fuck a few guys to get where he is no one should be THAT! conceded. I mean isn't it enough you're getting paid millions to make music and live a life like that?

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