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MellySingsDoom 06.07.2009 05:43 PM

Britishfascist party wins seat in European election
I've just heard on the radio that the fascist British National Party have just won a seat in the European Parliament (for the Yorkshire & Humber region). It looks as if they may win another seat in the North West too.

As some of us people here have voted in the Euro elections, what do you think - something to be worried about, a relative storm in a teacup, or an utter irrelevance?

HaydenAsche 06.07.2009 05:48 PM

I say long live suffering and fascism.

Danny Himself 06.07.2009 05:51 PM

I forgot to vote. You can blame me if they win a seat in the North West.

MellySingsDoom 06.07.2009 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I say long live suffering and fascism.

Or as Boyd Rice would say, "Bring on the Total War and don't skimp on the martinis".

As for the BNP business, the very thought of Nick Griffin's putrid smug face gurning away in "triumph" makes me want to heave. Having said that, the person in question did get voted democratically, and with any luck, they'll be challenged head-on about their views and beliefs in a public environment, which is the way to take on the BNP and the other European fascist parties.

max 06.07.2009 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I say long live suffering and fascism.

that's not even remotely funny as you thought it out in your head, where this garbage should've stayed.

demonrail666 06.07.2009 06:06 PM

In real terms it's a bit of a storm in a tea-cup I suppose, but it'll be taken as a sign of support by the BNP and their supporters - which I suppose it is.

I won't lose sleep over it but at the same time it is depressing. Although I'm not that surprised to be honest.

max 06.07.2009 06:09 PM

yeah, I'm not surprised either. Berlusconi's scum won again, even with worldwide news exposing him as a pedophile mafiaman motherfucker. when the economy goes down, the right wing gains strenght.

and then someone will end upside down, hopefully.

demonrail666 06.07.2009 06:12 PM

it's ironic that the people most likely to be affected by a recession are most likely to vote for parties that most support the policies that cause them.

Danny Himself 06.07.2009 06:13 PM

This BNP result is just a sign of the disillusionment most people here have with the main three parties though isn't it? Nothing more. It's not going to get much worse. It's just that conservatives are all wankers, labour are all incompetent and the lib dems haven't been relevant since 1924. The BNP has presented itself as a visible 'fourth party' in this election where maybe the SWP or Green Party should have.. but meh, I'm not worried at all. This is a flash in the pan for racist scum.

Lamont Cranston 06.07.2009 07:32 PM

fascist in terms of economic and industrial and labour policies, or fascist in terms of jackboots and thugs and whatnot?

demonrail666 06.07.2009 08:51 PM

in the case of the bnp mostly the latter

max 06.08.2009 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
it's ironic that the people most likely to be affected by a recession are most likely to vote for parties that most support the policies that cause them.

100% true (sadly).

Lamont Cranston 06.08.2009 01:46 AM

yeah thats the marketing of campaigns

_slavo_ 06.08.2009 02:11 AM

The Hungarian ultra right-wing party called Jobbik won 2 seats in the European Parliament !!!

Now what's wrong with the world we live in?

Tokolosh 06.08.2009 02:59 AM

The Netherlands seems to be following the same right-wing trends that are sweeping across Europe.
The progressive views we once had are going for a ball of shit. People are retarded.

_slavo_ 06.08.2009 03:28 AM

There is one right-wing party in Slovakia too, that gained one seat in European Parliament, too.

It's called SNS (= Slovak National Party) and its leader, a drunkard twat called Jan Slota, is infamous for his drunken hatred ramblings against Hungary and its people. And this party is a part of our government coalition.

Fuck that shit, look at this man.


ZEROpumpkins 06.08.2009 04:09 AM

Why the fuck would people vote them? Really.

_slavo_ 06.08.2009 04:19 AM

Because, you know, in the times of recession, mutual hatred can be unifying for some sorts of people.

Keeping It Simple 06.08.2009 06:28 AM

Isn't it the venal, Marxist-Leninist left who is responsible for this sorry state of affairs?

demonrail666 06.08.2009 07:33 AM


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