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atsonicpark 06.21.2009 07:36 PM

can't or won't not


Just finished filming today and am now piecing all the footage together sequentially. I dunno how long the whole thing is going to be.. I think probably 40 minutes or so. Anyway, I'm just going to upload 'em to youtube as I finish 'em. Here's part 1:

This film is a so-called "experimental film" about 4 mentally-challenged artists: Can't (played by Adam Cooley), whose claim to fame as a child was painting the Mona Lisa on a piece of bread. The bread, though moldy and disgusting at this point, is hanging at a local art gallery. He was supposed to be a genius at the arts, but but he never did anything with his life except marry Or (played by She Who Will Not Be Named), a former model/performance artist who accidentally got burned during one of her "performances". She got so damaged that they had to put a beautiful mannequin body over top of her real body. She now broods in a dungeon, not having sex with Can't because she got the AIDS virus from a skeleton (named Skelly) she cheated on Can't with. She is now spending her time injecting the AIDS virus into people when she's not in her dungeon. They are both friends with Won't (played by Robert Smith) and Not (played by Kelly Oliphant. They like to get diarhea painted on their faces and lick each other. Enjoy this synopsis, because it really doesn't explain what this film is about. You're on your own. More coming soon...

atsonicpark 06.21.2009 07:57 PM

here's some pics:





phoenix 06.21.2009 08:03 PM

adam you should get into production :P you seem to make things happen.

atsonicpark 06.21.2009 08:06 PM

Haha. Thanks... Yeah, I never sleep, I'm always working on music or art or movies or whatever. Keeps me from losing my mind...

floatingslowly 06.21.2009 08:37 PM

that bunny-thing haunts my nightmares.

I'm afraid to click.

atsonicpark 06.22.2009 10:50 PM

part 2:

atsonicpark 06.22.2009 10:58 PM

4 pictures from part 2 to get you "interested":




Derek, I used a uuuuu song for one part!!

Derek 06.23.2009 05:35 AM


I used a UUUUUU song at one point, with permission. Totally amazing musician and one day I'm going to make a movie with just his music, if he wants to do something like that.

nicfit 06.23.2009 06:25 AM

could you make these things (+ man of the graveyard man) available in avi/mpg formats? I hate to watch things on the pc and dling + watching on tv player would make me happier.

atsonicpark 06.23.2009 08:05 AM

Tell ya what, nic, when they're all done, I'll post all the parts up to mediafire so you can d/l em. They're all in avis. Man of the Graveyard Man was... uh... ripped to wmv... and I posted em all here:

A program like prism video converter will convert em to avi fast and for free, and the program is like 1mb. :)

More soon!

atsonicpark 06.23.2009 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by Derek

Would you like to do something like that... one day?

Shifty Prophet 06.23.2009 08:19 AM

Just watched part one. My immediate feeling was 'wow, what a huge piece of pretentious bullshit', but after watching more, it grew on me. I like the story line and the way it's shot, I'm just never a huge fan of effects, I always say less is more. Regardless, its a good idea and you made it happen so mazeltov to you sir.

atsonicpark 06.23.2009 08:26 AM

Oh, trust me, I'm not a huge effects guy either (aside from small, subtle things like brightness and saturation... which are usually built into the camera anyway), but the more obvious effects are really only in a few scenes.. trust me, the scenes would feel weird without the effects (especially since I'm using a webcam, a digital cam, my friend's camera, mspaint, and a few other things all together to make these...). But thanks for watching, the whole point is to start the thing off kind of weird and awkward and eventually settle into a somewhat composed story. I suggest watching part 2 when you get a chance mr. shifty, I think it makes my aesthetics more clear.......

More soon!!

Derek 06.23.2009 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Would you like to do something like that... one day?

Of course!

atsonicpark 06.23.2009 07:07 PM

part 3:

more uuuuuu music, at the end...

atsonicpark 06.23.2009 07:22 PM

images from part 3 to get you "excited":




floatingslowly 06.23.2009 07:35 PM

after watching part 1 in it's entirety, I feel that I have a greater understanding of AIDS and what it takes to inject it into somebody's brain.

yr going to be huge in japan.


Originally Posted by Derek

no. no. aaaaarrrrgggghhhh (in the back of the throat).

al shabbray 06.23.2009 07:46 PM

hahaha this made me need to watch it even more

Dr. Eugene Felikson 06.23.2009 07:51 PM

When do you think you'll have them all uploaded?

I don't want to watch it, until it's available in it's entirety.

atsonicpark 06.23.2009 09:01 PM

joesus christ, at this rate, it should all be up by friday. it'll be in 5 parts most likely.

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