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musefreek 06.16.2009 06:42 AM

my love for UNWOUND
holy shit.... i love them too much.

listening to terminus off Leaves Turn Inside right now. i think this is possibly the last ever song i want to listen to before i die.

ZEROpumpkins 06.16.2009 06:56 AM

Some dude on here was selling a lot of CD's and I bought Unwound's discography off him. Probably one of the best musical decisions I've made, I personally think that they are an incredibly underrated band. I never dug Leaves Turn Inside You, I prefer their punkish, 90's music.

noisereductions 06.16.2009 07:07 AM


I love Unwound. Always have. LEAVES TURN is amazing though.

(short version of long version that everyone on here has read already)

atsonicpark 06.16.2009 07:28 AM

Yeah, Leaves Turn is a masterpiece, definitely my favorite by them.

Other Unwound threads of possible interest:

Trasher02 06.16.2009 07:31 AM

Fantastic band, criminally underrated.

noisereductions 06.16.2009 07:31 AM

hahahaha, thanks Adam

atsonicpark 06.16.2009 07:32 AM

I like the "why did Unwound break up?" thread the most.

Very brisk read right there.

musefreek 06.16.2009 07:34 AM

i have repetition and new plastic ideas on wax. need to get the future of what next.

loubarret 06.16.2009 07:45 AM

new plastic ideas is a great album, never got any futher then that. Still have to do that.

washer 06.16.2009 08:01 AM

I've been listening to Unwound a lot, since they're a recent discovery for me. Current favorites are New Plastic Ideas, Repetition and Leaves Turn Inside You. This one left me in awe right on the first time, really.

StevOK 06.16.2009 02:38 PM

My current favorite is Repitition, but that could change.

greedrex 06.17.2009 03:04 AM

amazing band, very cohesive output. Powerful and weird.

summer 06.17.2009 03:26 AM

I haven't really listened to much of them outside of Leaves Turns, and even then I haven't in a long time. I love their song um.. Dragnalus I think it's called. They're like an edgier Fugazi kind of? I dunno, but I should try to get back into them.

pbradley 06.17.2009 03:36 AM

Highly listenable band. Generally I find myself becoming bored with even my favorite bands, Sonic Youth included here, after multiple listens but this doesn't happen with Unwound.

That said, they do have a fair share of mediocre songs and a handful of terrible tunes but that's to be expected.

greedrex 06.17.2009 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by summer
They're like an edgier Fugazi kind of? I dunno, but I should try to get back into them.

huh, they COULD stand side to side in a record collection, but still very different.

alteredcourse 06.17.2009 05:24 AM

I cant find any downloads for them at mininova, megadownload or thepiratebay :/

ZEROpumpkins 06.17.2009 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by musefreek
i have repetition and new plastic ideas on wax. need to get the future of what next.

my favourite

Trasher02 06.23.2009 06:14 PM

This thread got me back into Unwound all over again.
I fucking luv UNWOUND

Zombie Robot 06.23.2009 06:25 PM

hells yeah. unwounds great. LTIY is actually the only album i own tho. :o i have some stuff d/l-d but need to buy more. good read/interview here w/justin & sara:

Rob Instigator 06.23.2009 06:40 PM

whatiswrongwithyoupeopleunwoundrulesallunwoundrule sallbuttherosettastone issss


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